Icuiti Video Eyeware M920 CF User Manual

Video Eyewear  
Important Safety Instructions  
Follow these safety instructions when using or handling your Icuiti  
Video Eyewear to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to  
persons and property.  
2. Use the product only for its intended use, as described in the manual.  
3. Close supervision is needed when this product is by or near children.  
4. Children under the age of seven (7) are still learning to focus and track with their  
eyes. Their vision is still immature. For these reasons, THIS PRODUCT SHOULD  
5. A very small portion of the population may experience epileptic seizures when  
viewing certain kinds of flashing lights or patterns that are commonly present in  
our daily environment. These people also experience seizures while watching  
some kinds of television pictures or playing certain video games including the use  
of display systems, such as this product. Consult a physician if you have any  
epileptic condition or if you experience any of the following symptoms while using  
this device: altered vision, muscle twitching, other involuntary movements, loss of  
awareness of your surroundings, mental confusion, and/or convulsions.  
6. Immersive video, whether viewed on a regular TV, in a movie theater or an Icuiti  
video display, can potentially have adverse effects on the user including motion  
sickness, perceptual after effects and disorientation, and decreased postural  
stability and eye strain. Take frequent breaks to lessen the potential of these  
effects, as is commonly suggested for other items, such as keyboards and  
computer monitors, that you may tend to fixate or concentrate on. If your eyes  
show signs of fatigue or dryness or if any of the above symptoms is noted,  
immediately discontinue use of this device and do not resume using it for at least  
30 minutes after the symptoms have subsided.  
7. Always be aware of the world around you. This product will immerse you in  
realistic sights and sounds, possibly causing you to forget about the real world  
around you and the threats to your well being and the well being of others that  
may be present. DO NOT use this product near stairs, balconies, or other things  
that can be tripped over, run into, knocked down or fallen over. This product  
should only be used while you are seated and never while using sharp or  
potentially dangerous objects, operating any form of mechanical device, or  
performing any act that normally requires you to see what you are doing.  
8. This product may be tethered to a power outlet and cables may extend between  
components. Be careful that the cords do not tangle around you or pose a  
potential threat to the safety of others.  
9. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord and place the power cord so that  
it will not be walked upon or possibly tripped over.  
10. Do not set any part of your Icuiti product on a heating register, over a radiator or  
on top of electrical components that may cause the Icuiti product to be exposed to  
excessive heat.  
11. Do not use while wet or while standing in water.  
12. Do not use this product near water (for example, near a shower, bathtub, sink or  
swimming pool).  
13. Never insert objects of any kind, other than those specifically approved for that  
use by Icuiti, into any connectors, ports, slits or other openings in the product.  
14. Unplug the product from any external power source before cleaning and do not  
use any aerosol or liquid cleaners.  
15. Do not disassemble this product. If service work is required, contact Icuiti using  
the Support contact information shown near the front of this manual.  
16. Do not overload any wall outlets, extension cords of other power supply source  
(such as a USB computer connection).  
17. Avoid using, while connected to an external power source, during an electrical  
storm. Use a surge protector to protect the product from possible damage.  
18. Do not pull or yank on the cable, kink the cable or tie it in a sharp or tight knot. Do  
not hang the product or allow it to be suspended by its cable. Cables damaged by  
such actions are not covered by the product’s limited warranty.  
19. Do not leave a static image displayed for a prolonged period of time. If a static  
image is displayed continuously for a long period of time, that image may stick on  
the display—a phenomenon known as “image stick”. This condition is not  
permanent, but may require a considerable amount of operational display time to  
dissipate, dependent upon the degree of image stick. 30 to 60 minutes of  
continuous motion display will eliminate most image stick effects.  
20. Do not drop, strike, or cause any portion of the product to be struck or shaken  
aggressively. Such actions may damage the product and void your warranty.  
21. Save these instructions.  
Unplug the product from all external power sources immediately if:  
The power cord or USB cord is damaged or frayed.  
