I O Magic Computer Hardware MagicSpin User Manual

Internal ATAPI / Enhanc ed IDE C D-ROM  
I/OMAGIC Corporation makes no warranty of any kind with regards to this material, including, but  
not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular product.  
I/OMAGIC Corporation shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental  
consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.  
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. I/OMAGIC  
Corporation is not responsible for printing or clerical errors.  
Mention of third party products is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an  
endorsement nor a recommendation. I/OMAGIC Corporation assumes no responsibility with  
regards to the performance of these products.  
This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright (see below).  
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.  
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows, Windows 95/98 and the  
Windows 95/98 logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of  
International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks and product names used within  
this manual are the property of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.  
©1998 I/OMAGIC Corp. all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,  
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer  
language, in any form, by any means, without prior written consent of I/OMAGIC.  
I/OMAGIC Corporation warrants that the products it sells will be free from defects in materials  
and workmanship. Consult the warranty card for complete warranty information.  
FCC Notice:  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device,  
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection  
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can  
radiate radio-frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it  
can cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that  
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful  
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment  
on and off, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the  
following measures:  
If it can be done safely, reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.  
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a different circuit from the receiver.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
This equipment has been certified to comply with the limits for a class B computing device,  
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules.  
Only peripherals (Computer input/output devices, terminals, printers, etc.) certified to comply to  
the class B limits may be attached to this computer. Operation with non-certified peripherals is  
likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception.  
To meet FCC requirements, shielded cables and power cords are required to connect the device  
to a personal computer or other Class B certified device.  
The user is cautioned that changes and modifications made to the equipment without the  
approval of manufacturer could void the users authority to operate this equipment.  
Table of Contents  
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................ 5  
System Requirements .........................................................................................................................................5  
Installation Instructions ......................................................................................................................................5  
TECHNICAL BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................................... 6  
CD-ROM Technology........................................................................................................................................6  
CD-ROM Construction and manufacturing....................................................................................................6  
Reading a CD-ROM.......................................................................................................................................7  
IDE/ATA Interface.............................................................................................................................................7  
ATA Packet Interface (ATAPI)..........................................................................................................................7  
Enhanced IDE Interface......................................................................................................................................8  
CD-ROM HARDWARE INSTALLATION....................................................................................................... 9  
Prepare Your Computer for Installation .............................................................................................................9  
Setting Master or Slave Jumpers ........................................................................................................................9  
Connecting to a Primary IDE Controller..........................................................................................................10  
Connecting a Secondary IDE controller...........................................................................................................10  
Mounting Your CD-ROM Drive ......................................................................................................................11  
CD-ROM SOFTWARE INSTALLATION...................................................................................................... 13  
Windows 98/95 Installation..............................................................................................................................13  
Enabling Ultra DMA/33 support under Windows 98/95..................................................................................13  
Windows NT 3.5x Installation..........................................................................................................................13  
Windows NT 4.0 Installation............................................................................................................................14  
DOS or Windows 3.1x Installation...................................................................................................................14  
CD AUDIO.......................................................................................................................................................... 16  
USING THE CD-ROM DRIVE ........................................................................................................................ 17  
Front Panel Controls.....................................................................................................................................17  
CARE AND HANDLING .................................................................................................................................. 17  
TROUBLESHOOTING..................................................................................................................................... 18  
CD-ROM Troubleshooting...............................................................................................................................18  
The PC cannot detect the CD-ROM drive after installation. (Windows 98/95) ...........................................18  
The CD-ROM Drive cannot play music CDs (CD-DA) in Windows. .........................................................19  
What is "Multi-Read", and does my CD-ROM drive support this function? ...............................................19  
Is the LED indicator light supposed to stay on when I have a CD in my CD-ROM? ..................................19  
APPENDIX A: CD-ROM GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................... 20  
CONTACTING I/OMAGIC.............................................................................................................................. 21  
REGISTER YOUR I/OMAGIC PRODUCT ................................................................................................... 21  
Congratulations on the purchase of your MagicSpin CD-ROM. The purpose of this document is to  
provide you with installation instructions for your new kit. If this is your first installation with  
this type of product, please read the entire manual before you begin. If you are experienced with  
installations, you may want to go directly to the hardware installation section..  
