Harman Kardon DVD Player HKTS 2 User Manual

HKTS 2 Home Theater & Music Speaker System  
The HKTS 2 subwoofer is easy to connect to your  
system, since it’s equipped with a special sub-  
woofer input for use with equipment that has a  
dedicated subwoofer connection that carries a  
low-frequency output. It also includes stereo  
speaker-level inputs and outputs for connection  
to older receivers and processors that do not  
have a line-level subwoofer output. Other con-  
veniences include a level control, high-cut  
(low-pass) filter switch and phase switch for  
fine-tuning bass response to suit your listening  
environment and taste, and an efficient Trigger  
switching system that automatically switches the  
unit from Standby mode to Active mode.  
Thank you for purchasing the Harman Kardon  
HKTS 2, with which you’re about to begin many  
years of listening enjoyment. The HKTS 2 has  
been custom-designed to provide all the  
excitement and power of the music and cinema  
experience in your own living room.  
One powered  
While sophisticated electronics and state-of-the-  
art speaker components are hard at work within  
the HKTS 2, hookup and operation are simple.  
Color-keyed cables and connections, and simple  
controls make the HKTS 2 easy to use.  
To obtain maximum enjoyment from your new  
music and home theater speaker system, we  
urge you to take a few minutes to read through  
this manual. This will ensure that connections to  
your receiver or preamp/processor and amplifier  
or other external devices are made properly. In  
addition, a few minutes spent learning the func-  
tions of the various controls will enable you to  
take advantage of all the power and refinement  
the HKTS 2 is able to deliver.  
Shelf stands and wall-mount brackets are includ-  
ed for the satellite speakers, and optional HTFS 2  
floor stands are available separately from your  
Harman Kardon dealer.  
Two satellites for left,  
right and surrounds,  
with color-key stickers  
(shown with included  
shelf stands attached)  
Harman Kardon invented the high-fidelity receiv-  
er fifty years ago. With state-of-the-art features  
and time-honored circuit designs, the HKTS 2 is  
a perfect complement to a Harman Kardon  
receiver or any home theater system.  
If you have any questions about this product, its  
installation or operation, please contact your  
dealer, the best local source of information.  
Complete 2.1 home theater and music  
speaker system  
Speakers are magnetically shielded for  
placement near video monitors  
Description and Features  
Two wall-mount  
Fully color-coded cables and  
connections simplify setup  
The HKTS 2 is a three-piece home theater  
speaker system that includes a 10-inch,  
200-watt, bass-reflex powered subwoofer; two  
identical, 2-way dual-driver satellite speakers for  
use in the left and right front speaker positions;  
shelf stands and wall-mount brackets for the  
two satellites; and all of the speaker cables you  
need to connect your speakers to your receiver  
or preamp/processor and amplifier. The speaker  
cables and speakers all use a color-coding  
system to conform to the CEA standard. The  
color-coding system minimizes confusion,  
especially when the HKTS 2 system is used with  
a Harman Kardon receiver.  
Both line- and speaker-level inputs for  
use with most audio components  
Subwoofer input offers superior-quality  
bass reproduction when used with any  
digital audio system that incorporates  
bass management or programmable  
One RCA cable for connection to subwoofer  
Two 6-meter speaker cables for connection to  
front satellites (red and white)  
Rear Panel Connections  
For use with  
HKTS 2 System  
Subwoofer-Level Control  
High-Cut (Low-Pass) Filter Switch  
Trigger Input  
Line-Level Subwoofer (SUB) Input  
Line-Level Full-Range Inputs  
Speaker-Level Outputs  
Master Power Switch  
AC Power Cord  
Phase Switch  
Speaker-Level Inputs  
Subwoofer-Level Control: Volume  
Trigger Input: Some receivers or sound  
An LED located on top of the subwoofer  
indicates whether the subwoofer is in the On or  
standby state when used with the Trigger  
may be adjusted using the Subwoofer-Level  
Control. Turn the control clockwise to increase  
the subwoofer’s volume, or counterclockwise to  
decrease it.  
processors have a Trigger Output that sends a  
signal to the subwoofer to switch on or off. If  
your receiver has such a Trigger Output, connect  
it here. When placed in the AUTO position, and  
when the Master Power Switch  
on, the subwoofer will automatically turn itself  
on or place itself in the Standby mode,  
depending on the status of your receiver or  
processor. When this switch is placed in the ON  
position, the subwoofer will remain on, whether  
or not it is receiving an audio signal.  