Liquid has been sprayed, splashed or poured on the product.  
Any component of the product has been dropped or damaged.  
The product exhibits any distinct change in performance.  
Congratulations on purchasing your Icuiti M920-CF Video Eyewear!  
The Icuiti M920-CF is a commercial grade Monocular Video Eyewear system  
that enables you to view high quality images residing on a Pocket PC  
handheld (PDA). It connects to a PDA through a Compact Flash interface and  
provides a VGA quality display at 640 x 480 pixels.  
Package Contents  
Your Icuiti M920-CF Video Eyewear system contains the following:  
M920-CF Video Eyewear  
Software Disc  
Documentation Set:  
User’s Manual  
Warranty Registration Card  
Lens Cloth  
M920-CF Software  
Your M920-CF comes with complimentary software that enables you to  
control your M920-CF through your PDA in a variety of resolutions.  
Software Installation  
The software that is supplied with your M920 video system is integrated into  
one installation package. This installation will allow you to select only the  
software that is essential to your needs. Each package has its own  
installation and can be located on the Icuiti Installation CD.  
The following installation instructions are common to all of the software  
n If your M920-CF is already connected to your PDA, disconnect it before  
attempting to install the software.  
o Connect your PDA to a desktop or laptop PC equipped with ActiveSync.  
p Run the Setup program located on the installation CD, follow the  
instructions provided onscreen.  
Note: the setup program will run automatically or You can run the Setup program  
directly from the Icuiti Installation CD.  
q Connect your Icuiti Video Eyewear, by inserting its Compact Flash card  
into your PDA.  
Note: The Icuiti Video Eyewear supports hot plugging—it can be  
connected while your PDA is running.  
Your Icuiti software will be available through your PDA’s Programs List. It can  
be run with or without your Icuiti Video Eyewear connected.  
M920 Control Panel  
M920 Image Viewer  
M920 Control Panel  
The Icuiti Control Panel application  
enables the configuration of your Video  
Eyewear, allowing you to adjust for left or  
right eye viewing, brightness and Power  
control settings.  
The Icuiti Control Panel can be launched  
through the Programs screen or by  
pressing the Control Panel’s icon displayed  
in the lower right corner of your Pocket PC  
screen. This icon automatically appears,  
when the Video Eyewear is connected to  
the PDA.  
The Hardware panel identifies the model  
and version of Video Eyewear currently  
connected to your PDA.  
You can configure your Video Eyewear for left or right eye viewing by  
selecting the appropriate radio button.  
Power Control  
Your Video Eyewear draws its power from your PDA. In order to maximize the  
PDAs’ battery life, the Video Eyewear can be configured to automatically  
power down if no video display activity is detected for a specified period of  
This feature is activated by selecting the “Enable” checkbox in the Power  
Controls group. The idle duration required for it to be invoked is set by  
dragging the slider left or right. The number of minutes this represents is  
displayed to the right of the slider bar.  
Note: The Power Control is affected by Video Eyewear activity—not Pocket  
PC activity.  
A vertical slider is provided for adjusting the brightness of your Video  
Eyewear. A numeric value is displayed below the slider. 0 representing the  
minimum brightness level, 100 representing the maximum brightness level.  
Saving Changes  
Press the “Save” button to retain any configuration changes or “Cancel” to exit  
the Control Panel without saving changes. A “Reset” is also provided to  
quickly restore the default settings.  
M920 Image Viewer  
The Icuiti Image Viewer empowers you to  
view images in full VGA quality, in their  
original resolution, through your Video  
It supports the following image file formats:  
Jpeg: .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe  
Bitmap: .bmp  
Gif: .gif  
MonoChrome:..bxm, .2bp  
Convenient “Prev” and “Next” buttons allow  
you to cycle through multiple images in the  
currently selected folder and file format.  
Zoom in (+) and zoom out (-) buttons allow  
you to zoom in for greater clarity or zoom out for a more global perspective.  
