Haier Air Conditioner AD842AHEAA User Manual

Operation manual  
Installation manual  
No. 0150504624 B  
Please read this operation manual before using the air conditioner.  
Please keep this manual carefully and safely.  
Disposal of the old air conditioner  
Before disposing an old air conditioner that goes out of use, please make sure it's inoperative and safe. Unplug the air  
conditioner in order to avoid the risk of child entrapment.  
It must be noticed that air conditioner system contains refrigerants, which require specialized waste disposal. The valuable  
materials contained in a air conditioner can be recycled. Contact your local waste disposal center for proper disposal of  
an old air conditioner and contact your local authority or your dealer if you have any question. Please ensure that the  
pipework of your air conditioner does not get damaged prior to being picked up by the relevant waste disposal center,  
and contribute to environmental awareness by insisting on an appropriate, anti-pollution method of disposal.  
Disposal of the packaging of your new air conditioner  
All the packaging materials employed in the package of your new air conditioner may be disposed without any danger to  
the environment.  
The cardboard box may be broken or cut into smaller pieces and given to a waste paper disposal service. The wrapping  
bag made of polyethylene and the polyethylene foam pads contain no fluorochloric hydrocarbon.  
All these valuable materials may be taken to a waste collecting center and used again after adequate recycling.  
Consult your local authorities for the name and address of the waste materials collecting centers and waste paper disposal  
services nearest to your house.  
Safety Instructions and Warnings  
Before starting the air conditioner, read the information given in the User's Guide carefully. The User's Guide contains very  
important observations relating to the assembly, operation and maintenance of the air conditioner.  
The manufacturer does not accept responsibility for any damages that may arise due to non-observation of the following  
Damaged air conditioners are not to be put into operation. In case of doubt, consult your supplier.  
Use of the air conditioner is to be carried out in strict compliance with the relative instructions set forth in the User's  
For the purpose of safety, the air conditioner must be properly grounded in accordance with specifications.  
Always remember to unplug the air conditioner before opening inlet grill. Never unplug your air conditioner by pulling on  
the power cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.  
All electrical repairs must be carried out by qualified electricians. Inadequate repairs may result in a major source of  
danger for the user of the air conditoiner.  
Do not damage any parts of the air conditioner that carry refrigerant by piercing or perforating the air conditioner's tubes  
with sharp or pointed items, crushing or twisting any tubes, or scraping the coatings off the surfaces. If the refrigerant  
spurts out and gets into eyes, it may result in serious eye injuries.  
Do not obstruct or cover the ventilation grille of the air conditioner. Do not put fingers or any other things into the inlet/outlet  
and swing louver.  
Do not allow children to play with the air conditioner. In no case should children be allowed to sit on the outdoor unit.  
Safety Precautions  
Before starting to use the system, read carefully this"SAFETY PRECAUTIONS" to ensure a proper operation of the system.  
Safety precautions described here are classified to " WARNING" and " CAUTION". Precautions which are shown  
in the column of " WARNING" means that an improper handing could lead to a grave result like a death, serious injury,  
etc. However, even if precautions are shown in the column of " CAUTION", a very serious problem could occur depending  
on situation. Make sure to observe these safety precautions faithfully because they are very important information to ensure  
the safety.  
Symbols which appear frequently in the text have following meanings.  
Strictly prohibited.  
Observe instructions faithfully.  
Provide a positive grounding.  
When you have read through the manual, keep it always at hand for read consultation. If the operator is replaced, make  
sure to hand over this manual to the new operator.  
The system should be applied to places as office, The system should be installed by your dealer or When you need some optional devices such as a  
restaurant, residence and the like.  
a professional installer.  
humidifier, electric heater, etc., be sure to use the  
products which are recommended by us. These  
devices should be attached by a professional  
Installation by yourself is not encouraged because  
it could cause such problems as water leakage,  
electrical shock or fire accident by some improper  
Installation by yourself is not encouraged because  
it could cause such problems as water leakage,  
electrical shock or fire accident by some improper  
Application to inferior environment such as an  
engineering shop, could cause equipment  
malfunction and serious injury or death.  
Do not install nearby the place where may have Depending on the place of installation, a circuit  
leakage of flammable gas. breaker may be necessary.  