For your information, we have provided background information on CD-ROMs and CD-ROM  
drives. Also included is background information on the IDE and EIDE interfaces. If you have  
never installed computer hardware, this section is both informative and necessary.  
Following the installation of both the hardware and software, the Installation Guide also contains  
a troubleshooting section, a general specification guide, how to contact I/OMagic and information  
on how to register your product.  
Thank you again for purchasing the I/OMagic MagicSpin CD-ROM.  
System Requirements  
IBM PC or Compatible  
486 DX2 processor or Higher  
8MB of System RAM  
Hard Drive  
Operating System  
Approximately 4 MB of Hard disk space  
DOS 6.0, Windows 3.1x, Windows 95(or later)  
Installation Instructions  
This manual is intended as a guide for those who are not familiar with the installation of PC  
peripherals and software applications and as a reference for experienced users. If you are new to  
installing PC peripherals and software applications, follow the step-by-step instructions in this  
manual to help you through the installation process.  
Before You Begin  
Before proceeding, make sure your computer system meets the System Requirements listed  
above. If you are unsure whether your system meets the minimum requirements, contact  
I/OMagic Technical Support.  
Step 1. Once you are certain your system meets all of the requirements, prepare a clean  
workspace, and gather the tools you will need. For installation of the card, you will need  
a Phillips head and/or a Flathead screwdriver, and we recommend you use a container to  
hold loose screws.  
Step 2. Carefully unpack the box contents. Leave the audio card in its static-resistant bag until  
later in the installation process. This protective bag has been specially designed to  
protect the card from potentially damaging static electricity.  
MagicSpin Installation Guide  
Technical background  
CD-ROM Technology  
CD-ROM stands for Compact Disc Read Only Memory. A compact disc format used to hold  
text, graphics and hi-fi stereo sound. It's like an audio CD, but uses a different track format for  
data. The audio CD player cannot play CD-ROMs, but CD-ROM players usually play audio CDs  
and have output jacks for a headphone or amplified speakers.  
CD-ROMs hold 650MB of data, which is equivalent to about 250,000 pages of text or 20,000  
medium-resolution images.  
A CD-ROM drive (player, reader) connects to a controller card, which is plugged into one of the  
computer's expansion slots. Earlier drives used a proprietary interface and came with their own  
card, requiring a free expansion slot in the computer. Today, most CD-ROMs for PCs use the  
SCSI or EIDE interface and can be installed without taking up an extra slot.  
The first CD-ROM drives transferred data at 150KB per second. The speed then doubled to  
300KB, then quad speed at 600KB. Today, The MagicSpin CD-ROM is more than 40 times the  
original transfer rate.  
CD-ROM Construction and manufacturing  
Compact disks start as round wafers made from a polycarbonate substrate, measuring 120 mm  
(about 4.75 inches) in diameter and about 1.2 mm in thickness, which is less than 1/20th of an  
inch. These blanks are made into production CDs using a process not dissimilar to how old vinyl  
records were made (which is somewhat fitting, if you think about it.)  
The first step in the creation of a CD is the production of a master. The data to be recorded on the  
disk (either audio or computer data, there are many different formats) is created as an image of  
ones and zeros. The image is etched into the master CD using a relatively high-power laser (much  
more powerful than the one you would find in a regular CD player) using special data encoding  
techniques that use microscopic pits to represent the data. The master CD is then used to create  
duplicate master stamps.  
The actual CDs are produced by pressing them with the master stamp. This creates a duplicate of  
the original master, with pits in the correct places to represent the data. After stamping, the entire  
disk is coated with a thin layer of aluminum (which is what makes the disk shine, and is what the  
laser reflects off when the disk is read) and then another thin layer of plastic. Then, the printed  
label is applied to the disk.  
Many people don't realize that the data surface of the CD is actually the top of the disk. The  
media layer is directly under the CD label, and the player reads the CD from the bottom by  
focusing the laser through the 1.2 mm thickness of the CD's substrate. This is one reason why the  
bottom of the disk can have small scratches without impeding the use of the disk; they create an  
obstacle that the laser must look through, but they don't actually damage the data layer. On the  
other hand, scratches on the top of the disk can actually remove strips of the reflective aluminum  
coating, leaving the disk immediately unusable.  