You can view images of virtually any size, limited only by your Pocket PC’s  
memory. When viewing large images, greater than your available viewing  
area, you can pan a viewable area around your image. Tap the area of the  
graphic you would like displayed and the viewer will re-center at that location.  
A flashing rectangle on the Pocket PC screen indicates the current displayed  
image area as seen through the Video Eyewear.  
File Menu  
The File menu provides access to “Browse”,  
“Options”, “About” and “Exit” commands.  
Choosing the “Browse” command enables  
you to select and view files from the various  
folders on your Pocket PC. The next time  
you open the Image Viewer program, it will  
automatically display the last image that was  
displayed from the previous shutdown.  
The “Options” command enables you to  
control how images are displayed.  
Off: With this option selected, you must run  
the Image Viewer in order to view images on  
your Video Eyewear.  
M920 Viewer: With this option selected your Video Eyewear becomes the  
standard Pocket PC image viewer. Images can be viewed by clicking on them  
through the file explorer, email inbox or other directory viewing applications.  
Pocket PC Viewer: This option is similar to "M920 Viewer" except the Video  
Eyewear will utilize the Pocket PC image viewer, and to the best of its ability,  
display the entire image the standard image viewer is viewing.  
About” provides Image Viewer’s version information.  
“Exit” This command is an alternate method of exiting the viewer.  
M920 Video Player  
The M920 Video Player icon should appear as below when both the player  
and the M920 Drivers are installed correctly. Direct access to the player can  
be achieved by selecting the “M920 Video Player” icon.  
The M920 Video player allows the user to play pocket pc videos on  
the M920's Video display. The player supports the following formats:  
The videos must be compatible with the PocketPC version of these  
file types.  
Video Players’ "Main Panel"  
Files View Area  
The Video player has a refresh function that will search for all video files that  
are supported and exists on the PDA. The files that are found will appear in  
the list that is presented on the main panel. The file that is currently selected  
will be displayed just below the files view area.  
Track Controls  
1. ">/||" This is the play/pause button; performs as is stated.  
2. "<<" This button will rewind the track 2 seconds from the current position.  
3. ">>" This button will fast forward the track 2 seconds from the current  
4. "|<<" This button will stop the current track and select the previous track  
from the Files list.  
5. ">>|" This button will stop the current track and select the next track from  
the Files list.  
6. The Track Slider can be selected and dragged to any point in the currently  
selected track. As well, by tapping on the left of the slider position the track  
will rewind a number of seconds to accommodate the new sliders position.  
Tapping on the right will fast forward a number of seconds to accommodate  
the new slider position.  
Track Time  
The current time the track is positioned at is displayed to the right of  
the "Played:" field. This is in hours:minutes:seconds format. Below the time  
played field is the total time the current track will play if started from the start  
position, in hours:minutes:seconds format.  
Loop List Controls  
1. "(>)" This button controls the looping track function. When depressed, the  
Video player will loop on the track that is currently selected. This button  
causes the Loop List button to be ignored.  
2. "(>>)" This is the Loop list button and controls the looping of all files in the  
list, or the current tracks defined directory. See "Settings Control" for further  
Power saving mode  
"P" The Power Save button will place the PDA into a power down  
state such that only the essential power that is required to playback video to  
the M920 will be enabled. This will allow for a longer playback time when all  
options are setup and the user is only playing back video. The PDA’s Power  
Button will restore power to the PDA and return to the Video players Main  
control window.  
Video Players’ "File Menu"  
The File menu provides access to "Settings", "Refresh", "Browse" and "About"  
The About box will give the user feedback on the players version as well as  
information on the origins and the development of the Video Players  
processing capabilities.  
Choosing the "Browse" command enables you to select files from the various  
folders on your PDA. This will allow the user to select specific tracks from  
specific locations.  
The "Refresh" command enables the user to reacquire any video files that  
may be updated on the PDA via "Removable media", "Active Sync" or any  
other method employed to get video media onto the PDA. The newly found  
files will be displayed in the Files View area.  