Drain pipe should be arranged to provide a positive  
If the gas leakes and gathers around, it may cause Unless the circuit breaker is installed, it could  
the fire. cause elecrical shocks.  
If the pipe is arranged improperly, furniture or the  
likes may be damaged by leaked water.  
Where strong winds may prevail, the system should Install on the place where can endure the weight Make sure the system is grounded.  
be fixed securely to prevent a collapse.  
of air conditioner.  
Bodily injury could result by a collapse.  
Bodily injury could result by a careless installation. Grounding cable should never be connected to a  
gas pipe, city water pipe, lightning conductor rod  
or grounding cable of telephone. If the grounding  
cable is not set properly, it could cause electric  
Modification of the system is strictly prohibited. When the system needs a When the air conditioner is relocated, contact your dealer or a professional  
repair, consult your dealer. installer.  
Improper practice of repair could cause water leakage, electric shock or fire. Improper practice of installation could cause water leakage, electric shock  
or fire.  
Safety Precautions  
You should refrain from exposing your body directly Do not poke the air inlet or outlet with a bar, etc. When any abnormal condition (scorching smell or  
to cool wind for a long time.  
others) is found, stop the operation immediately  
and turn off the power switch. Then consult your  
If you continue the operation without removing the  
It could affect your physical condition or cause Since the internal fan is operating with a high cause, it could result in a trouble, electric shock  
some health problems.  
speed, it could cause an injury.  
or fire.  
The system should never be used for any other Do not handle switches with a wet hand.  
purposes than intended such as for preservation  
of food, flora and fauna, precision devices or work  
of art.  
Combustion apparatus should not be placed  
allowing a direct exposure to wind of air conditioner.  
It could cause deterioration of food or other problems. It could cause electric shocks.  
Incomplete combustion could occur on the apparatus.  
Make sure to use a fuse of proper electric rating.  
Do not wash the air conditioner with water.  
Do not install the system where the air outlet  
reaches directly the flora and fauna.  
Use of steel or copper wire in place of a fuse is  
strictly prohibited because it could result in a trouble  
or fire accident.  
It could cause electric shocks.  
It will not be good for their health.  
Neither stand on the air conditioner nor place It is strictly prohibited to place a container of  
something on it. combustible gas or liquid near the air conditioner is removed.  
or to spray it directly with the gas or liquid.  
Do not operate the system while the air outlet grill  
There are risks of falling or injury by collapsed object. It could cause a fire accident.  
There is a risk of injury.  
Do not use the power switch to turn on or off the Do not touch the air outlet section while the swing Do not use such equipment as a water heater, etc.  
louver is operating.  
around the indoor unit or the wire controller.  
If the system is operated at the vicinity of such  
equipment which generates steam, condensed  
water may drip during cooling operation or it could  
cause a fault current or short-circuit.  
It could cause a fire or water leakage.  
There is a risk of injury.  
When operating the system simultaneously with Check occasionally the support structure of the Do not place any objects on or climb on the unit.  
a combustion apparatus, indoor air must be  
ventilated frequently.  
unit for any damage after a use of long period of  
If the structure is not repaired immediately, the  
unit could topple down to cause a personal injury.  
Insufficient ventilation could cause an oxygen  
deficiency accident.  
When cleaning the system, stop the operation  
and turn off the power switch.  
Do not put water containers on the unit such as a Do not try to repair or reconstruct by yourself.  
flower vase, etc.  
If the water enters into the unit and damages the  
electric insulation material, it may cause electric  
Cleaning should never be done while the internal  
fans are running with high speed.  
Safety Precautions  
The machine is adaptive in following situation  
1. Applicable ambient temperature range:  
32 C / 23 C  
18 C / 14 C  
D.B / W.B  
D.B / W.B  
D.B / W.B  
43 C / 26 C  
15 C  
27 C  
15 C  
D.B / W.B  
D.B / W.B  
24 C / 18 C  
-7 C / -8 C  
2. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similar qualified person.  
3. If the fuse on indoor unit PC board is broken, please change it with the type of T. 3.15A /250V.  
If the fuse on outdoor unit PC board is broken, please change it with the type of T. 6.3A /250V.  
4. The wiring method should be in line with the local wiring standard.  
5. The power cable and connecting cable are self-provided.  
The power cable should be 5G 6.0mm2 .  
The connecting cable should be 4G 1.5mm2.  
