IBM Network Card 32H3816 User Manual

SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Book Cover  
COVER Book Cover  
IBM SSA RAID Adapter  
for PC Servers  
Installation and User's Guide  
Document Number S32H-3816-00  
Part Number 32H3816  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
COVER - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Edition Notice  
EDITION Edition Notice  
First Edition (September 1996)  
The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: THIS  
states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.  
This publication could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information  
herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication.  
It is possible that this publication may contain reference to, or information about, products (machines and programs), programming,  
or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that such  
products, programming, or services will be offered in your country. Any reference to a licensed program in this publication is not  
intended to state or imply that you can use only the licensed program indicated. You can use any functionally equivalent program  
_ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1996. All  
rights reserved.  
Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to  
restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Table of Contents  
CONTENTS Table of Contents  
Book Cover  
Edition Notice  
Table of Contents  
Safety Information  
About This Book  
How This Book Is Organized.  
Related Publications  
Chapter 1. Introducing the SSA RAID Adapter  
The Adapter Card  
Operating Systems  
Before Installing the Adapter  
Installation Requirements  
Chapter 2. Installing an SSA RAID Adapter  
Installing the Adapter Card  
Connecting the Disk Drives  
Configuring the Disk Drives  
Installing an Operating System  
Installing the Device Drivers and Utility Programs  
Selecting Your Boot Device  
Chapter 3. Configuring SSA Subsystems  
Running the Configuration Utility  
Accepting New Disk Drives  
Creating an Array  
Attaching Resources  
Chapter 4. Dealing with Disk-Array Problems  
Basic Problems  
Array Problems  
Changing Failed Disk Drives  
Chapter 5. Performing Other Disk-Array Tasks  
Defining a Hot Spare  
Viewing the Physical Configuration  
Viewing Resources and Their Attributes  
Changing Array Attributes  
Exchanging a Member of an Array  
Deleting an Array  
Chapter 6. Getting the Latest Information  
Appendix A. Multiple-Adapter Installations  
Appendix B. SSA RAID Adapter Service Request Numbers  
SSA Loop Configurations that Are Not Valid  
Appendix C. Introducing SSA and RAID  
Serial Storage Architecture (SSA)  
SSA Loops and Links  
Rules for SSA Loops  
RAID Functions  
Hot Spares  
Disk Array States  
Appendix D. Product Warranty and Notices  
Statement of Limited Warranty  
Production Status  
The IBM Warranty  
Warranty Service  
Extent of Warranty  
Limitation of Liability  
Communications Statements  
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement  
VCCI Statement  
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Statement  
Avis de conformité aux normes de l'Industrie Canada  
Industry Canada Compliance Statement  
United Kingdom Telecommunications Requirements  
EC Council Directive  
Radio Protection for Germany  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Safety Information  
FRONT_1 Safety Information  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Safety Information  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Safety Information  
A lithium battery can cause fire, explosion, or a severe burn. Do not recharge, disassemble, heat above 100°C (212°F), solder  
directly to the cell, incinerate, or expose cell to water. Keep away from children. Replace only with the part number specified for your  
system. Use of another battery might present a risk of fire or explosion.  
The battery connector is polarized; do not try to reverse the polarity.  
Dispose of the battery according to local regulations.  
A module on the SSA RAID Adapter card contains a lithium battery.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
About This Book  
PREFACE About This Book  
This book is intended for a network administrator-that is, the individual responsible for configuring, maintaining, managing, and  
troubleshooting a PC server. It includes information about installing and using the SSA RAID Adapter, discusses disk-array  
technology, and describes tasks associated with disk arrays.  
PREFACE.1 How This Book Is Organized.  
PREFACE.2 Related Publications  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
How This Book Is Organized.  
PREFACE.1 How This Book Is Organized.  
Chapter 1, "Introducing the SSA RAID Adapter" in topic 1.0 describes the adapter, what is provided with it, and the environments in  
which it works.  
Chapter 2, "Installing an SSA RAID Adapter" in topic 2.0 describes how to install the adapter and its associated software.  
Chapter 3, "Configuring SSA Subsystems" in topic 3.0 describes how to use the configuration utility function provided with the  
adapter to configure new disk arrays and add them to your system.  
Chapter 4, "Dealing with Disk-Array Problems" in topic 4.0 describes what to do if you have trouble with your SSA subsystem.  
Chapter 5, "Performing Other Disk-Array Tasks" in topic 5.0 describes other functions of the array utility programs supplied with the  
Chapter 6, "Getting the Latest Information" in topic 6.0 describes where you can get more information about the adapter and SSA  
Appendix A, "Multiple-Adapter Installations" in topic A.0 describes the special considerations for setting up subsystems that have  
more than one adapter.  
Appendix B, "SSA RAID Adapter Service Request Numbers" in topic B.0 provides more detail about the messages that the  
subsystem might give you.  
Appendix C, "Introducing SSA and RAID" in topic C.0 gives background information on SSA and RAID in general.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Related Publications  
PREFACE.2 Related Publications  
Other manuals that you might find useful are:  
SSA RAID Adapter: Maintenance Information  
, S32H-3817  
SSA RAID Adapter: Technical Reference  
, SA33-3269  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Chapter 1. Introducing the SSA RAID Adapter  
1.0 Chapter 1. Introducing the SSA RAID Adapter  
The IBM SSA RAID Adapter for PC Servers is a PCI bus-master adapter that serves as the interface between systems using the  
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) architecture and devices using the Serial Storage Architecture (SSA). The SSA RAID  
Adapter provides RAID functions.  
1.1 SSA  
1.2 The Adapter Card  
1.3 RAID  
1.4 Operating Systems  
1.5 Before Installing the Adapter  
1.6 Installation Requirements  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
1.1 SSA  
SSA is a high-performance serial-interconnect technology used to connect I/O devices and host adapters. SSA is an open  
standard, and SSA specifications have been approved by the SSA Industry Association and are in the process of being approved as  
an ANSI standard through the ANSI X3T10.1 subcommittee. SSA retains the SCSI-2 commands, queuing model, status, and sense  
In SSA subsystems, transmissions to several destinations are multiplexed; the effective bandwidth is further increased by spatial  
reuse of the individual links. Commands are forwarded automatically from device to device along a loop until the target device is  
reached. Multiple commands can be travelling around the loop simultaneously.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
The Adapter Card  
1.2 The Adapter Card  
The adapter provides 4 SSA ports for the attachment of storage devices such as hard disk drives. Each port operates at 20 MB/s  
full-duplex using point-to-point copper cables up to 25 meters long.  
On the adapter card, there is a light next to the pair of SSA connectors (port 1 and port 2) for each SSA loop.  
The light is on continuously when power is turned on to the adapter and both ports for that loop are operational; that is, the  
devices connected next to the adapter in the loop have power turned on to them, are connected correctly to the adapter, and are  
The light flashes continuously if one of the ports is not operational. That occurs when the cable to that port is not connected  
correctly or the device connected next to the adapter in the loop is not operational.  
The light is off if both ports are not operational  
On the front panel of the adapter and on one of its modules are labels on which is printed the 15-character SSA unique ID of the  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
1.3 RAID  
RAID (redundant array of independent disks) is the technology of grouping several hard disk drives into an  
that is defined as a  
single logical disk drive. This grouping technique greatly increases logical-disk capacity and data availability. In addition, if one disk  
fails, the system continues to run (except in the case of RAID-0), with no operator intervention required, at reduced performance.  
hot swapping  
The failed disk can be replaced without turning off the server (  
The SSA RAID Adapter provides RAID functions within the interface between your server and its disk drives. Disk drives connected  
to the adapter can be configured as individual drives, as members of a RAID-0, RAID-1, or RAID-5 array, or as hot spares for future  
use in an array. The members of an array can be disk drives only; that is, an array cannot be a member of another array.  
If you need some basic information about RAID technology, refer to Appendix C, "Introducing SSA and RAID" in topic C.0.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Operating Systems  
1.4 Operating Systems  
The SSA RAID Adapter, its firmware, and the software supplied with it provide attachments of SSA devices to the following operating  
OS/2 2.11 SMP, OS/2 WarpServer Version  
Novell NetWare 4.1, 4.1 SM  
Windows NT 3.51 Serve  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Before Installing the Adapter  
1.5 Before Installing the Adapter  
This book is intended for a network administrator-that is, the person responsible for configuring, maintaining, managing, and  
troubleshooting a PC server. The administrator should be familiar with RAID and hot-swapping technology.  
Attention: Do not open the static-protective bag containing the adapter until instructed to do so.  
This option package contains:  
SSA RAID Adapte  
Installation and User's Guide (this book  
Hardware Maintenance Manual Supplemen  
Diskette package containing  
OS/2 Device Driver and Utilities diskette  
Novell NetWare Device Driver and Utilities diskette  
Windows NT Device Driver and Utilities diskette  
PC-DOS Configurator and Utilities diskette.  
Contact the place of purchase if any parts are missing or damaged.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Installation Requirements  
1.6 Installation Requirements  
To install this option, you will need the following:  
The documentation that came with your serve  
A small flat-blade screwdriver  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Chapter 2. Installing an SSA RAID Adapter  
2.0 Chapter 2. Installing an SSA RAID Adapter  
To complete the installation, you must:  
1. Install the adapter card  
2. Connect the necessary SSA cables  
3. Revise the system configuration information  
4. Load an operating system, unless one is already loaded in the server  
5. Load the device drivers and utility programs.  
This chapter describes how to perform these tasks. How to configure disk arrays and attach them to your operating system is  
described in Chapter 3, "Configuring SSA Subsystems" in topic 3.0.  
2.1 Installing the Adapter Card  
2.2 Connecting the Disk Drives  
2.3 Configuring the Disk Drives  
2.4 Installing an Operating System  
2.5 Installing the Device Drivers and Utility Programs  
2.6 Selecting Your Boot Device  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Installing the Adapter Card  
2.1 Installing the Adapter Card  
Attention: Remove all power from your PC server and any attached devices before removing the cover.  