Page 6  
CDs are fairly hardy but are far from indestructible. They are reasonably solid but overly flexing  
them can make them unreadable. They are not too sensitive to heat but will warp if left to bake in  
direct sunlight on a hot summer's day. CD media should always be cared for properly. The use of  
caddies or jewel cases will protect them; in general, the less handling, the better.  
Reading a CD-ROM  
Digital data is carved into the CD-ROM as pits (low spots) and lands (high spots). As the laser in  
the CD-ROM shines into the moving pits and lands, a sensor detects a change in reflection when  
it encounters a transition from pit to land or land to pit. Each transition is a 1. The lack of  
transitions are 0s. There is only one laser in a drive. Two are used here to illustrate the difference  
in reflection.  
IDE/ATA Interface  
IDE stands for Integrated Drive electronics. The name IDE is the more popular of the two, even  
though it is misleading which refers to putting the logic board with the hard disk much more than  
it has anything to do with the interface. The more correct name is ATA or AT Attachment, which  
defines the standard interface as attached to an AT-style machine (which is the generic way of  
describing every PC since the old 8-bit XT). The IDE/ATA interface is 16 bits wide, just as the  
original IBM AT's data and I/O buses were.  
ATA Packet Interface (ATAPI)  
Originally, the IDE/ATA interface was designed to work only with hard disks. CD-ROMs and  
tape drives used either proprietary interfaces (often implemented on sound cards) or the floppy  
disk interface (which is slow and cumbersome). A few years ago it became apparent that there  
would be enormous advantages to using the standard IDE/ATA interface to support devices other  
than hard disks, due to its high performance, relative simplicity, and universality.  
However, because of how the ATA command structure works, it wasn't possible to simply put  
non-hard-disk devices on the IDE channel and expect it to work. Therefore, a special protocol  
was developed called the ATA Packet Interface or ATAPI. The ATAPI standard is used for  
devices like CD-ROM and tape drives. It enables them to plug into the standard IDE cable used  
by IDE/ATA hard disks, and be configured as master or slave, etc. just like a hard disk would be.  
Note: When you see a CD-ROM or other non-hard-disk peripheral advertised as being an "IDE  
device" or working with IDE, it is really using the ATAPI protocol.  
Internally, however, the ATAPI protocol is not identical to the standard ATA (ATA-2, etc.)  
command set used by hard disks. A special ATAPI driver is used to communicate with these  
devices. This driver must be loaded into memory before the device can be accessed (some  
operating systems like Windows 95 support ATAPI internally and in essence, load their own  
drivers for the interface). The name "packet interface" comes from the fact that commands to  
ATAPI devices are sent in groups called packets; ATAPI in general is a much more complex  
interface than regular ATA. The actual transfers over the channel use regular PIO or DMA  
modes, just like hard disks, although support for the various modes differs much more widely by  
device than it does for hard disks.  
MagicSpin Installation Guide  
Enhanced IDE Interface  
Enhanced IDE, also called EIDE, is the term that Western Digital uses to describe its advanced  
drives that incorporate the performance improvements defined in ATA-2, along with several  
other refined protocols. EIDE has become a widely accepted term in the industry. The Enhanced  
IDE interface adds several important speed improvements as well as ATAPI support required to  
use your CD-ROM drive. Below is a list of the important improvements that EIDE adds:  
ATA-2: EIDE includes all of the improvements that are part of ATA-2, including the  
higher-speed transfer modes  
ATAPI: EIDE includes support for non-hard-disk devices on the IDE/ATA channel.  
Dual IDE/ATA Host Adapters: The EIDE standard includes support for dual IDE/ATA  
host adapters, allowing four IDE/ATA/ATAPI devices to be used.  
Page 8  
CD-ROM Hardware Installation  
Prepare Your Computer for Installation  
Step 1. Before working on your computer, make sure the power to the computer and any related  
equipment is turned off.  
Step 2. While the cables are still attached to your computer, you may want to label them so you  
are sure to reconnect them properly when the installation process is complete.  