On/Off Switch  
in the AUTO position. The  
LED is lit blue to indicate that the subwoofer is  
receiving an audio signal and is turned on, and  
the LED is lit amber to indicate that no signal is  
being received and the subwoofer is in Standby  
is turned  
High-Cut (Low-Pass) Filter Switch: Plac-  
ing this switch in the ON position activates cir-  
cuitry that cuts out all audio input signals above  
120Hz. This allows the subwoofer to focus its  
power on reproducing the low-frequency portion  
of the signal, avoiding inefficiency and  
When the Trigger On/Off Switch  
is in the  
ON position, the LED will be lit blue, whether or  
not an audio signal is present.  
distortion. Engage this filter when using the  
Speaker-Level Inputs  
Line-Level Full-Range Inputs  
receiver or processor processes its line-level  
output using a low-pass filter. The filter has no  
, or when using the  
, unless your  
When the Master Power Switch  
off, the LED goes dark, no matter which position  
the Trigger On/Off Switch is in.  
is turned  
effect when the Sub Input  
is used.  
Rear Panel Connections  
Phase Switch: This switch determines  
Speaker-Level Inputs: Connect these  
whether the subwoofer’s piston-like action  
moves in and out in phase with the main speak-  
ers. If the speakers were to play out of phase,  
the sound waves produced by the subwoofer  
would be cancelled out, reducing bass response.  
This phenomenon depends in part on the rela-  
tive placement of the speakers in the room. In  
binding-post terminals to the main left and right  
speaker terminals of your receiver or amplifier, if  
your receiver or amplifier does not have a line-  
level subwoofer output. Remember to maintain  
polarity by connecting the (+) terminal on the  
receiver/amplifier to the (+) terminal on the sub-  
woofer, and the (–) terminal on the receiver/  
amplifier to the (–) terminal on the subwoofer.  
most cases, the Phase Switch  
should be  
left in the NORMAL position. However, it does  
no harm to experiment with the Phase Switch  
Master Power Switch: Place this switch in  
the “•” position to power-on the subwoofer. The  
subwoofer will then be either in the Standby  
mode or completely on, depending on the  
, and you may leave it in the position that  
maximizes bass response.  
Line-Level Subwoofer (SUB) Input: Con-  
position of the Trigger On/Off Switch  
nect the subwoofer output of a receiver with  
digital surround sound decoding, such as Dolby*  
Digital or DTS®, to this input. This input bypasses  
the subwoofer’s internal crossover circuitry, and  
should only be used with a filtered signal. If your  
receiver does not have digital decoding, you  
should use the Line-Level Full-Range Inputs  
AC Power Cord: Make sure to plug this  
cord into an active, unswitched electrical outlet  
for proper operation of the subwoofer.  
The cord should not be plugged into the  
accessory outlets found on some audio  
Line-Level Full-Range Inputs: Connect  
the line-level subwoofer output or preamp out-  
put(s) of your receiver or amplifier to these  
inputs. If your receiver does not have a separate  
subwoofer output, use a Y-adapter (not supplied)  
to bridge the receiver’s preamp output to the  
main amp input for that channel, and connect  
the long end of the adapter to the correspon-  
ding line-level input on the subwoofer. If your  
receiver has only a single subwoofer output, you  
may connect it to either the left or right line-  
level input on the subwoofer, and no Y-adapter is  
Speaker-Level Outputs: If you are using  
the Speaker-Level Inputs on the  
subwoofer, you should connect these binding-  
post terminals to your front left and right speak-  
ers, remembering to maintain polarity by con-  
necting the (+) terminal on the subwoofer to the  
(+) terminal on the speaker, and the (–) terminal  
on the subwoofer to the (–) terminal on the  
speaker. If you are not using the Speaker-Level  
7, then connect your front left and  
right speakers directly to your receiver or  
amplifier. See pages 9 through 12 for further  
information on speaker connections.  
Speaker Placement  
Color-Coding System  
The HKTS 2 uses the channel color-coding  
system established by the Consumer Electronics  
Association to make setting up your home  
theater speaker system as easy as possible. Your  
system includes a set of colored stickers that  
may be placed near the speaker terminals of  
each of the two satellite speakers according to  
the key below. (The powered subwoofer is  
already color-coded for you.)  
Sticker (or Terminal)  
and Cable Color  
The satellite speakers may be placed on a shelf.  