User's Handbook  
To install the adapter card, refer to the documentation that came with your PC server. The  
for your server  
describes how to install an adapter. Perform the steps described in that book, ensuring that you perform the actions relating to the  
static-protective package correctly. When choosing a slot for the SSA RAID Adapter, take note of the following restrictions and  
The SSA RAID Adapter card is a long PCI adapter card. On some models of PC Server, there is only one slot in which a long  
PCI adapter card can be installed without interference with the heat sink on the processor. In these models, if might be  
necessary to move previously installed adapter cards before installing the SSA RAID Adapter card.  
If you are installing one or two SSA RAID Adapter cards in a PC Server 720, to obtain the best performance, use the primary PCI  
bus (slots 6 and 7). If, because one or both of these slots is already occupied, you cannot use the primary bus for all the SSA  
RAID Adapter cards that you are installing, use the secondary PCI bus (slots 1 through 5) for all the SSA RAID Adapter cards.  
If you want to boot from an SSA disk drive and the system has a SCSI PCI adapter, you must install the SSA adapter in a PCI  
slot with a higher priority than the slot used by the SCSI adapter. In some servers, slots with lower numbers have higher priority,  
User's Handbook  
in other servers, higher numbers mean higher priority; the  
for your server describes which rule applies.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Connecting the Disk Drives  
2.2 Connecting the Disk Drives  
Each of the 2 pairs of SSA ports can attach up to 48 dual-port devices in a closed loop. Only one SSA adapter can be included in a  
"SSA Loops and Links" in topic C.1.1 provides a general description of SSA loops and some rules for cabling valid configurations.  
To connect the cables:  
1. Connect the cables from the devices to the appropriate pair of connectors on the adapter card.  
2. Turn the retaining screws on the SSA cable connectors fully clockwise to ensure that a good ground connection is made.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Configuring the Disk Drives  
2.3 Configuring the Disk Drives  
Turn power on to the server unit and to the devices. Your system automatically performs the PCI configuration tasks, which  
recognize the new adapter and devices during the boot process.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Installing an Operating System  
2.4 Installing an Operating System  
If an operating system is already loaded in your server, go to the next section, "Installing the Device Drivers and Utility Programs" in  
topic 2.5.  
If you are installing an operating system on your new SSA RAID subsystem:  
1. Boot DOS by:  
a. Inserting the PC-DOS Configurator and Utilities diskette provided with the adapter  
b. Turning power off and on again to the server.  
When the 'CBIOS is currently disabled' message is displayed, press the tab key; this enables the CBIOS.  
2. Run the configuration utility which is provided on the PC-DOS Configurator and Utilities diskette. (The details of this procedure  
are given in Chapter 3, "Configuring SSA Subsystems" in topic 3.0.) This defines the way that the adapter uses the disk drives  
that are attached to it.  
a. Systems cannot access SSA disk drives until you have used the configuration utility to attach the disk drives and arrays.  
b. Installing an operating system on a single disk drive or RAID-1 array can give better performance.  
3. Install the new operating system using the installation instructions provided with the operating system.  
Note: Some operating systems have restrictions on partition size.  
4. Install the device drivers and utility programs; how to do this is described in "Installing the Device Drivers and Utility Programs" in  
topic 2.5.  
5. The SSA subsystem is now ready for use with your system.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Installing the Device Drivers and Utility Programs  
2.5 Installing the Device Drivers and Utility Programs  
A README.TXT file on the SSA RAID Adapter diskette for your operating system provides detailed instructions on installing the  
device drivers.  
Unless you have just installed an operating system, you must configure your disk arrays before you can use them with your system.  
Chapter 3, "Configuring SSA Subsystems" in topic 3.0 describes how to do this.  
When you have configured your disk arrays, the SSA subsystem will be ready for use with your system.  
The format in which the Event/Error Logger reports errors is controlled by the file EVNCTRLF.TXT in the install directory (which, by  
default, is c:\issa). Details of the settings and how to change them are contained in the header of the control file.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Selecting Your Boot Device  
2.6 Selecting Your Boot Device  
To boot from an SSA disk drive: during the boot process, if the message CBIOS disabled appears, press the tab key. After this  
action, whenever you boot your server, it will boot from the primary SSA disk drive and the message CBIOS enabled will appear.  
To return to booting from the previous default device: if the message CBIOS enabled appears, press the tab key.  
If you have problems booting from an SSA disk drive, refer to "Basic Problems" in topic 4.1.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Chapter 3. Configuring SSA Subsystems  
3.0 Chapter 3. Configuring SSA Subsystems  
Before new SSA disk drives can be used by the operating system, you must configure them into the SSA subsystem. You use the  
configuration utility (which is provided on each of the diskettes supplied with the adapter) to do this. The actions that you must  
perform are:  
1. Accept the new disk drives into the subsystem  
2. Configure disk arrays, if required  
3. Attach the disk arrays or individual disk drives to your system.  
The following sections describe the details of these actions.  
3.1 Running the Configuration Utility  
3.2 Accepting New Disk Drives  
3.3 Creating an Array  
3.4 Attaching Resources  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Running the Configuration Utility  
3.1 Running the Configuration Utility  
To run the configuration utility, execute the following program:  
For Novell NetWare:load ISSACFG  
For Windows NT:ISSACFG  
or, if it is available, double click on the SSA Configurator icon.  
The Main Menu screen is displayed:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks  
Free Resources  
System Resources  
SSA Adapter List  
Event/Error Logger  
Service Aids  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
To choose an item from a configurator-utility menu, use the arrow keys to move the highlighting to that item and press the  
appropriate key, for example, press Enter to select that item,  
To move to the previous menu, press Esc.  
Help is available for every menu; press F1 to reach it.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Accepting New Disk Drives  
3.2 Accepting New Disk Drives  
To accept new disk drives into the SSA subsystem:  
1. From the SSA Main Menu, select New Disks.  
2. A window opens containing a list of all the disk drives not previously used in a PC server:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New D+------------------------------------------------+  
Free ¦  
List of New Disks  
SSA A¦SSA UID/Array Name  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <DELETE> Delete <F1> Help  
¦<F9> Flash On <F10> Flash Off  
In this list, for each disk drive that you want to configure into your SSA subsystem, highlight its name and press Delete. At the  
prompt, confirm the deletion. Its name disappears from the list; it is now in the  
You can return to the Main Menu by pressing Esc.  
You can display a list of all the disk drives that are in the free state by selecting Free Resources in the Main Menu.  
You can define disk drives that are in the free state as members of an array; "Creating an Array" in topic 3.3 describes how to do  
this. Alternatively, disk drives can be accessed individually; for such disk drives, go directly to "Attaching Resources" in topic 3.4 for  
instructions on attaching them to the system.  
Also, disk drives can be defined as hot spares. "Defining a Hot Spare" in topic 5.1 describes how to do this.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Creating an Array  
3.3 Creating an Array  
This section describes how to create an array from the free disk drives in the SSA subsystem.  
It is recommended that you define one or more hot spares (refer to "Defining a Hot Spare" in topic 5.1 for how to do this) before  
creating the first array on an adapter.  
To create an array:  
1. From the Main Menu screen, select SSA Adapter List.  
2. The SSA Adapter List window opens:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks  
Free Resources  
SSA ¦ SSA Adapter List  
Serv¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
Abou¦ Bus X Device N Slot T Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
(S) ¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
Select the adapter that is to control the array. The disk drives that you define as members of the array must be connected to this  
3. The Adapter Menu window opens:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAID-0 Arrays  
Free Resour¦ RAID-1 Arrays  
Syst+------¦ RAID-5 Arrays  
SSA ¦  
¦ Rejected Disks  
Even+------¦ Non-Volatile RAM  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot-spare Disks  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run Concurrent Diagnostics  
¦ Run Non-Concurrent Diagnostics  
+------¦ View Adapter VPD  
¦ Disk Service Aids  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Creating an Array  
Select the type of array to be created. You can scroll the contents of the window by using the arrow keys.  
4. A list of the arrays of this type already controlled by this adapter appears in a new window (this list may be blank):  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAID-0 Arrays  
Free Resour¦ RAID-1 A+-------------------------------+¦  
Syst+------¦ RAID-5 A¦ List of RAID-X Arrays ¦¦  
SSA ¦ ¦ Rejected+-------------------------------¦¦  
Even+------¦ Non-Vola¦Array name  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot-spar¦1. xxxxxxxx  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run Conc¦  
¦ Run Non-+-------------------------------+¦  
+------¦ View Adapter VPD  
¦ Disk Service Aids  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <INSERT> Insert <DELETE> Delete ¦  
¦<F1> Help <F9> FlashOn <F10> FlashOff <F8> Modify Attributes ¦  
Press Insert.  
5. A window opens showing the attributes for the type of array selected:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAI+---------------------------------------+  
Free Resour¦ RAI¦ Filter Attributes for RAID-X Arrays ¦  
Syst+------¦ RAI+---------------------------------------¦  
SSA ¦  
¦ Rej¦ SSA UID/Array Name : xxxxxxxx  
Even+------¦ Non¦ attribute1  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot¦ attribute2  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run¦  
: xx  
: yy  
¦ Run¦  
+------¦ Vie¦  
¦ Dis+---------------------------------------+  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
You must type in a unique array name (of up to 14 characters) for the new array. The default values for the attributes are  
shown. You can change these values by overtyping them. (The Help screen provides details of the values that are allowed.)  
Use the arrow keys to scroll the contents of the window, if necessary, to ensure that you check all the attributes. Press Enter to  
set each attribute in turn.  