Step 3. Disconnect all cables and connectors from the back of your computer. Some cables may  
be attached to their connectors by small screws. Make sure to unscrew any secured  
cables before attempting to disconnect the cable from the back of the computer.  
Step 4. You are now ready to remove the cover from your computer. Generally, several screws  
must be removed to take the computer cover off. Place the screws in a container so they  
do not get lost. If you are working on a tower-style computer, you may want to lie it on  
its side with the open side facing up.  
Figure 1  
Note: Each manufacturer’s computer case may be different. If you are unsure how to remove  
the case cover, consult your computer owner’s guide.  
Setting Master or Slave Jumpers  
Before you start, please check the rear panel of the MagicSpin CD-ROM drive. There are three  
pairs of jumpers, CS (CSEL), SL (Slave) and MA (Master). Use a jumper cap to set the device to  
CS, SL or MA mode corresponding to your PC configuration (Figure 1).  
Note: The default setting is SL (Slave).  
MagicSpin Installation Guide  
Figure 2: Back panel of the CD-ROM drive  
Connecting to a Primary IDE Controller  
There should be at least one IDE controller (or card) on the PC motherboard. This IDE controller  
support two devices, one for the hard disk (Master), and the other for the 2nd hard disk or a CD-  
ROM drive. The hard disk should be connected to this primary IDE (Master mode) controller as  
the PC needs to use the hard disk to boot up the system. Thus, the CD-ROM drive can be  
connected as the 2nd device which is referred to as Slave mode. Make sure the Mode Select  
Jumper is set to the SL (Slave) position in order to be used as the 2nd device. (Figure 2)  
Figure 3: Mode selector settings  
Connecting a Secondary IDE controller  
If the PC is equipped with a 2nd IDE controller (or card) on the motherboard, each device  
connected to this controller should be set to either MA (Master) or SL (Slave) mode. Please set  
the CD-ROM drive to SL (Slave) mode if the 2nd IDE controller also connects to a Master device,  
such as a hard disk. If the CD-ROM is the only device connected to the 2nd IDE controller, you  
can set it as the MA (Master).  
Page 10  
Mounting Your CD-ROM Drive  
Locate an available drive bay.  
Locate an empty drive bay within your computer. It may be necessary to remove a  
square iron plate. Please refer to your computer’s User’s Guide for assistance.  
Slide the MagicSpin CD-ROM drive into the empty bay.  
Attach the MagicSpin CD-ROM with the four included screws. Use a Phillips head  
screwdriver to secure both sides of the CD-ROM. Make sure that you tighten the screws  
Figure 4: Insert CD-ROM into 5.25 drive bay  
Connect the power supply cable.  
Connect the power supply cable into the Power Connector on the back of the MagicSpin  
CD-ROM drive (Figure 5)  
Figure 5: CD-ROM connections  
MagicSpin Installation Guide  
Connect the IDE interface cable.  
Connect the 40 pin IDE cable into the MagicSpin CD-ROM drive’s IDE connector  
located on the back of the CD-ROM drive (Figure 5).  
Figure 6: IDE connection  
Make sure to align the red-lined edge of cable with Pin-1 of the IDE connector. Connect  
the other end into either your motherboard IDE controller, or your IDE controller card  
plugged into your motherboard (Figure 6).  
Figure 7: Connection to Motherboard  
Connect the Audio cable from your Sound Card (If necessary).  
If you have a sound card or an audio interface card, use the audio cable to connect from  
the sound card audio port (SONY or IDE) to the MagicSpin CD-ROM drive’s Analog  
Audio connector located on the back panel (Figure 4).  
Re-attach the computer’s cover.  
Page 12  
Reconnect all power cords to the computer.  
CD-ROM Software Installation  
Windows 98/95 Installation  
There is no need to install any CD-ROM device driver under Windows 98/95. After completing  
the hardware installation section of this manual, please follow the steps below:  
Turn on your PC and start-up Windows 98/95.  
Windows 98/95 will automatically detect the new CD-ROM drive and load the  
appropriate drivers for your CD-ROM. If you CD-ROM is not automatically detected,  
please refer to the troubleshooting section on this manual.  