Front Left  
Front Right  
Subwoofer (LFE)  
The low-frequency material reproduced by the  
subwoofer is mostly omnidirectional, and this  
speaker may be placed in a convenient location  
in the room. However, the best reproduction of  
bass will be heard when the subwoofer is placed  
in a corner along the same wall as the front  
speakers. Experiment with subwoofer placement  
by temporarily placing the subwoofer in the  
listening position and moving around the room  
until the bass reproduction is best. Place the  
subwoofer in that location.  
Front Speakers  
They may be wall-mounted using the supplied  
The front speakers should be placed the same  
distance from each other as they are from the  
listening position. They should be placed at  
about the same height from the floor as the  
listeners’ ears will be, or they may be angled  
toward the listeners.  
Mounting Options  
The wall-mounted speaker may be pivoted from  
side to side; however, the bracket is not  
designed to tilt up or down, and attempting to  
tilt it will damage the bracket and possibly the  
wall, which would not be covered by your  
Wires to Speaker  
Unscrew the bolt that attaches the black shelf  
stand to the bottom of the speaker. Store the  
stand and bolt in a safe place in case they are  
needed for a future installation.  
Terminal Cover  
The bracket has two openings on top: a round  
screw hole, and an arc-shaped opening in front  
of it. The speaker cable should be threaded  
through the arc-shaped opening, not the screw  
or 3/4"  
Attach the bracket to the wall plate by inserting  
the tab at the top of the attachment plate into  
the slot on top of the bracket and snapping the  
bracket onto the attachment plate.  
or 1/4"–20)  
or 1/2"  
Thread the cable through the round opening in  
the terminal cover, and then insert the speaker  
wires into the terminals on the underside of the  
speaker, remembering to observe the correct  
polarity (see page 8).  
Place the terminal cover over the opening on the  
underside of the speaker so that it fits flush  
against the speaker and covers the terminals,  
with its round opening exposing the threaded  
insert. The bracket fits through the round open-  
ing in the terminal cover.  
Wall Plate  
Mount the wall-bracket attachment plate on the  
wall in the desired location.  
If possible, position the speakers so that the  
mounting screws (not included; use size #8) may  
be installed directly into a wooden wall stud.  
If that is not possible, use optional wall anchors  
that are rated to support at least twenty-five  
pounds. The customer is responsible for  
proper selection and use of mounting  
hardware, available through hardware  
stores, to properly and safely wall-mount  
the speakers.  
Wall Bracket  
Referring to the speaker connection instructions  
on pages 8 through 11, thread the appropriate  
speaker cable through the opening in the  
bottom of the attachment plate, and then  
through the back of the bracket as shown in the  
Insert the supplied bracket bolt up through the  
bottom of the bracket and terminal cover, and  
screw it into the threaded insert on the under-  
side of the speaker. The bolt should be snug, but  
not so tight as to prevent the bracket from  
Speaker Connections  
To connect the supplied speaker wires to the  
satellite terminals located on the bottom of each  
speaker, press the red or black tab, insert the  
bare end of the wire into the hole, and release  
the tab. Gently tug on the wire to make sure  
that it is fully inserted.  
Speaker-Level Connection Guide  
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before making speaker  
connections, be certain that your receiver or  
audio power amplifier is turned off and pre-  
ferably unplugged from its AC power source. The  
subwoofer should not be connected to an AC  
power source until all speaker wire connections  
have been made.  
For the best performance, Harman Kardon  
recommends that the subwoofer be connected  
using either the Line-Level Subwoofer (SUB)  
Speakers and electronics terminals have  
corresponding (+) and (–) terminals. Most  
manufacturers of speakers and electronics,  
including Harman Kardon, use red to denote the  
(+) terminal and black for the (–) terminal.  
or the Line-Level Full-Range  
. However, if the application requires  
the use of the speaker-level connections for the  
subwoofer, unscrew the binding-post collar until  
the pass-through hole in the center post is  
visible under the collar. Insert the bare end of  
the wire through this hole; then screw the collar  
down until the connection is tight. The hole in  
the center of each collar is intended for use with  
banana-type connectors.  
Newer Harman Kardon receivers conform to the  
CEA standard and therefore use a color other  
than red or black for the (+) terminal to indicate  
some speaker positions: e.g., surround left.  