6. When you set the last attribute, the list (initially blank) of members of the array appears in a new window:  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Creating an Array  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X +----------------------------+ (Q) ¦  
+-------¦ Members for RAID-X Arrays ¦-----¦  
New Disks ¦ RAI+--+----------------------------¦---+ ¦  
Free Resour¦ RAI¦ ¦  
Syst+------¦ RAI+--¦1. xxxxxxxx  
status ¦---¦¦¦  
SSA ¦  
¦ Rej¦ S¦  
¦ ¦  
Even+------¦ Non¦ a¦  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot¦ a¦  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run¦ ¦  
¦ Run¦ ¦  
+------¦ Vie¦ +----------------------------+  
¦ Dis+-----------------------------------+ ¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <INSERT> Insert <DELETE> Delete <F1> Help  
¦<F9> FlashOn <F10> FlashOff  
Select disk drives for the array from the list of candidates; to do this, for each disk drive:  
a. Press Insert  
b. A list of candidate disk drives is displayed:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X +----------------------------+ (Q) ¦  
+-------¦ Members for RAID-X Arrays ¦-----¦  
New Disks ¦ RAI+--+----------------------------¦---+ ¦  
Free Resour¦ RA+-----------------------------------+¦+¦  
Syst+------¦ RA¦  
Candidates for RAID-X Arrays  
SSA ¦ ¦ Re+-----------------------------------¦¦¦¦  
Even+------¦ No¦1. canUID111  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Ho¦2. canUID222  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Ru¦3. canUID333  
¦¦ ¦  
¦+ ¦  
¦ Ru¦4. canUID444  
+------¦ Vi¦5. canUID555  
¦ Di¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help <F9> FlashOn  
¦<F10> FlashOff  
c. Select the disk drive that is to be included in the array. (You can identify the disk drive by highlighting its Unique ID in this list  
and pressing F9. This causes the Check light on the disk drive to flash. Pressing F10 stops the light flashing.)  
The previous window reappears now showing the selected disk drive as a member of the array.  
7. When you have selected all the disk drives required, create the array by pressing Esc and following the prompt to confirm the  
creation of the array.  
The screen shown in step 4 reappears now showing the new array in the list. If the new array is a RAID-5 array, it is shown with  
status while the adapter initializes the array and its member disk drives.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Creating an Array  
You can return to the Main Menu by repeatedly pressing Esc.  
The array created is in the  
state. The next section describes how to attach the array to your system.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Attaching Resources  
3.4 Attaching Resources  
A resource is a disk drive that is to be accessed individually or an array of disk drives.  
Before attaching an array, ensure that it has finished the rebuilding process and that no problems occurred during this process.  
Any problems are shown in the attributes of the array; "Viewing Resources and Their Attributes" in topic 5.3 describes how to see  
this information.  
To attach a resource to your system:  
1. From the SSA Main Menu screen, select System Resources.  
A list, initially blank, of the resources attached to the system is displayed; the resources are listed in drive-address order. (Drive  
addresses are allocated by the configurator.) Only resources that are  
can be accessed by the operating system.  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks ¦ List of System Resources  
Free Resour+------------------------------------------------¦  
System Reso¦SSA UID/Array Name  
SSA Adapter¦1. xxxxxxxx  
Adapter Disk ¦  
14h ¦  
Service Aid¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <INSERT> Insert <DELETE> Delete ¦  
¦<F1> Help <F9> FlashOn <F10> FlashOff  
To attach a resource:  
a. For the first resource, just press Insert.  
To add a resource to an existing list, highlight the name of a resource already in the list (the new resource will be added  
immediately above this one) and press Insert.  
To add a resource to the end of the list, highlight the space below the current end of the list and press Insert.  
1) If you are going to boot from an SSA disk drive, that disk drive must be at the top of the list. For details of the requirements  
for booting from an SSA disk drive, refer to the README.TXT file on the Device Driver and Utilities diskette for your operating  
2) At the position in the list that you choose for the new resource, there must be a large enough gap in the sequence of drive  
addresses. If the gap is not large enough:  
For OS/2, the system creates a large enough gap by adjusting downward the drive addresses of resources below the  
For Novell NetWare, the system rejects your choice of that position.  
For Windows NT, the system gives a warning that you might destroy data by selecting that position.  
b. A list of candidate resources is displayed:  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Attaching Resources  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks ¦ List of System Resources  
Free Resour+------------------------------------------------¦  
System Reso¦SSA UID/Array Name Status Adapter Disk¦  
+------------------------------------------+ ¦  
Candidates for System Resources ¦ ¦  
+------------------------------------------¦ ¦  
SSA Adapter¦  
Service Aid¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help <F9> FlashOn  
¦<F10> FlashOff  
These are the resources that are in the free state.  
Select the resource that you want to attach. Its name disappears from this list.  
c. The System resources window reappears with the new resource added with the appropriate drive address assigned.  
2. If you are using OS/2, exit the configurator, shutdown your system, and reboot. This enables the operating system to recognize  
the revised list of attached resources and drive addresses.  
3. Use your operating system to assign logical partitions and drive identifiers to the new resources (for example, FDISK).  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Chapter 4. Dealing with Disk-Array Problems  
4.0 Chapter 4. Dealing with Disk-Array Problems  
This chapter:  
Provides general guidance on solving basic problems with your SSA subsyste  
Describes how to get detailed information about errors and other events on the adapter and the disk drives attached to i  
Describes the actions you must perform with the adapter utility programs while changing a disk drive  
4.1 Basic Problems  
4.2 Array Problems  
4.3 Changing Failed Disk Drives  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Basic Problems  
4.1 Basic Problems  
If the system cannot work with the adapter, check the following:  
Is CMOS setup required to enable PCI bus parameters  
Is the adapter installed in a bus-master PCI slot  
Are all the cables connected correctly  
Does the configuration follow the SSA rules for this adapter  
If the system cannot access the SSA disk drives, check the following:  
Is power turned on to the disk drives  
Has the configuration utility been run for all the required disk drives, and do they appear in the list of attached resources  
Are the disk drives connected in a loop, either from SSA loop A port 1 to SSA loop A port 2, or from SSA loop B port 1 to SSA  
loop B port 2?  
Is the light next to the adapter-loop ports on, showing that both ports are operational  
If the system fails to boot from an SSA disk drive, check the following:  
That there isnot an IDE disk drive installed  
That there isnot a SCSI adapter with BIOS enabled installed in a higher-priority PCI slot than the SSA adapter  
That the CBIOS enable  
That the SSA device drivers are loaded before the SCSI device driver  
That the address (drive letter) of the partition from which you are trying to boot has not changed. (Adding extra drives can cause  
the addresses of existing drives to be changed.)  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Array Problems  
4.2 Array Problems  
Many problems within an array are not seen by the users of the server. The RAID-1 and RAID-5 functions provide a continuing  
service to the users even when a member of an array has failed. However, unless the failure is corrected, a second failure within  
that array could cause the whole array to become unavailable. Therefore, it is very important that you check the error log for the  
adapter regularly. You could do this by making such a check part of the startup procedure for your operating system.  
If you are using OS/2, a pop-up window appears when an error is logged for the adapter or the disk drives attached to it. Also, the  
pop-up window appears every hour while an error likely to affect the operation of the array remains on the log. The pop-up window  
recommends that you check the entries in the error log.  
To check the error log:  
1. Start the configuration utility by executing the following program:  
For Novell NetWare: load ISSACFG  
For Windows NT: ISSACFG  
or, if it is available, double click on the SSA Configurator icon.  
2. From the Main Menu, select Event/Error Logger and then Analyze SSA Event Log.  
The current list of errors appears in a new window:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Di¦ Error Log Report  
Free R+----------------------------------------¦  
System¦1. hh;mm;ss dd-mm-yy  
serialnum SRNNN¦  
SSA Ad¦2. hh;mm;ss dd-mm-yy  
serialnu2 SRNN2¦  
About ¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <DELETE> Delete <F1> Help  
The SRNs (service request numbers) describe the errors.  
Some SRNs describe errors with the adapter card or with the SSA configuration. These SRNs are listed inAppendix B, "SSA  
RAID Adapter Service Request Numbers" in topic B.0 with a description of what you should do to solve the problem.  
Some SRNs describe errors with the SSA disk drives or the units in which they are installed. For a complete description of  
Installation and User's Guide  
Maintenance Information  
for that unit.  
these, see the  
or the  
If one of the following SRNs appears, you can correct the problem by exchanging a disk drive for a new one:  
Any SRN whose first character is '1'  
The following section describes what you need to do with the array configuration utility while changing a disk drive.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Changing Failed Disk Drives  
4.3 Changing Failed Disk Drives  
If you have one of the SRNs in the list above, you can change the disk drive using the following procedure:  
1. From the Main Menu, select SSA Adapter List, select the adapter, and then select Disk Service Aids.  
A list of physical disk drives is displayed:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main Me+------------------------------+  
Disk Service Aids  
New Disks  
Free Resourc¦  
System Resou¦Port A1  
SSA Adapter ¦  
Event/Error ¦  
Good ¦  
Good ¦  
Good ¦  
Good ¦  
Service Aids¦  
¦Port A2  
¦Port B1  
No Disks  
¦Port B2  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help <F2> Format  
¦<F3> Certify <F4> ServiceMode <F5> Diagnostics <F9> FlashOn ¦  
¦<F10> FlashOff  
In this example, four disk drives are connected between ports A1 and A2 of the adapter, in a loop, in the order shown. There are  
no disks connected to ports B1 and B2.  
If a dotted line appears in the list of disk drives, it indicates that the SSA loop is broken at that place.  
2. You can identify a disk drive by highlighting its entry in this list and pressing F9. This causes the Check light on the disk drive to  
flash (if it is not on already) and a > symbol appears beside the entry in the list. Pressing F10 stops the light flashing.  