The "Settings" command will bring up the settings panel which will allow the  
user to reconfigure the Video Player in other modes and configure options on  
a per video file basis. See the next section for further information.  
Video Players’ "Settings Control"  
The "Settings" control panel allows the user to setup the Video Player for the  
currently desired settings during playback of all video tracks.  
Control Setup  
"Loop Track"  
This option is the same as the "(>)" loop track button supplied on the main  
panel of the Video player screen. It takes precedence over the "Loop List"  
"Loop List"  
This option as well, is a mirror of the "((>))" loop list button supplied on the  
main panel of the Video player screen. The "Loop Track" button again  
overrides this button.  
"Directory Only"  
This option allows the user to setup the player to only loop on the tracks in the  
currently selected Directory. The Directory is defined by the current track that  
is playing. When the "Loop List" button is active and the "Loop Track" button  
is inactive, the Player will loop on only those tracks that exist in the same  
directory as the currently playing track. If this option is not selected then all  
tracks that are listed in the View Files area will be looped when the "Loop List"  
button is active.  
"Shuffle List"  
This option will randomly select the next track in the currently viewed files list.  
Only when the "Loop List" button is active.  
"Auto Play"  
This option, when enabled will place the Video player into automatic "Refresh"  
mode. At a defined rate the player will auto detect the presence of all  
removable media, when the media is removed and reinserted two functions  
will be performed?  
1. The Files viewed list will be refreshed.  
2. The first track found on the newly inserted media will start  
playing from the beginning of the track.  
This function allows the user to keep the PDA in power down mode while  
inserting new media to be viewed.  
Note: This option, when enabled will cause the player, upon reloading to  
startup the last track that was playing when the player was shut down.  
Video Mode  
The player will operate in one of two modes.  
640x480: This mode allows for viewing of high-resolution videos.  
320x240: This mode is a more compatible PDA mode that is  
designed for higher playback rates from your PDA device. Most video files  
designed for the PDA environment are played back in this mode. This is the  
default startup mode for the Video player.  
Skin vs Black  
When not checked the player will display a black background during track  
playback. When checked a standard Skin file will be painted onto the  
backdrop of the display screen while playing any videos from the Files list.  
This file can be overridden on a per track basis. Provided the currently  
selected track has a .jpg file of the same name:  
\SD Card\VideoFile.MPG  
\SD Card\VideoFile.JPG Å this file becomes the new skin file.  
NOTE: You must have the Skin vs Black checkbox selected prior to selecting  
the video track from the View Files list.  
File Settings  
This group box will display the currently selected tracks dimensions and  
attenuated sound settings. The slider represents a percentage decrease in  
volume from the master system volume that is applied to the current track.  
Not all video tracks will have the same level of volume designed into the track.  
This option allows the user to apply a change in volume between each track  
such that no one track will be greater in volume than the others. The setting  
is stored in a configuration file by the same name as the current tracks.  
\SD Card\VideoFile.MPG  
\SD Card\VideoFile.CFG Å Stored volume settings for this track.  
When all of the settings for this track and the player are setup the user selects  
ok to save these settings. When the player shuts down all settings will be  
Selecting this button will restore all settings to their previous state prior to  
entering the "Settings Control" panel.  
Nyditot Virtual Desktop  
This award winning utility is provided free of charge, as a bonus with your  
Icuiti Video Eyewear. It provides a virtual display, of arbitrary size and  
orientation that can be displayed on your Video Eyewear.  
Complete documentation on the Nyditot Virtual Desktop is installed on your  
PDA when its installation program is run. In addition, detailed information on  
this product and its features is available on the Nyditot website at  
To enable the Virtual Desktop software you must select the Video Eyewear  
option under the “External Display” tab, See the Nyditot documentation for the  
latest options.  
Note: No additional registration fee is required for your copy of Nyditot Virtual  
All technical support questions for the Nyditot Virtual Desktop product should  
be directed to Nyditot, not Icuiti Corporation. You can contact their technical  
support services by going to and then click on the  
“Support” button.  