Although the HKTS 2 system has red and black  
collars on the individual speaker terminals to  
denote the positive and negative connections,  
your system includes a colored band on the  
positive lead at both ends of every speaker cable  
and a matching colored sticker for each of the  
two satellite speakers, conforming to the key on  
page 6. The subwoofer has a purple SUB input  
jack. This system is intended to help you ensure  
that the speaker in each location is connected to  
the correct terminals on your receiver or  
The (+) lead of the speaker wire is indicated  
with a stripe and has the colored band  
corresponding to the speaker’s position. It is  
important to connect all speakers identically: (+)  
on the speaker to (+) on the amplifier and (–) on  
the speaker to (–) on the amplifier. Wiring “out  
of phase” results in thin sound, weak bass and a  
poor stereo image.  
Speaker Connections  
Use this installation method if your receiver/  
processor has a dedicated LFE subwoofer out-  
Make sure that you have configured your  
surround-sound processor for “Subwoofer On.”  
The left and right speakers should all be set to  
Use the line-level input jack marked "SUB" for  
the Low-Frequency Effects channel. Connect this  
jack to the LFE output or subwoofer output  
on your receiver or amplifier. Connect each  
speaker to the corresponding speaker terminals  
on your receiver or amplifier.  
SUB-TS Subwoofer  
Speaker Connections  
Use this installation method for Dolby Pro Logic  
or Dolby Virtual Speaker applications (not Dolby  
Digital, DTS® or other digital processing), where  
the receiver/processor is equipped with a  
subwoofer output, or a volume-controlled  
preamp (line-) level output:  
Use both the left and right inputs on the sub-  
woofer if your receiver or processor has both left  
and right line-level outputs. In that case, you will  
need to supply a second interconnect cable.  
If your receiver/processor has a built-in low-  
pass-crossover filter for the subwoofer output,  
you may use the Sub Input  
to bypass the  
subwoofer’s internal crossover.  
If your receiver is equipped with line-level out-  
puts but does not have a separate subwoofer  
output, use a Y-adapter (not supplied) to bridge  
the receiver’s preamp output to the main amp  
input for that channel, and connect the long end  
of the adapter to the corresponding line-level  
input on the subwoofer.  
Connect each speaker to the corresponding  
speaker terminals on your receiver or amplifier.  
Use RCA-type patch cords to connect the line-  
level subwoofer output on your receiver or to  
amplifier either the left or right line-level input  
on the subwoofer.  
Make sure that you have configured your  
surround sound processor for “Subwoofer On.”  
The left and right speakers should all be set to  
When all connections have been made, plug the  
AC power cord on the subwoofer into an AC  
IMPORTANT: Do not use the Sub Input  
the subwoofer with Dolby Pro Logic processors.  
Speaker Connections  
Connect your receiver or amplifier’s front left  
and right speaker terminals to the left and right  
terminals on the subwoofer that are marked  
“High Level In.”  
Dolby* Pro Logic* (Non-Digital) –  
Speaker Level  
Use this installation method for Dolby Pro Logic  
or Dolby Virtual Speaker applications (not  
Dolby Digital, DTS® or other digital processing),  
where the receiver/processor does not have a  
subwoofer output, or a volume-controlled  
preamp (line-) level output:  
Connect the left and right terminals on the sub-  
woofer that are marked “High Level Out” to the  
corresponding terminals on the back of your  
front left and right speakers.  
Front Left  
Front Right  
Move the Master Power switch (marked  
Additional Bass Adjustments  
In addition to the volume adjustments described  
above, the subwoofer includes a Phase Switch  
8) to the “•” (On) position to use the  
Volume can be adjusted using the Subwoofer  
Level Control  
Turn the control knob clockwise to increase the  
volume of the subwoofer, and counterclockwise  
to decrease the subwoofer's volume.  
subwoofer. The subwoofer will automatically  
turn itself on or go into standby mode  
depending on whether or not a signal is being  
sent to it by your receiver or surround processor,  
and provided that the Trigger On/Off Switch  
is moved down so that it is in the "AUTO  
position. When your receiver or amplifier is off,  
the subwoofer will be in standby mode and the  
LED Indicator on the top of the subwoofer will  
turn amber. When your receiver or amplifier is  
turned on, it will automatically turn itself on and  
the LED Indicator will turn blue.  
(above), as shown below.  
and a Filter Switch  
that can be used to  
adjust the bass response to suit your listening  
environment or taste.  
In most situations, the Phase Switch  
be left in the NORMAL position.  
If you suspect that the subwoofer is playing out  
of phase with the other speakers, which would  
tend to diminish bass response, try placing this  
switch in the REVERSE position. There is no  
harm in experimenting, and you may return the  
switch to the NORMAL position at any time.  