3. Highlight the entry for the disk drive that you are going to replace and press F4.  
This puts that disk drive into service mode; the Check light on the disk drive comes on (it might be on already) and a + symbol  
appears beside the entry in the list. Only one disk can be in service mode at a time.  
User's Handbook  
4. Replace the physical disk drive. The  
for the unit containing the disk drive describes how to do this.  
5. Highlight the entry for the disk drive that you are have just replaced and press F4.  
This removes that disk drive from service mode.  
6. Press Esc to return to the Main Menu. (Leaving the Service Aids window automatically removes any disk drive from service  
7. If the disk drive that failed was a member of an array for which no hot spare was available, the entry for the failed disk drive in the  
list of members of the array is replaced with  
Not Present  
You must add the new disk drive to the array by exchanging this entry  
with that for the new disk drive, using the procedure described in  
"Exchanging a Member of an Array" in topic 5.5.  
If the disk drive that failed was a member of an array for which a hot spare was available, the hot spare will have been exchanged  
automatically with the faulty disk drive. You can either:  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Changing Failed Disk Drives  
Define the new disk drive as a new hot spare, using the procedure described in "Defining a Hot Spare" in topic 5.1, or  
Exchange the new disk drive with the previous hot spare, using the procedure described in "Exchanging a Member of an  
Array" in topic 5.5.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Chapter 5. Performing Other Disk-Array Tasks  
5.0 Chapter 5. Performing Other Disk-Array Tasks  
This section describes some of the other uses of the SSA Configuration Utility. Other service-related tasks are described in the  
SSA RAID Adapter: Hardware Maintenance Manual Supplement  
All these tasks use the SSA Configurator Utility provided on the SSA RAID Adapter diskette for your operating system. To start this  
utility, execute the following program:  
For Novell NetWare:load ISSACFG  
For Windows NT:ISSACFG  
or, if it is available, double click on the SSA Configurator icon.  
5.1 Defining a Hot Spare  
5.2 Viewing the Physical Configuration  
5.3 Viewing Resources and Their Attributes  
5.4 Changing Array Attributes  
5.5 Exchanging a Member of an Array  
5.6 Deleting an Array  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Defining a Hot Spare  
5.1 Defining a Hot Spare  
To define a disk drive as a hot spare:  
1. From the Main Menu screen, select SSA Adapter List.  
2. The SSA Adapter List window opens:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks  
Free Resources  
SSA ¦ SSA Adapter List  
Serv¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
Abou¦ Bus X Device N Slot T Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
(S) ¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
Select the adapter to which the disk drive that is to be the hot spare is attached. The hot spare can only be used by arrays  
defined on that adapter.  
3. The Adapter Menu window opens:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAID-0 Arrays  
Free Resour¦ RAID-1 Arrays  
Syst+------¦ RAID-5 Arrays  
SSA ¦  
¦ Rejected Disks  
Even+------¦ Non-Volatile RAM  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot-spare Disks  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run Concurrent Diagnostics  
¦ Run Non-Concurrent Diagnostics  
+------¦ View Adapter VPD  
¦ Disk Service Aids  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
Select Hot-spare disks.  
4. A list of the hot spare disk drives that are controlled by the adapter is displayed.  
Note: The list might not contain any hot spares.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Defining a Hot Spare  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAID-0 Arrays  
Free Resour¦ RA+-----------------------------------+ ¦  
Syst+------¦ RA¦ List of Hot-spare Disks ¦ ¦  
SSA ¦ ¦ Re+-----------------------------------¦ ¦  
Even+------¦ No¦1. hsdUID111  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Ho¦2. hsdUID222  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Ru¦3. hsdUID333  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ Ru¦  
+------¦ Vi¦  
¦ Di¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <INSERT> Insert <DELETE> Delete <F1> Help  
¦<F9> FlashOn <F10> FlashOff  
Press Insert to add a new hot spare disk drive.  
5. A list of candidate disk drives is displayed:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAID-0  
Free Resour¦ RA+-----------------------------------+ ¦  
Syst+------¦ RA¦ Candidates for Hot-spare Disks ¦ ¦  
¦ Re+-----------------------------------¦ ¦  
SSA ¦  
Even+------¦ No¦1. canUID111  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Ho¦2. canUID222  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Ru¦3. canUID333  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ ¦  
¦ Ru¦4. canUID444  
+------¦ Vi¦5. canUID555  
¦ Di¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help <F9> FlashOn  
¦<F10> FlashOff  
6. Highlight the entry for the disk drive that is to be the hot spare. (You can identify the disk drive by putting the cursor on its Unique  
ID in this list and pressing F9. This causes a light on the disk drive to flash. Pressing F10 stops the light flashing.) Press Enter  
to define this disk drive as a hot spare.  
The previous window is displayed with the new hot-spare added to the list.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Viewing the Physical Configuration  
5.2 Viewing the Physical Configuration  
From the SSA Main Menu, select SSA Adapter List and then Disk Service Aids. A window opens showing the physical  
arrangement of the SSA disk drives attached to the adapter selected:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main Me+------------------------------+  
Disk Service Aids  
New Disks  
Free Resourc¦  
System Resou¦Port A1  
SSA Adapter ¦  
Event/Error ¦  
Good ¦  
Good ¦  
Good ¦  
Good ¦  
Service Aids¦  
¦Port A2  
¦Port B1  
No Disks  
¦Port B2  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help <F2> Format  
¦<F3> Certify <F4> ServiceMode <F5> Diagnostics <F9> FlashOn ¦  
¦<F10> FlashOff  
In this example, four disk drives are connected between ports A1 and A2 of the adapter, in a loop, in the order shown. There are no  
disks connected to ports B1 and B2.  
If a dashed line appears in the list of disk drives, it means that the SSA loop is broken at that point.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Viewing Resources and Their Attributes  
5.3 Viewing Resources and Their Attributes  
From the SSA Main Menu, select System Resources and then the resource you want to view.  
If you select an array, a window opens showing the attributes of the array:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks +----¦ View RAID-V Arrays ¦---+  
Free Resou¦  
System Res+----¦ attrxxx  
: aaa  
: b  
: vvvvvvv ¦  
SSA Adapte¦  
Service Ai¦  
¦ attrxvf  
¦ attrccc  
¦ attttttff : q  
¦ View Members  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
To see all the attributes of the array, use the arrow keys to scroll the window. If you select the last item in the list, View Members, a  
window opens containing a list of the members of the array:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks +----¦ View RAID-X Arrays ¦---+  
Free Resou¦ +-----------------------¦  
System Res+----¦ att+--------------------------+  
SSA Adapte¦  
Service Ai¦  
¦ att¦ Members of RAID-X Arrays ¦  
¦ att+--------------------------¦  
¦ att¦  
status ¦  
status ¦  
status ¦  
¦ Vie¦1. UIDxxxxg  
¦2. UIDyyyyg  
¦3. UIDggggg  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
¦<F9> FlashOn <F10> FlashOff <F7> Exchange Members  
If you select a member in this window, a new window opens showing the  
attributes of that member:  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Viewing Resources and Their Attributes  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New+----------------------------+-X ¦---+  
Fre¦ View Physical Disk ¦------¦  
SSA¦ attr1aaaa  
Eve¦ attr2bbbb  
: gg  
: f  
¦D-X Arrays ¦  
status ¦  
status ¦  
status ¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <Enter> Select <F1> Help <F9> Flash On  
¦<F10> FlashOff  
If, from the System Resources window, you select a disk drive that is not a member of an array, the View Physical Disk window  
appears immediately.  
To see all the attributes of the disk drive, use the arrow keys to scroll the window.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Changing Array Attributes  
5.4 Changing Array Attributes  
To change one or more of the attributes of an existing array:  
1. From the SSA Main Menu, select SSA Adapter List  
2. The SSA Adapter List window opens:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks  
Free Resources  
SSA ¦ SSA Adapter List  
Serv¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
Abou¦ Bus X Device N Slot T Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
(S) ¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
Select the adapter that controls the array.  
3. The adapter-menu window opens:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAID-0 Arrays  
Free Resour¦ RAID-1 Arrays  
Syst+------¦ RAID-5 Arrays  
SSA ¦  
¦ Rejected Disks  
Even+------¦ Non-Volatile RAM  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot-spare Disks  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run Concurrent Diagnostics  
¦ Run Non-Concurrent Diagnostics  
+------¦ View Adapter VPD  
¦ Disk Service Aids  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
Select the type of array whose attributes you want to change. You can scroll the contents of the window by using the arrow keys.  
4. A list of the arrays of this type controlled by the adapter appears in a new window:  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Changing Array Attributes  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAID-0 Arrays  
Free Resour¦ RAID-1 A+-------------------------------+¦  
Syst+------¦ RAID-5 A¦ List of RAID-X Arrays ¦¦  
SSA ¦ ¦ Rejected+-------------------------------¦¦  
Even+------¦ Non-Vola¦Array name  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot-spar¦1. xxxxxxxx  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run Conc¦2. yyyyyyyy  
¦ Run Non-+-------------------------------+¦  
+------¦ View Adapter VPD  
¦ Disk Service Aids  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <INSERT> Insert <DELETE> Delete ¦  
¦<F1> Help <F9> FlashOn <F10> FlashOff <F8> Modify Attributes ¦  
Highlight the array whose attributes you want to change, and press F8.  