All the cables shall have got the European authentication certificate. During installation, when the connecting cables  
break off, it must be assured that the grouding wire is the last one to be broken off.  
6. The breaker of the air conditioner should be all-pole switch; and the distance between its two contacts should be no  
less than 3mm.  
7. The indoor unit installation height is at least 2.5m.  
Installation and maintenance must be meet the local installation and maintenance instructions and should operate by the  
experienced special installation and maintenance technicians. Otherwise we don’t take any duty of the units damage or  
injure to the person caused by improper operation.  
1.The sharp edges and corners and coil surface have the danger to injury. Please avoid of them.  
2.It’s very danger to remove the units and power supply wire, because it can cause injury and death. Cut off all the power  
supply before maintenance.  
Parts and Functions  
Indoor Unit  
Air outlet  
Drain pipe  
Air inlet  
Outdoor Unit  
Air outlet  
Air inlet  
Air inlet  
Heating Mode  
"HOT KEEP" function  
"HOT KEEP" is operated in the following cases.  
When heating is started:  
In order to prevent blowing out of cool wind, the indoor unit fan stopped according to the room temperature which heating  
operation is started. Wait for approx. 2 to 3 minute, and the operation will be automatically changed to the ordinary heating  
Defrosting operation (in the heating mode):  
When it is liable to frost, the heating operation is stopped automatically for 5 to 12 minutes once per approx. one hour,  
and defrosting is operated. After defrosting is completed, operation mode is automatically changed to ordinary heating  
When the room thermostat is actuated:  
When room temperature increases and room temperature controller actuates, the fan speed is automatically  
changed to stop under low temperature condition of indoor heat exchanger. When room temperature  
decreases, air conditioner automatically changes over to ordinary heating operation.  
Warming Operation  
Heat pump type warming  
With the heat pump type warming, the mechanism of heat pump that concentrate heat of outdoor air with the help of  
refrigerant to warm the indoor space, is utilized.  
Defrosting operation  
When a room is warmed with a heat pump type air conditioner, frost accumulates on the heat exchanger of outdoor unit  
along with the drop of indoor temperature. Since the accumulated frost reduces the effect of warming, it is necessery to  
automatically switch the operation to the defrosting mode. During the defrosting operation, heating operation is interrupted.  
Atmospheric temperature and warming capacity  
Warming capacity of heat pump type air conditioner decreases along with the drop of outdoor temperature.  
When the warming capacity is not sufficient, it is recommended to use another heating implement.  
Period of warm-up  
Since the heat pump type air conditioner employs a method to circulate warm winds to warm  
the entire space of a room, it takes time before the room temperature rises.  
It is recommendable to start the operation a little earlier in a very cold morning.  
Care and Maintenance  
Points to observe  
Do not touch with wet hand.  
Turn off the power supply switch.  
Do not use hot water or volatile liquid.  
Do not  
Tooth powder  
Do not open the inlet grill until fan stops completely.  
Fan will continue rotating for a while by the law of inertia after operation is being stopped.  
Clean the air filter  
1.Clean the air filter by lightly tapping it or with the cleaner. It is more effective to clean the  
air filter with water.  
If the air filter is very dirty, dissolve neutral detergent in the lukewarm water (approx. 30 C),  
rinse the air filter in the water, and thoroughly wash the air filter off the detergent in the plain  
2. After drying the air filter, set it up on the air conditioner.  
Do not dry the air filter with fire.  
Do not run the air conditioner without the air filter.  
Care and Cleaning of the unit  
Clean with soft and dry cloth.  
If it is very dirty, dissolve neutral detergent in the lukewarm water and make the cloth wet with the water.  
After wiping, clean off the detergent using clean water.  
Post-Season Care  
Operate the unit with FAN mode on a fair day for about half a day to dry the inside of the unit well.  
Stop operation and turn off the power supply switch. Electric power is consumed even the air conditioner is in stop.  
Clean the air filter and set it in the place.  
Pre-Season Care  
See that there are no obstacles blocking the air inlet and air outlet of both indoor and outdoor units.  
Make sure that the air filter is not dirty.  
Cut in the power supply switch 12 hours before starting run.  
Please check the following things about your air conditioner before making a service call.  
Unit fails to start  
Is the power source switch Is city supply power in normal? Isn't the signal receiving  
Isn't the earth leakage breaker  
section exposed to the direct in action?  
sunlight or strong illumination?  
adjust cut in?  