Using Your Video Eyewear  
Your Video Eyewear is a monocular display product, meaning it has a single  
video display. This display can be positioned in front of either your right or left  
eye—whichever is your dominant eye.  
Determining your Dominant Eye  
It is relatively easy to  
determine which eye is  
your dominant eye.  
1. Place your hands  
together, leaving a  
small ½ to ¾ inch  
your thumbs.  
2. With  
open, look through the open triangle at a distant object.  
3. Close your left eye. If the object remains in view, you are right eye  
dominant. If your hands appear to move off the object and move to the  
left, then you are left eye dominant.  
When you wear your Video Eyewear, you will want to position the monocular  
display screen over your dominant eye.  
If the Video Eyewear display is placed over your other eye, the one that is not  
dominant, you will have to close your dominant eye to focus on the video  
display. When the video display is positioned over your dominant eye, you will  
discover that you can focus on the display with both eyes open, or view past  
the display with minimal visual interference. Your ability to focus on and past  
the display will also improve with a little practice.  
Wearing Your Video Eyewear  
Your Video Eyewear is highly adjustable. It can be worn by people without  
spectacles or over prescription glasses.  
The first step in adjusting your Video Eyewear is to  
position the monocular display on the side of your  
dominant eye. This is done by loosening the  
thumb screw in the center of the display arm,  
directly below the head bands, about 1/8th of a turn  
and flipping the display arm over 180º.  
Next, you’ll want to adjust the headband springs—  
the two steel strips that extend over your head  
when the Video Eyewear is worn. These  
headbands can be adjusted for length as well as spread apart for a  
comfortable and stable fit.  
Once you have the Video Eyewear comfortably  
positioned, you can loosen the black Display Arm  
adjustment screw and slide the display extension  
arm in or out to achieve a length that positions the  
monocular display in front of and close to your  
dominant eye. Additional adjustments can also be  
made by bending the flexible display extension  
arm. This will enable you to make vertical  
adjustments as well as small adjustments to  
reposition the display closer, further away from, or  
below your eye.  
Note: Positioning the display closer to your eye  
maximizes the perceived size of the display screen.  
Focus Adjustment  
A small wheel on the top of the display housing enables you  
to make small focal adjustments from approximately +2 to -6  
Caring for Your Video Eyewear  
Your Icuiti Video Eyewear is virtually carefree, requiring only occasional  
cleaning with a soft dry cloth. Do not use any liquids, or even your breath, to  
clean the Video Eyewear’s display panel cover or optical assembly. Use only  
approved optical lens cleaning pads, such as those designed for cleaning  
Take care when handling your Video Eyewear’s cable. Do not kink, fold, or  
tightly bend the cable connecting the Video Eyewear and Compact Flash card  
as it may damage the cable and void your warranty.  
Your Icuiti Video Eyewear is not designed for use in dusty or wet  
environments. Excessive dust or moisture, such as rain, may infiltrate the unit  
and diminish its display quality.  
When not in use, the Video Eyewear must NOT be exposed to temperatures  
outside of the range - 20°C to 40°C. When in use, the device must NOT be  
exposed to temperatures outside of the range 0°C to 40°C.  
Video Eyewear Usage  
We recommend that you take frequent breaks, every 30 minutes where  
practical, while using your Video Eyewear to prevent eye strain—as is also  
recommended when using a traditional computer monitor. The immersive  
nature of a Video Eyewear experience can produce intense concentration and  
reduced blinking, leading to dryness of the eyes and other symptoms of eye  
strain. Limit your maximum session time to that of a standard movie  
(approximately 2 hrs.) or less.  
power (approx, 850mW) drawn from the Compact Flash  
no batteries required  
Display Panel:  
Active Matrix LCD with white LED backlight  
Display resolution:  
640 x 480 true color  
optics provide 26° field of view  
image appears as if projected at a distance of 11 feet  

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