5. A window opens showing the attributes for the array selected:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAI+---------------------------------------+  
Free Resour¦ RAI¦ Filter Attributes for RAID-X Arrays ¦  
Syst+------¦ RAI+---------------------------------------¦  
SSA ¦  
¦ Rej¦ SSA UID/Array Name : xxxxxxxx  
Even+------¦ Non¦ attribute1  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot¦ attribute2  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run¦  
: xx  
: yy  
¦ Run¦  
+------¦ Vie¦  
¦ Dis+---------------------------------------+  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
You can change the values of the attributes by overtyping them. (The Help screen provides details of the values that are  
allowed.) Use the arrow keys to scroll the contents of the window, if necessary, to ensure that you check all the attributes. Press  
Enter to set each attribute in turn.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Exchanging a Member of an Array  
5.5 Exchanging a Member of an Array  
To exchange a member of an array with another disk drive:  
1. From the SSA Main Menu, select System Resources and then the array in which you want to exchange a member. A window  
will open showing the attributes of the array:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks +----¦ View RAID-V Arrays ¦---+  
Free Resou¦  
System Res+----¦ attrxxx  
: aaa  
: b  
: vvvvvvv ¦  
SSA Adapte¦  
Service Ai¦  
¦ attrxvf  
¦ attrccc  
¦ attttttff : q  
¦ View Members  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
2. Use the arrow keys to scroll to the last item in the list, View Members, and press Enter. A window opens showing a list of the  
members of the array:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks +----¦ View RAID-X Arrays ¦---+  
Free Resou¦ +-----------------------¦  
System Res+----¦ att+--------------------------+  
SSA Adapte¦  
Service Ai¦  
¦ att¦ Members of RAID-X Arrays ¦  
¦ att+--------------------------¦  
¦ att¦  
status ¦  
status ¦  
status ¦  
¦ Vie¦1. UIDxxxxg  
¦2. UIDyyyyg  
¦3. UIDggggg  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
¦<F9> FlashOn <F10> FlashOff <F7> Exchange Members  
3. Select the member that you want to exchange and press F7. A window opens showing the disk drives that are candidates for  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Exchanging a Member of an Array  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ ¦CONFIG SSA Configurator and Service Aids Vyymmdd XX Version¦  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
New Disks +----¦ View RAID-X Arrays ¦---+  
Free Resou¦ +-----------------------------------+  
System Res+-¦ Candidates for RAID-X Arrays  
SSA Adapte¦ +-----------------------------------¦  
Event/Erro¦ ¦ 1.  
Service Ai¦ ¦ 2.  
Blank Reserved  
¦ ¦ 3.  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help <F9> FlashOn  
¦<F10> FlashOff  
4. Select from this list the disk drive that you want to become the new member of the array. The window closes. The previous  
window now shows the new member, with the added status 'rebuilding' while the adapter rebuilds the data onto the disk drive from  
the rest of the array.  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks +----¦ View RAID-X Arrays ¦---+  
Free Resou¦ +-----------------------¦  
System Res+----¦ att+-----------------------------------+  
SSA Adapte¦  
Service Ai¦  
¦ att¦  
Members of RAID-X Arrays  
¦ att+-----------------------------------¦  
¦ att¦  
¦ Vie¦1. UIDxxxxg  
Online (rebuilding)¦  
¦2. UIDyyyyg  
¦3. UIDggggg  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
¦<F9> FlashOn <F10> FlashOff <F7> Exchange Members  
The old member returns to the free state.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Deleting an Array  
5.6 Deleting an Array  
Before deleting an array, delete any operating-system-partition definitions that affect the array.  
There are two steps to be performed if you want to delete the definition of an array from the system:  
1. From the Main Menu, select System Resources. A window opens showing the list of all resources currently defined to the  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks ¦ List of System Resources  
Free Resour+------------------------------------------------¦  
System Reso¦SSA UID/Array Name  
SSA Adapter¦1. xxxxxxxxx  
Event/Error¦2. UID4xxxxx  
Service Aid¦3. FUDI00xxx  
Adapter Disk ¦  
14h ¦  
16h ¦  
17h ¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <INSERT> Insert <DELETE> Delete ¦  
¦<F1> Help <F9> FlashOn <F10> FlashOff  
Highlight the entry for the array that you want to delete, make a note of its adapter number and array name, press Delete, and  
confirm the deletion at the prompt.  
2. From the SSA Main Menu, select SSA Adapter List. The SSA Adapter List window opens:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
Main Menu  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
New Disks  
Free Resources  
SSA ¦ SSA Adapter List  
Serv¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
Abou¦ Bus X Device N Slot T Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
(S) ¦  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
Select the adapter that controls the array that you want to delete (you noted the details of this adapter in step 1). The  
adapter-menu window opens:  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Deleting an Array  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAID-0 Arrays  
Free Resour¦ RAID-1 Arrays  
Syst+------¦ RAID-5 Arrays  
SSA ¦  
¦ Rejected Disks  
Even+------¦ Non-Volatile RAM  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot-spare Disks  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run Concurrent Diagnostics  
¦ Run Non-Concurrent Diagnostics  
+------¦ View Adapter VPD  
¦ Disk Service Aids  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help  
Select the type of the array that you want to delete. You can scroll the contents of the window by using the arrow keys. A list of  
the arrays of this type controlled by this adapter appears in a new window:  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  
SSA Configurator and Service Aids  
XX Version¦  
Main M+------------------------------------------+  
+--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter  
(Q) ¦  
New Disks ¦ RAID-0 Arrays  
Free Resour¦ RAID-1 A+-------------------------------+¦  
Syst+------¦ RAID-5 A¦ List of RAID-X Arrays ¦¦  
SSA ¦ ¦ Rejected+-------------------------------¦¦  
Even+------¦ Non-Vola¦Array name  
Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot-spar¦1. xxxxxxxx  
Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run Conc¦2. FF00xxxx  
¦ Run Non-+-------------------------------+¦  
+------¦ View Adapter VPD  
¦ Disk Service Aids  
¦<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <INSERT> Insert <DELETE> Delete ¦  
¦<F1> Help <F9> FlashOn <F10> FlashOff <F8> Modify Attributes ¦  
Put the cursor against the array to be deleted, press Delete, and confirm the deletion at the prompt.  
These steps delete the array and returns its member disk drives to the free state.  
For OS/2, after deleting an array, shutdown and reboot your operating system.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Chapter 6. Getting the Latest Information  
6.0 Chapter 6. Getting the Latest Information  
For the latest device drivers, firmware, and utility programs, call the IBM PC Company Bulletin Board System at:  
¦ In the U.S.  
¦ In Canada ¦ -  
¦ In Markham: 905-316-4255  
¦ In Montreal: 514-938-3022  
¦ In Toronto: 416-492-1823  
¦ In Vancouver: 604-664-6466  
¦ 1-919-517-0001  
SSA RAID Adapter: Maintenance Information  
For detailed maintenance information on the adapter and its subsystem, refer to the  
manual, S32H-3817.  
SSA RAID Adapter: Technical Reference  
For detailed information on the operation of the adapter, refer to the  
manual, SA33-3268.  
For more information on IBM products or services, browse the IBM home page on the World Wide Web, its URL is:  
or, for information (such as Service & Support or new BIOS flashes)  
specifically about PC Servers, refer to:  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Appendix A. Multiple-Adapter Installations  
A.0 Appendix A. Multiple-Adapter Installations  
The following limitations apply to servers with multiple SSA RAID Adapters:  
Up to two SSA RAID Adapters can be installed in a member of the PC Server 720 family of servers. Only 1 SSA RAID Adapter  
can be installed in other PC servers.  
If two SSA RAID Adapters are installed, they must both be on the primary PCI bus (slots 6 and 7), if possible, or both on the  
secondary bus (slots 1 through 5).  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Appendix B. SSA RAID Adapter Service Request Numbers  
B.0 Appendix B. SSA RAID Adapter Service Request Numbers  
"Array Problems" in topic 4.2 describes how errors are reported and logged for the adapter and the disk drives attached to it.  
These reports and logs contain service request numbers (SRNs) which lead to detailed descriptions of the problems.  
The following table lists the SRNs that apply to the adapter card, with descriptions of each problem and what you should do to solve  
SSA RAID Adapter: Hardware Maintenance Manual Supplement  
the problem. The  
provides more details of these SRNs; this  
information is primarily for service representatives.  
Other SRNs refer to the disk drives that are attached to the adapter and to the unit in which those disk drives are installed. For  
Installation and User's Guide Hardware Maintenance Manual Supplement  
for that unit.  
details of those SRNs, refer to the  
or the  
SRN ¦ Description ¦ Action  
¦ 20PAA ¦ An open SSA link has been  
¦ detected.  
¦ Call for service  
¦ 21PAA ¦ An SSA 'Threshold exceeded'  
to ¦ link error has been detected. ¦  
¦ 29PAA ¦  
¦ Call for service  
¦ 2A002 ¦ Async code 02 has been  
¦ Call for service  
¦ received. Probably, a  
¦ software error has occurred. ¦  
¦ 2A003 ¦ Async code 03 has been  
¦ Call for service  
¦ received. Probably, a  
¦ software error has occurred. ¦  
¦ 2A004 ¦ Async code 04 has been  
¦ Call for service  
¦ received. Probably, a  
¦ software error has occurred. ¦  
¦ 2FFFF ¦ An async code that is not  
¦ valid has been received.  
¦ Call for service  
¦ 40000 ¦ The SSA adapter card has ¦ Exchange the adapter for a  
¦ failed. ¦ new one or call for service. ¦  
¦ 40004 ¦ A 4 MB DRAM module in adapter ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ card slot 0 has failed.  
¦ 40008 ¦ An 8 MB DRAM module in ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ adapter card slot 0 has  
¦ failed.  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ 40016 ¦ A 16 MB DRAM module in ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ adapter card slot 0 has  
¦ failed.  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ 40032 ¦ A 32 MB DRAM module in ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ adapter card slot 0 has  
¦ failed.  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ 40064 ¦ A 6 MB DRAM module in adapter ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ card slot 0 has failed.  
¦ 40128 ¦ A 128 MB DRAM module in ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ adapter card slot 0 has  
¦ failed.  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ 41004 ¦ A 4 MB DRAM module in adapter ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ card slot 1 has failed.  