Double click on the My Computer icon.  
There should be a letter drive for the new CD-ROM drive. Place a CD into the CD-ROM  
drive and browse it. If you can browse the CD, The CD-ROM drive is working properly.  
Note: It is not necessary to run the DOS install if your are using Windows 98/95.  
Enabling Ultra DMA/33 support under Windows 98/95  
Ultra DMA/33 mode is a new standard whereby the CD-ROM can transfer data through the DMA  
interface at speeds up to 33 MB/sec. This is supported only in new motherboards that are just now  
appearing in the market. You must determine what type of mother board you have to see if this  
function is supported. The Intel 430TX, 440LX and newer motherboards support Ultra DMA/33.  
Please contact your computer manufacturer or motherboard maker to determine if this function is  
If your motherboard or computer supports Ultra DMA/33, you must enable it in the BIOS.  
Consult your system manual for this.  
Install the PCI IDE driver (Win95 version) which supports Ultra DMA/33. This is provided by  
your computer manufacturer. If this driver was not supplied, then you must contact your  
computer manufacturer for this driver. I/OMagic cannot supply this to you.  
Windows NT 3.5x Installation  
Power on your PC.  
Start the Windows NT Setup Program from the Main  
Program Group.  
MagicSpin Installation Guide  
Click ADD and select IDE CD-ROM and click install  
Windows NT 4.0 Installation  
Power on your PC.  
Start the Windows NT  
Once in the desktop, click on the Start button > Settings >  
Control Panel > Devices  
Select "ATAPI" from the list and click on the "Startup"  
When you get the startup screen, check "Boot" then click The  
"OK" button  
Close the Devices screen and click on the Start button > Shut  
Down and restart the computer  
Note: If the setup program asks for floppies instead of prompting for the current driver, exit  
setup, and copy the ATAPI.SYS file from your NT setup Disk to directory  
\WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS, then run the above setup procedure again.  
DOS or Windows 3.1x Installation  
Power on your PC and go to the Dos prompt.  
If your PC boots into Windows 3.X automatically, you need to exit Windows to the Dos  
Insert the driver diskette into a floppy drive.  
Type A:\install (where A:\ is your floppy drive)  
Follow the instructions on the screen.  
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the rest of the installation process.  
Remove the Driver Diskette and Reboot your computer.  
Once the installation is complete, remove the driver diskette and reboot your computer.  
This is necessary for your computer to detect your new CD-ROM.  
Page 14  
Note: DOS installation requires MSCDEX be present on your system. MSCDEX is  
included with DOS versions 6.0 and above. If you do not have MSCDEX, contact your  
computer reseller for assistance.  
MSCDEX.EXE is Microsoft’s CD Extension and is used to interface your PC to the CD-ROM  
drive. For the CD-ROM drive, MSCDEX.EXE version 2.21 or above is required.  
During installation, a line is added to your AUTOEXEC.BAT that loads the MSCDEX.EXE  
driver. The entry in your AUTOEXEC.BAT will be something similar to:  
The entry follows the format of:  
[drive:\][path\]mscdex.exe /d:device_name [/l:letter] [/m:<number>]  
Note: This line is not necessary if your are using your CD-ROM under Windows 98/95.  
MagicSpin Installation Guide  
CD Audio  
If you have connected the CD audio cable to your soundcard, you will need to configure  
Windows to be able to play CD Audio. If you are running Windows 3.x, you will need to add the  
“MCI CD-AUDIO” driver. When this driver is loaded, the Media player program will then be  
able to play CD audio.  
Installation of the Multimedia program “CD Player” may be required for Windows 98/95. To  
install the CD player under Windows 98/95 Open your Control panel, and click on “Add/Remove  
programs”. When the applet appears, click on the “windows Setup” tab. Scroll down the  
“Components” list until you see “Multimedia”. Click on the Multimedia listing. Click on  
“Details” button. You will then see a list of components installed on your system. If the CD  
Audio checkbox is not checked, then check it, and click on OK. Windows 98/95 will then install  
the CD player onto your system.  