If you rearrange your room and reposition the  
speakers, it would be a good idea to check  
whether they are in phase by flipping this  
If you will be away from home for an extended  
period of time, or if the subwoofer will not be  
used, switch the Master Power switch  
the OFF position.  
The High-Cut (Low-Pass) Filter Switch  
limits the frequencies of the audio signal  
inputted to the subwoofer to the low frequen-  
cies that the subwoofer reproduces best.  
This allows the subwoofer to perform more  
efficiently, and with superior bass reproduction,  
minimizing distortion that might occur if the  
subwoofer attempted to reproduce higher  
frequencies. This switch should be left in the  
ON position, except:  
1. When the Sub Input  
is being used, in  
which case it has no effect, or  
2. When the Speaker-Level Inputs  
or the  
Line-Level Full-Range Inputs  
are being  
used with a crossover or filter aboard the  
receiver or processor.  
In these two circumstances, place the switch in  
the OFF position.  
If there is no sound from  
any of the speakers:  
• Check that receiver/amplifier is on and a source is playing.  
• Check that the powered subwoofer is plugged in, its Power switch  
the “ON•” position.  
is switched on to  
• Check all wires and connections between receiver/amplifier and speakers. Make sure all wires  
are connected. Make sure none of the speaker wires are frayed, cut or punctured.  
• Review proper operation of your receiver/amplifier.  
If there is no sound coming  
from one speaker:  
• Check the “Balance” control on your receiver/amplifier.  
• Check all wires and connections between receiver/ amplifier and speakers. Make sure all wires are  
connected. Make sure none of the speaker wires are frayed, cut or punctured.  
• In Dolby Digital or DTS® modes, make sure that the receiver/processor is configured so that the  
speaker in question is enabled.  
If the system plays at low volumes  
but shuts off as volume is  
• Check all wires and connections between receiver/amplifier and speakers.  
Make sure all wires are connected.  
Make sure none of the speaker wires are frayed, cut or punctured.  
• If more than one pair of main speakers is being used, check the minimum impedance  
requirements of your receiver/amplifier.  
If there is low (or no) bass  
• Make sure the connections to the left and right “Speaker Inputs” have the correct polarity (+ and –).  
• Make sure the subwoofer is plugged into an active electrical outlet.  
• Make sure the powered subwoofer is plugged in and switched on.  
• In Dolby Digital or DTS® modes, make sure your receiver/processor is  
configured so that the subwoofer and LFE output are enabled.  
HKTS 2  
Frequency Response  
35Hz – 20kHz (–6dB)  
200 Watts RMS  
10" Woofer, bass-reflex enclosure  
Dimensions (H x W x D)  
479mm x 340mm x 340mm  
Recommended Power  
10 – 120 Watts  
8 Ohms nominal  
86dB @ 1 Watt/1 meter  
One 1/2" dome, video-shielded  
Dual 3" drivers, video-shielded  
Dimensions (H x W x D)  
243mm x 100mm x 92mm  
All features and specifications are subject to change without notice.  
Harman Kardon and Power for the Digital Revolution are registered trademarks  
of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.  
* Trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.  
DTS is a registered trademark of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.  
Important Safety Instructions  
1. Read these instructions.  
2. Keep these instructions.  
3. Heed all warnings.  
13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods  
of time.  
14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the  
apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power supply cord or plug is  
damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the  
apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has  
been dropped.  
4. Follow all instructions.  
5. Do not use this apparatus near water.  
6. Clean only with a dry cloth.  
15. Do not expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing and ensure that no objects  
filled with liquids, such as vases, are placed on the apparatus.  
7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the  
manufacturer’s instructions.  
16. To completely disconnect this apparatus from the AC Mains, disconnect the  
power supply cord plug from the AC receptacle.  
8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or  
other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.  
17. The mains plug of the power supply cord shall remain readily operable.  
18. Do not expose batteries to excessive heat such assunshine, fire or the like.  
9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A  
polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding-type plug  
has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is  
provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an  
electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.  
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle,  
is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous  
voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient  
magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.  
10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly at plugs,  
convenience receptacles and the point where they exit from the apparatus.  
11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.  
12. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket or table  
specified by the manufacturer or sold with the apparatus. When a  
cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus  
combination to avoid injury from tip-over.  
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert  
the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance  
(servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.  
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to  
rain or moisture.  
250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797  
Harman Consumer Group International:  
2, Route de Tours, 72500 Château-du-Loir, France  
© 2009 Harman Kardon, Incorporated  
Part 406-000-05513-E  

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