¦ 41008 ¦ An 8 MB DRAM module in ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ adapter card slot 1 has  
¦ failed.  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ 41016 ¦ A 16 MB DRAM module in ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ adapter card slot 1 has  
¦ failed.  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ 41032 ¦ A 32 MB DRAM module in ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ adapter card slot 1 has ¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Appendix B. SSA RAID Adapter Service Request Numbers  
¦ failed.  
¦ 41064 ¦ A 64 MB DRAM module in ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ adapter card slot 1 has  
¦ failed.  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ 41128 ¦ A 128 MB DRAM module in ¦ Call for service or exchange ¦  
¦ adapter card slot 1 has  
¦ failed.  
¦ the DRAM for a new one.  
¦ 42000 ¦ The SSA adapter has detected ¦ Call for service or:  
¦ that both DRAM modules are  
¦ failing.  
¦ 1. Check whether both DRAM ¦  
modules are correctly  
installed on the adapter ¦  
card. Make any  
necessary corrections.  
¦ 2. If this problem has  
occurred immediately  
after an upgrade to the ¦  
adapter card, check  
whether the correct type ¦  
of DRAM modules have  
been installed. Make  
any necessary  
¦ 3. If the problem remains, ¦  
exchange the adapter  
card for a new one. Do ¦  
not exchange any DRAM  
modules yet.  
¦ 4. Install the DRAM modules ¦  
from the original  
adapter card onto the  
new adapter card, then  
install the new adapter ¦  
¦ 5. If the problem remains, ¦  
exchange the DRAM  
modules for new modules. ¦  
¦ 6. Install the new DRAM  
modules onto the  
original adapter card.  
Reinstall the original  
adapter card.  
¦ 42500 ¦ The SSA adapter has detected ¦ Call for service  
¦ a failure in the write cache. ¦  
¦ 43PAA ¦ An SSA device is preventing  
¦ Call for service  
¦ the completion of the loop  
¦ configuration.  
¦ 45PAA ¦ The SSA adapter has detected ¦ Call for service  
¦ an open SSA loop.  
¦ 46000 ¦ A RAID array is the Offline  
¦ Call for service  
¦ state because more than one  
¦ disk drive is not available. ¦  
¦ At least one member disk  
¦ drive of the array is  
¦ present, but more than one  
¦ member disk drive is missing. ¦  
¦ 47000 ¦ An attempt has been made to  
¦ Call for service  
¦ store in the SSA adapter the ¦  
¦ details of more than 32 RAID ¦  
¦ arrays.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Appendix B. SSA RAID Adapter Service Request Numbers  
¦ 47500 ¦ Part of the RAID array data  
¦ might have been lost.  
¦ Call for service  
¦ 48000 ¦ The SSA adapter has detected ¦ Go to "SSA Loop  
¦ a loop configuration that is ¦ Configurations that Are Not ¦  
¦ not valid.  
¦ Valid" in topic B.1 or call ¦  
¦ for service  
¦ 49000 ¦ A RAID array is in the  
¦ Call for service  
¦ Degraded state because a disk ¦  
¦ drive is not available to the ¦  
¦ array, and a write command  
¦ has been sent to that array. ¦  
¦ A disk drive might not be  
¦ available for one of the  
¦ following reasons:  
The disk drive has  
The disk drive has been  
removed from the  
An SSA link has failed.  
A power failure has  
¦ 49100 ¦ A RAID array is in the  
¦ Call for service  
¦ Exposed state because a disk ¦  
¦ drive is not available to the ¦  
¦ array.  
¦ A disk drive can become not  
¦ available for several  
¦ reasons:  
The disk drive has  
The disk drive has been  
removed from the  
An SSA link has failed.  
A power failure has  
¦ 49500 ¦ No hot-spare disk drives are ¦ Call for service  
¦ available for a RAID array  
¦ that is configured for  
¦ hot-spare disk drives.  
¦ 49700 ¦ The parity for the RAID array ¦ Call for service  
¦ is not complete.  
¦ 50000 ¦ The SSA adapter failed to  
¦ Exchange the adapter card  
¦ respond to the device driver. ¦ for a new one or call for  
¦ service  
¦ 50001 ¦ A data parity error has  
¦ Exchange the adapter card  
¦ for a new one or call for  
¦ service  
¦ occurred.  
¦ 50002 ¦ An SSA adapter DMA error has ¦ Exchange the adapter card  
¦ occurred.  
¦ for a new one or call for  
¦ service  
¦ 50004 ¦ Channel check.  
¦ Exchange the adapter card  
¦ for a new one or call for  
¦ service  
¦ 50005 ¦ A software error has  
¦ occurred.  
¦ Call for service  
¦ 50006 ¦ A channel check has occurred. ¦ Exchange the adapter card  
¦ for a new one or call for  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Appendix B. SSA RAID Adapter Service Request Numbers  
¦ service  
¦ 50007 ¦ The IOCC detected an internal ¦ Exchange the adapter card  
¦ error.  
¦ for a new one or call for  
¦ service  
¦ 50008 ¦ Unable to read or write the  
¦ Exchange the adapter card  
¦ for a new one or call for  
¦ service  
¦ PCI registers.  
¦ 50010 ¦ An SSA adapter or device  
¦ Call for service  
¦ drive protocol error has  
¦ occurred.  
¦ 50012 ¦ The SSA adapter microcode has ¦ Call for service  
¦ hung.  
¦ D4000 ¦ The diagnostics cannot  
¦ Exchange the adapter card  
¦ for a new one or call for  
¦ service  
¦ configure the SSA adapter.  
¦ D4100 ¦ The diagnostics cannot open  
¦ Exchange the adapter card  
¦ for a new one or call for  
¦ service  
¦ the SSA adapter.  
¦ D4300 ¦ The diagnostics have detected ¦ Exchange the adapter card  
¦ an SSA adapter POST failure. ¦ for a new one or call for  
¦ service  
¦ DFFFF ¦ A command or parameter that  
¦ Call for service  
¦ has been sent or received is ¦  
¦ not valid. This problem is  
¦ caused either by the SSA  
¦ adapter, or by an error in  
¦ the microcode.  
B.1 SSA Loop Configurations that Are Not Valid  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
SSA Loop Configurations that Are Not Valid  
B.1 SSA Loop Configurations that Are Not Valid  
Note: This section is related to SRN 48000.  
SRN 48000 shows that the SSA loop contains more devices or adapters than are allowed.  
Each of the 2 pairs of SSA ports on a SSA RAID Adapter can attach up to 48 devices in a closed loop.  
Only one SSA RAID Adapter adapter can be included in a loop.  
If the SRN occurred when you turned on the server:  
1. Turn off the server.  
2. Review the configuration that you are trying to make, and determine why that configuration is not valid.  
3. Correct your configuration by reconfiguring the SSA cables or by removing the excess devices or adapters from the loop.  
4. Turn on the server.  
If the SRN occurred because additional devices or adapters were added to a working SSA loop:  
1. Remove the additional devices or adapters that are causing the problem, and put the loop back into its original working  
It is important that you do these actions  
, because they enable the configuration code to reset itself from the effects of the  
2. Review the configuration that you are trying to make, and determine why that configuration is not valid.  
3. Correct your configuration by reconfiguring the SSA cables or by removing the excess devices or adapters from the loop.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Appendix C. Introducing SSA and RAID  
C.0 Appendix C. Introducing SSA and RAID  
This chapter describes:  
Serial storage architecture (SSA  
The RAID functions that are provided by the SSA RAID Adapter  
C.1 Serial Storage Architecture (SSA)  
C.2 RAID Functions  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Serial Storage Architecture (SSA)  
C.1 Serial Storage Architecture (SSA)  
Serial Storage Architecture (SSA) is an industry-standard interface that provides high-performance fault-tolerant attachment of I/O  
storage devices. SSA is an open standard, and SSA specifications have been approved by the SSA Industry Association and are in  
the process of being approved as an ANSI standard through the ANSI X3T10.1 subcommittee.  
In SSA subsystems, transmissions to several destinations are multiplexed; the effective bandwidth is further increased by spatial  
reuse of the individual links. Commands are forwarded automatically from device to device along a loop until the target device is  
reached. Multiple commands can be travelling around the loop simultaneously. SSA retains the SCSI-2 commands, queuing model,  
and status and sense bytes.  
C.1.1 SSA Loops and Links  
C.1.2 Rules for SSA Loops  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
SSA Loops and Links  
C.1.1 SSA Loops and Links  
In the simplest SSA configuration, SSA devices are connected through two or more SSA links to an SSA adapter that is located in  
the system unit. The devices, SSA links, and SSA adapter are configured in loops. Each loop provides a data path that starts at one  
connector of the SSA adapter and passes through a link (SSA cable) to the devices. The loop continues through the devices, then  
returns through another link to a second connector on the SSA adapter.  
The maximum permitted length for an external cable that connects two SSA nodes (for example, disk drives) is 25 meters (82 feet).  
Details of the rules for configuring SSA loops are given for each SSA adapter in "Rules for SSA Loops" in topic C.1.2.  
C.1.1.1 Loops and Data Paths  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Loops and Data Paths  
C.1.1.1 Loops and Data Paths  
All devices that are attached to an SSA adapter card 1 are connected through SSA links 2 . The SSA links are configured in  
loops. Data and commands to a particular device pass through all other devices on the link between the adapter and the target  
Data can travel in either direction round a loop. The adapter can, therefore, get access to the devices 3 (disk drives in this  
example) through two data paths. The system cannot detect which data path is being used.  
If a disk drive fails, or is turned off, the loop is broken, and one of the data paths to a particular disk drive is no longer available. The  
disk drives on the remains of the loop continue to work, but an error is reported to the system.  