Figure 8: Installing CD Audio  
Page 16  
Using the CD-ROM Drive  
Front Panel Controls  
Figure 9: Front panel Controls  
Headphone Jack: The user can use a stereo headphone jack to get sound output from the  
earphone jack.  
Volume Control: The user can adjust the Volume knob to change the Earphone Jack audio  
output volume.  
Busy Indicator: The Busy Indicator will be lit while the CD-ROM disc is being accessing.  
CD Tray: The user can open or close the CD Tray by pressing the Open/Close button.  
Emergency Eject Hole (some units): If the user can not eject the disc by pressing the  
Open/Close button, he/she can insert a paper clip or other small rod into this hole for manual  
ejection. Note: Please turn off the power to the PC before inserting anything into this hole for  
manual ejection.  
Open/Close Button: This is a toggle button. When pressed, the CD-ROM drive will either open  
the door and tray out the disc, or tray in the disc and close the door.  
Care and Handling  
Like any media, you should be careful when handling CD media. Avoid touching the bottom of  
the media, as well as leaving the CD in direct sunlight. Care should also be taken to keep the  
media clean. Use only water and a soft towel when cleaning the media. Do not use any type of  
solvent or harsh cleanser.  
If you find the CD-ROM drive is having trouble reading a particular disc, you may want to try  
cleaning it. Use a slightly damp cloth rad, and make gentle sweeping motions from the center of  
the disc to the outer edge.  
Do not place anything other than a Compact Disc on the CD-ROM drive tray. The drawer is  
designed to hold only the weight of a CD-ROM disc.  
MagicSpin Installation Guide  
CD-ROM Troubleshooting  
The PC cannot detect the CD-ROM drive after installation. (Windows 98/95)  
If you are connecting the CD-ROM drive to the motherboard, read this:  
Make sure that there are no conflicts, both Primary and Secondary IDE controllers are present and  
without yellow exclamations on them. To check the status of your IDE controllers, click on the  
Start button > Settings > Control Panel > System > Device Manager (under the Hard Disk  
Controllers category). Yellow exclamation marks on the IDE controllers mean that the device is  
not working properly, not install properly or have a resource conflict with another device. Some  
retail version of Windows 98/95 may not recognize some of the IDE controllers. This can result  
in IDE devices (such as CD-ROM drives) not being detected or disappearing from the PC.  
There are several ways to correct the problems.  
1. If the Primary or Secondary IDE controllers are not present, read this:  
Your controllers are not setup properly and you need to get a patch from your  
motherboard manufacture or check your BIOS setup and make sure that both onboard  
2. If the Primary and Secondary IDE controllers are present but they have yellow  
exclamation marks, read this:  
The protected-mode driver for the hard disk controller was not properly initialized  
when you started Windows previously. When this occurs, a NOIDE entry is placed in  
the registry, preventing Windows from making future attempts to initialize the  
protected-mode driver. You might try to resolve the problem by editing your  
WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may  
require you to reinstall Windows. I/OMagic cannot guarantee that problems resulting  
from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved.  
Use Registry Editor at your own risk.”  
NOTE: You should make a backup copy of the registry files (System.dat and  
User.dat) before you edit the registry.  
Go to the Start button then Run and type REGEDIT. Then go to the following  
directories to remove the NOIDE if it is listed. Once removed reboot system.  
After you update the registry, restart Windows. Windows will then attempt to  
initialize the protected-mode driver for the controller. If no problems are  
encountered, the file system and virtual memory will operate in 32-bit mode, and  
Device Manager will not display an exclamation point in a yellow circle for the IDE  
channels. If the protected-mode driver is not initialized properly, an error message  
Page 18  
will be displayed and the NOIDE registry entry will be re-created. Windows will use  
the MS-DOS compatibility mode file system the next time you start the computer.  
If the CD-ROM drive is connected to a sound card or controller card, read this:  
Make sure the sound card or controller card are install properly, working properly and compatible  
with with Windows 98/95.  
The CD-ROM Drive cannot play music CDs (CD-DA) in Windows.  
The audio from a CD is transmitted from the CD-ROM to the sound card through the "Analog  
cable" (3-4 Small wire cable). Make sure this cable is connected to the sound card in the right  
place. In some sound cards the cable can go on both ways, so if it does not work one way, rotate it  
around and it should work. Make sure you refer to your owner’s manual for more information on  
diagrams and pin designations.  