In the diagram, disk drive number 3 has failed. Disk drives 1 and 2 can communicate with the system only through connector A1 of  
the SSA adapter. Disk drives 4 through 8 can communicate only through connector A2 of the SSA adapter.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Loops and Data Paths  
If two or more disk drives are turned off, fail, or are removed from the loop, some disk drives might become isolated from the SSA  
In the diagram, disk drives 3 and 7 have been removed. Disk drives 1 and 2 can communicate with the system only through  
connector A1 of the SSA adapter. Disk drive number 8 can communicate with the system only through connector A2 of the SSA  
adapter. Disk drives 4, 5, and 6 are isolated from the SSA adapter.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Loops and Data Paths  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Rules for SSA Loops  
C.1.2 Rules for SSA Loops  
For SSA loops that include the SSA RAID Adapter, the following rules apply:  
Each SSA loop must be connected to a valid pair of connectors on the SSA adapter (that is, either connectors A1 and A2, or  
connectors B1 and B2).  
A maximum of 48 devices can be connected in a particular SSA loop  
Only one pair of adapter connectors can be connected in a particular SSA loop  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
RAID Functions  
C.2 RAID Functions  
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) technology gives you:  
Larger disk capacit  
Immediate availability and, depending on the RAID level, recovery of dat  
Redundancy of data at a level that you can choose  
disk arrays  
. Subject to the level of RAID that you are  
RAID technology stores data across groups of disk drives that are known as  
using, this method of data storage provides the data redundancy that is needed for a secure system, and can allow faster retrieval  
of data through multiple channel access. Also, if a disk drive fails, you can normally exchange that disk drive without interruption of  
normal system operation.  
The disk arrays can provide data redundancy that ensures that no data is lost if one disk drive in the array fails. The method that is  
used to write data to an array is related to the level of RAID that you are using. Disk arrays are contained in array subsystems. You  
can configure your subsystem with one or more arrays.  
The SSA RAID Adapter provides RAID-0, RAID-1, and RAID-5 facilities and access to individual SSA disk drives that are not  
configured as members of an array.  
C.2.1 RAID-0  
C.2.2 RAID-1  
C.2.3 RAID-5  
C.2.4 Hot Spares  
C.2.5 Disk Array States  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
C.2.1 RAID-0  
RAID-0 is also known as striping, it does not provide redundancy and, therefore, cannot survive the failure of a member. It does  
provide a single large data space with the operations spread evenly across members. Short operations usually involve only one  
member, longer transfers use several simultaneously and can, therefore, give higher data rates.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
C.2.2 RAID-1  
RAID-1 is also known as mirroring or dual copy. It provides redundancy with better performance than a single disk, but requires real  
disk capacity of two times the data size.  
A RAID-1 array has two disk drive members. If the members have different capacities, the resulting RAID-1 array has the capacity  
of the smaller member. Each data block of the array is written on each of the two members.  
If one member fails, operations continue, to the good member. Performance is degraded for read operations (because read  
operations cannot now be shared between the two members), and improved for write operations (because only a single member is  
written). So a mixed workload may not show any change in overall performance. When a member returns or it is replaced (either  
manually or automatically by the hot-spare mechanism), a rebuild occurs. This rebuild is performed in parallel with any activity to the  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
C.2.3 RAID-5  
RAID-5 arrays write strips of data across all but one member of the array. Parity for the other strips is written on the last member.  
The members of the array are used in rotation for the parity data.  
RAID-5 arrays offer data protection , good throughput, and require fewer disks than RAID-1.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Hot Spares  
C.2.4 Hot Spares  
A hot-spare disk drive is a disk drive that is defined for automatic use if a disk drive within an array fails. The hot-spare must have a  
storage capacity greater than or equal to that of the smallest member of an array. You can define as many hot spares as you want.  
Any RAID-1 and RAID-5 array on an adapter can use the hot-spare disk drives on that adapter.  
If a disk drive within an array fails, at the next write operation to the array, the adapter automatically uses a hot spare instead of the  
failed disk drive, and rebuilds the data that was on the failed disk on to the hot spare.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Disk Array States  
C.2.5 Disk Array States  
A disk array can be in one of several states. Those states are described here.  
C.2.5.1 Good State  
C.2.5.2 Exposed State  
C.2.5.3 Degraded State  
C.2.5.4 Rebuilding State  
C.2.5.5 Offline State  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Good State  
C.2.5.1 Good State  
A disk array is in the Good state when all the member disk drives of that disk array are present and functioning correctly.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Exposed State  
C.2.5.2 Exposed State  
A disk array enters the Exposed state when a member disk drive becomes missing (logically or physically) from that array. When a  
disk array is in the Exposed state, you can reintroduce the missing disk drive, or exchange it for a new one. If necessary, the array  
management software rebuilds the data that was on the original disk drive before it became missing, then writes that rebuilt data to  
the replacement disk drive. When the data is correct, the array management software returns the disk array to the Good state.  
Read Operations while in the Exposed State: When a read operation is performed on a disk array that is in the Exposed state, the  
array management software recreates (rebuilds) the data that was contained on the missing disk drive.  
Write Operations while in the Exposed State: When a write command is sent to a disk array that is in the Exposed state, the state of  
the array is changed to Degraded.  
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SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Degraded State  
C.2.5.3 Degraded State  
A disk array enters the Degraded state if, while in the Exposed state, it receives a write command.  
If a hot spare disk drive is enabled and available, when the first write command is sent, the array management software immediately  
exchanges the missing disk for the hot spare, rebuilds the data on it, and returns the disk to the Good state.  
If no hot spare disk drive is available, and a write operation is performed on the array, the disk array remains in the Degraded state  
until you take action to return that disk array to the Good state. While in this state, there is an exposure to data loss if a write  
operation cannot be completed because of a loss of electrical power, for example. Therefore, it is recommended that you always  
have a hot spare available.  
If no hot spare disk drive is available, you exchange the failed disk drive for a new one. The array management software starts a  
rebuild operation to write the original data to the new disk drive from the data that is contained in the other disk drives of the array.  
This action returns the disk array to the Good state.  
Attention: In this mode of operation, one data check can cause the loss of a large amount of data (more than 64 KB). The array  
management software must do a complete rebuild of the disk array to recover the data.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
C.2.5.3 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Rebuilding State  
C.2.5.4 Rebuilding State  
A disk array enters Rebuilding state after a missing disk has been replaced. When the disk array is in this state, all the member disk  
drives are present, but the data and parity are being rebuilt on the replaced disk drive. The array management software allows read  
and write operations on a disk drive that is in Rebuilding state. If the power fails before the rebuilding is complete, the array  
management software continues the rebuilding operation when the power returns for those strips not yet rebuilt.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
C.2.5.4 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Offline State  
C.2.5.5 Offline State  
A disk array enters Offline state when two or more disk drives become missing. Read and write operations are not allowed.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
C.2.5.5 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Appendix D. Product Warranty and Notices  
D.0 Appendix D. Product Warranty and Notices  
International Business Machines Corporation  
Armonk, New York, 10504  
D.1 Statement of Limited Warranty  
D.2 Notices  
D.3 Trademarks  
D.4 Communications Statements  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.0 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Statement of Limited Warranty  
D.1 Statement of Limited Warranty  
The warranties provided by IBM in this Statement of Limited Warranty apply only to Machines you originally purchase for your use,  
and not for resale, from IBM or an IBM authorized reseller. The term "Machine" means an IBM machine, its features, conversions,  
upgrades, elements, or accessories, or any combination of them. Machines are subject to these terms only if purchased in the  
United States or Puerto Rico, or Canada, and located in the country of purchase. If you have any questions, contact IBM or your  
¦ Machine: SSA RAID Adapter for PC Servers  
¦ Warranty Period*: Three years  
¦ *Elements and accessories are warranted for three months. Contact  
¦ your place of purchase for warranty service information.  
D.1.1 Production Status  
D.1.2 The IBM Warranty  
D.1.3 Warranty Service  
D.1.4 Extent of Warranty  
D.1.5 Limitation of Liability  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.1 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Production Status  
D.1.1 Production Status  
Each Machine is manufactured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts (which perform like new parts). In some cases,  
the Machine may not be new and may have been previously installed. Regardless of the Machine's production status, IBM's  
warranty terms apply.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.1.1 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
The IBM Warranty  
D.1.2 The IBM Warranty  
IBM warrants that each Machine 1) is free from defects in materials and workmanship and 2) conforms to IBM's Official Published  
Specifications. IBM calculates the expiration of the warranty period from the Machine's Date of Installation. The date on your receipt  
is the Date of Installation, unless IBM or your reseller informs you otherwise.  
During the warranty period, IBM or your reseller will provide warranty service under the type of service designated for the Machine  
and will manage and install engineering changes that apply to the Machine. IBM or your reseller will specify the type of service.  
For a feature, conversion, or upgrade, IBM or your reseller may require that the Machine on which it is installed be 1) the designated,  
serial-numbered Machine and 2) at an engineering-change level compatible with the feature, conversion, or upgrade. Some of  
these transactions (called "Net-Priced" transactions) may include additional parts and associated replacement parts that are  
provided on an exchange basis. All removed parts become the property of IBM and must be returned to IBM.  
Replacement parts assume the remaining warranty of the parts they replace.  
If a Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period, IBM or your reseller will repair or replace it (with a Machine  
that is at least functionally equivalent) without charge. If IBM or your reseller is unable to do so, you may return it to your place of  
purchase and your money will be refunded.  
If you transfer a Machine to another user, warranty service is available to that user for the remainder of the warranty period. You  
should give your proof of purchase and this Statement to that user.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.1.2 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Warranty Service  
D.1.3 Warranty Service  
To obtain warranty service for the Machine, you should contact your reseller or call IBM. In the United States, call IBM at  
1-800-772-2227. In Canada, call IBM at 1-800-565-3344. You may be required to present proof of purchase.  
Depending on the Machine, the service may be 1) a "Repair" service at your location (called "On-site") or at one of IBM's or a  
reseller's service locations (called "Carry-in") or 2) an "Exchange" service, either On-site or Carry-in.  
When a type of service involves the exchange of a Machine or part, the item IBM or your reseller replaces becomes its property and  
the replacement becomes yours. The replacement may not be new, but will be in good working order and at least functionally  
equivalent to the item replaced.  
It is your responsibility to:  
1. obtain authorization from the owner (for example, your lessor) to have IBM or your reseller service a Machine that you do not own;  
2. where applicable, before service is provided --  
a. follow the problem determination, problem analysis, and service request procedures that IBM or your reseller provide,  
b. secure all programs, data, and funds contained in a Machine,  
c. inform IBM or your reseller of changes in a Machine's location, and  
d. for a Machine with exchange service, remove all features, parts, options, alterations, and attachments not under warranty  
service. Also, the Machine must be free of any legal obligations or restrictions that prevent its exchange; and  
3. be responsible for loss of, or damage to, a Machine in transit when you are responsible for the transportation charges.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.1.3 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Extent of Warranty  
D.1.4 Extent of Warranty  
IBM does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of a Machine.  
Misuse, accident, modification, unsuitable physical or operating environment, improper maintenance by you, or failure caused by a  
product for which IBM is not responsible may void the warranties.  
In Canada, warranties include both warranties and conditions.  
Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.1.4 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Limitation of Liability  
D.1.5 Limitation of Liability  
Circumstances may arise where, because of a default on IBM's part (including fundamental breach) or other liability (including  
negligence and misrepresentation), you are entitled to recover damages from IBM. In each such instance, regardless of the basis  
on which you are entitled to claim damages, IBM is liable only for:  
1. bodily injury (including death), and damage to real property and tangible personal property; and  
2. the amount of any other actual loss or damage, up to the greater of $100,000 or the charge for the Machine that is the subject of  
the claim.  
Under no circumstances is IBM liable for any of the following:  
1. third-party claims against you for losses or damages (other than those under the first item listed above);  
2. loss of, or damage to, your records or data; or  
3. economic consequential damages (including lost profits or savings) or incidental damages, even if IBM is informed of their  
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental  
or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not  
apply to you.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.1.5 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
D.2 Notices  
References in this book to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries  
in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM  
product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of the  
intellectual property rights of IBM may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. The evaluation and verification of  
operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, are the responsibility of the user.  
Any examples of parameters or definitions are for guidance only. Some details may differ from the requirements in your  
environment. Contact your IBM representative if you need further assistance.  
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document  
does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license enquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of Licensing, IBM  
Corporation, 500 Columbus Avenue, Thornwood, New York 10594, U.S.A.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.2 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
D.3 Trademarks  
The following terms are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both:  
NetWare is a trademark of Novell, Incorporated.  
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.3 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Communications Statements  
D.4 Communications Statements  
The following statements apply to this product. The statements for other products intended for use with this product appear in their  
accompanying manuals.  
D.4.1 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement  
D.4.2 VCCI Statement  
D.4.3 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Statement  
D.4.4 Avis de conformité aux normes de l'Industrie Canada  
D.4.5 Industry Canada Compliance Statement  
D.4.6 United Kingdom Telecommunications Requirements  
D.4.7 EC Council Directive  
D.4.8 Radio Protection for Germany  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.4 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement  
D.4.1 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement  
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the  
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is  
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed  
and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment  
in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his  
own expense.  
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors (part numbers 07H9163, 07H8985, 32H1465, 88G6404, 32H1466, or  
88G6406, or their equivalents) must be used in order to meet FCC emission limits. Neither the provider nor the manufacturer is  
responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors or by  
unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to  
operate the equipment.  
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause  
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.4.1 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
VCCI Statement  
D.4.2 VCCI Statement  
The following is a summary of the VCCI Japanese statement in the box above.  
¦ This equipment is Type 1 Data Processing Equipment and is intended for ¦  
¦ use in commercial and industrial areas. When used in a residential  
¦ area, or areas of proximity, radio and TV reception may be subject to ¦  
¦ radio interference. VCCI-1.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.4.2 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Statement  
D.4.3 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Statement  
This product has been designed and built to comply with (IEC) Standard 950.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.4.3 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Avis de conformité aux normes de l'Industrie Canada  
D.4.4 Avis de conformité aux normes de l'Industrie Canada  
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.4.4 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Industry Canada Compliance Statement  
D.4.5 Industry Canada Compliance Statement  
This Class A digital apparatus meets the requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.4.5 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
United Kingdom Telecommunications Requirements  
D.4.6 United Kingdom Telecommunications Requirements  
This apparatus is manufactured to the International Safety Standard EN60950 and as such is approved in the U.K. under approval  
number NS/G/1234/J/100003 for indirect connection to public telecommunications systems in the United Kingdom.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.4.6 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
EC Council Directive  
D.4.7 EC Council Directive  
This product is in conformity with the requirements of the following EC directives:  
Council Directive 73/23/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for  
use within certain voltage limits.  
Council Directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility  
Neither the provider or the manufacturer can accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting  
from a non-recommended modification of the product, including the fitting of option cards not supplied by the manufacturer.  
This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A Information Technology Equipment according to  
CISPR 22 / European Standard EN 55022. The limits for Class A equipment were derived for commercial and industrial  
environments to provide reasonable protection against interference with licensed communication equipment.  
Attention: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user  
may be required to take adequate measures.  
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors (part numbers 07H9163, 07H8985, 88G6403, 88G6404, 31H7962, or  
88G6406, or their equivalents) must be used in order to reduce the potential for causing interference to radio and TV  
communications and to other electrical or electronic equipment. Such cables and connectors are available from the provider or  
manufacturer. Neither the provider or manufacturer can accept responsibility for any interference caused by using other than  
recommended cables and connectors.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.4.7 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
Radio Protection for Germany  
D.4.8 Radio Protection for Germany  
Dieses Gerät ist berechtigt in Übereinstimmung mit dem deutschen EMVG vom 9.Nov. das EG-Konformitätszeichen zu führen.  
Der Aussteller der Konformitätserklärung ist die IBM Germany.  
Dieses Gerät erfüllt die Bedingungen der EN 55022 Klasse A. Für diese Klasse von Geräten gilt folgende Bestimmung nach dem  
Geräte dürfen an Orten, für die sie nicht ausreichend entstört sind, nur mit besonderer Genehmigung des Bundesministers für  
Post und Telekommunikation oder des Bundesamtes für Post und Telekommunikation betrieben werden. Die Genehmigung wird  
erteilt, wenn keine elektromagnetischen Störungen zu erwarten sind.  
(Auszug aus dem EMVG vom 9.Nov.92, Para.3, Abs.4)  
Dieses Genehmigungsverfahren ist von der Deutschen Bundespost noch nicht veröffeentlicht worden.  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
D.4.8 - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
access failure checks 4.1  
adapter card  
description 1.2  
installing 2.1  
lights 1.2  
attaching 3.4  
changing 5.4  
viewing 5.3  
configuring 3.0  
creation 3.3  
deleting 5.6  
exchanging a member 5.5  
array problems 4.2  
array states  
degraded C.2.5.3  
exposed C.2.5.2  
read operations C.2.5.2  
write operations C.2.5.2  
good C.2.5.1  
offline C.2.5.5  
rebuilding C.2.5.4  
changing 5.4  
viewing 5.3  
member, viewing 5.3  
resource, viewing 5.3  
boot device, selecting 2.6  
boot failure checks 4.1  
cables, connecting 2.2  
validity checking B.1  
viewing 5.2  
configuration utility 3.1  
disk arrays 3.0  
disk drives 2.3  
SSA subsystems 3.0  
data paths and loops C.1.1.1  
degraded state C.2.5.3  
deleting an array 5.6  
device drivers, installing 2.5  
disk arrays  
attaching 3.4  
configuring 3.0  
creating 3.3  
disk drives  
accepting into free state 3.2  
attaching 3.4  
changing 4.3  
configuring 2.3  
connecting 2.2  
diskettes, list of 1.5  
dual copy C.2.2  
event/error log  
checking 4.2  
control file 2.5  
exchanging array member 5.5  
exposed state C.2.5.2  
read operations C.2.5.2  
write operations C.2.5.2  
good state C.2.5.1  
hot spares  
defining 5.1  
function C.2.4  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
INDEX - 1  
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.  
information, latest 6.0  
information, more 6.0  
adapter card 2.1  
device drivers 2.5  
operating systems 2.4  
utility programs 2.5  
labels, unique ID 1.2  
lights, adapter card 1.2  
loops and data paths C.1.1.1  
attributes, viewing 5.3  
exchanging 5.5  
mirroring C.2.2  
offline C.2.5.5  
operating systems  
installing 2.4  
list of supported 1.4  
paths, data (SSA link) C.1.1.1  
pop-up window 4.2  
array 4.2  
basic 4.1  
disk array 4.2  
RAID technology  
introduction 1.3  
more information C.2  
RAID-0 C.2.1  
RAID-1 C.2.2  
RAID-5 C.2.3  
read while exposed C.2.5.2  
rebuilding state C.2.5.4  
attaching 3.4  
viewing 5.3  
rules for SSA loops C.1.2  
spares, hot  
defining 5.1  
function C.2.4  
SRNs (service request numbers) 4.2 B.0  
description C.1  
introduction 1.1  
loops and data paths C.1.1.1  
loops, rules for C.1.2  
SSA configuration utility, starting 3.1 5.0  
states of arrays  
degraded C.2.5.3  
exposed C.2.5.2  
read operations C.2.5.2  
write operations C.2.5.2  
good C.2.5.1  
offline C.2.5.5  
rebuilding C.2.5.4  
striping C.2.1  
unique ID labels 1.2  
utility programs  
installing 2.5  
write while exposed C.2.5.2  
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  
INDEX - 2  

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