Note: If the analog cable does not fit your sound card, you should get an analog cable that fits  
your sound card and the CD-ROM drive.  
What is "Multi-Read", and does my CD-ROM drive support this function?  
The "Multi-Read" function means the CD-ROM Drive can read not only the existing CD title &  
CD-R but also recorded CDR-W media. However, the reflection rate of the CDR-W disc media is  
only around 25~35% of the normal CD-ROM disc. So sometimes it is difficult for the CD-ROM  
drive to read this kind of media.  
Your MagicSpin CD-ROM drive supports CDR and CDR-W formats. If your MagicSpin CD-  
ROM drive cannot read CDR or CDR-W disks, the problem most likely is the way you recorded  
the CDR or CDR-W disk. Try reading regular CDs to ensure that your CD-ROM drive is working  
Is the LED indicator light supposed to stay on when I have a CD in my CD-ROM?  
The LED indicator light should stay on if you have a CD in the drive. When you access the drive  
it should blink. This is a convenient feature of the CD-ROM drive that alerts you when you have  
a CD in the drive without opening it.  
MagicSpin Installation Guide  
Appendix A: CD-ROM General Specifications  
Disc Format:  
ISO9660 Data Discs CD-ROM (Mode 1 & Mode 2),  
CD-R and CD-RW media,  
Mixed Mode (Audio Combined CD-ROM Discs),  
CD-ROM/XA (Mode 2 form 1 & form 2), CD-  
I/FMV, Video CD, CD-DA, Photo-CD (Single &  
multisession), Karaoke CD, CD-extra.  
8cm and 12cm  
Disc Diameter:  
Audio Specifications  
Signal to Noise Ratio:  
Headphone Level:  
65 dB typical  
>0.6 Vrms at 1 Khz, 32 ohm load  
Operating System:  
DOS 6.xx, Windows 3.1X, Windows 95, Windows  
NT, OS/2 Warp 3.x/4.x  
Quality and Reliability:  
MTBF up to 60,000 hours  
Operating Temperature: 10 to 45 degrees Celsius  
Storage Temperature:  
Operating Humidity:  
Storage Humidity:  
Front Panel:  
-15 to 60 degrees Celsius  
20% to 80% (Non-condensing)  
20% to 90% (Non-condensing)  
Power ON/Busy LED, Open/Close Button,  
Volume Control, Stereo Headphone Jack,  
Emergency Eject Hole  
Rear Panel:  
IDE Interface, Analog & Digital Audio Outputs,  
Power Input, Mode Select Jumper  
Physical Dimensions  
W x H x D:  
146 x 41.5 x 201 mm  
<94-g typical  
Power Requirement:  
Power Saving:  
DC +5V +5%, DC +12V +10%  
Compliant with EPA Energy Star  
Page 20  
Contacting I/OMagic  
If you experience problems with this I/OMAGIC product and you cannot find an answer  
in the previous Trouble Shooting sections, you can contact I/OMagic’s Technical Support  
Please have the following information ready when you call:  
The product you are having problems with.  
The operating system you are using.  
A list of other hardware installed on your machine.  
If you are using DOS and Windows 3.x, a list of the contents of your  
A detailed description of the problem.  
You can contact I/OMagic’s Technical Support staff at the following numbers:  
(949) 597 - 2462  
(949) 380 - 0696  
I/OMAGIC Corporation  
ATTN: Technical Support  
6B Autry  
Irvine, CA 92618  
Register Your I/OMagic Product  
Please take the time to send in your registration card. The serial number of your MagicSound16  
card is located on the back of the card on a white sticker. The series of numbers under the bar  
code is the serial number.  
The Serial number of the I/OMagic MagicSpin CD-ROM is located on the top of the drive. The  
serial number may look like the following example. If it does not look like these examples, then it  
will be on a sticker that starts with a SN, and is followed by several digits  
Alternatively, you can register your product on-line at our Web page. This is actually the fastest  
way to receive the latest I/OMagic product information and updates. The Web URL address to the  
ver 1.02  

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