It is dangerous. Turn off the  
power supply switch  
immediately and contact the  
sales dealer.  
Power supply switch is not ON.  
Cooling or heating is not sufficient  
Is the thermostat adjust as  
Isn't the air filter dirty?  
Isn't any doors or windows  
left open?  
Doesn't any obstacle exist at  
the air inlet or outlet?  
Isn't the swing louver horizontal? (At HEATING mode)  
If swing louver is horizontal, the blow wind does not reach floor.  
Cooling is not sufficient  
Isn't sun-shine invading direct? Isn't any unexpected heating Isn't the room much crowded? The wind does not blow during  
load generated?  
heating operation  
Isn't it warming up?  
When the air conditioner does not operate properly after you have checked the above mentioned items or when the following  
phenomenon is observed, stop the operation of the air conditioner and contact your sales dealer.  
The fuse or breaker often shuts down.  
Water drops off during cooling operation.  
There is a irregularity in operation or abnormal sound is audible.  
When the CHECK lamp (red) flickers, an irregularity has occurred in the air conditioner.  
This unit has a function of automatic restart system after recovering power stoppage. Please contact the sales dealer if it  
is not required.  
The followings are not malfunction  
Water flowing sound is heard.  
When the air conditioner is started, when the compressor starts or stops during  
operation or when the air conditioner is stopped, it sometimes sounds "shuru shuru"  
or "gobo gobo". It is the flowing sound of the refrigerant, and it is not a trouble.  
Cracking sound is heard.  
It smells.  
This is caused by heat expansion or contraction of plastics.  
Air which blows out from the indoor unit sometimes smells. The smell results from  
residents of tobacco smoke or cosmetics stuck inside of unit.  
During operation, white fog comes When the air conditioner is used at restaurant etc. where dense edible oil fume always  
out of indoor unit.  
exists, white fog sometimes blows out of air outlet during operation.  
In this case consult sales dealer for cleaning the heat exchanger.  
It is switched into the FAN mode To prevent frost from being accumulated on the indoor unit heat exchanger, it is  
during cooling.  
sometimes automatically switched to the FAN mode but it will soon return to the cooling  
The air conditioner can not be  
restarted soon after it stops.  
Even if the operation switch is turned on, cooling, dehumidifying or heating is not  
operable for three minutes after the conditioner is stopped. Because the protecting  
Wait for  
circuit is activated. (During this time air conditioner operates in fan  
Unit does  
not start  
Air does not blow or the fan speed When it is excessively cooled during dehumidifying, the blower automatically repeats  
can not be changed during  
reducing and lowering the fan speed.  
During operation, operation mode Isn't the AUTO mode selected?  
has changed over automatically. In the case of AUTO mode, operation mode is changed automatically from cooling  
to heating or vise-versa according to the room temperature.  
Water or steam generates from  
the outdoor unit during heating.  
This results when frost accumulated on the outdoor unit is removed  
(during defrosting operation).  
Diagnosis for On-Off models  
shows resumable fault, shows it is not resumable fault.  
Precaution for Installation  
Safety precautions  
Please read these "Safety Precautions" first then accurately execute the installation work.  
Though the precautionary points indicated herein are divided under two headings,  
those points which are related to the strong possibility of an installation done in error resulting in death or serious injury  
are listed in the section. However, there is also a possibility of serious consequences in relationship to the  
points listed in the CAUTIONsection as well. In either case, important safety related information is indicated, so by all  
means, properly observe all that is mentioned.  
After completing the installation, along with confirming that no abnormalities were seen from the operation tests, please  
explain operating methods as well as maintenance methods to the user (customer) of this equipment, based on the owner's  
manual. Moreover, ask the customer to keep this sheet together with the owner's manual.  
This system should be applied to places as office, restaurant, residence and the like. Application to inferior environment  
such as engineering shop could cause equipment malfunction.  
Please entrust installation to either the company which sold you the equipment or to a professional contractor. Defects  
from improper installations can be the cause of water leakage, electric shocks and fires.  
Execute the installation accurately, based on following the installation manual. Again, improper installations can result  
in water leakage, electric shocks and fires.  
When a large air-conditioning system is installed to a small room, it is necessary to have a prior planned countermeasure  
for the rare case of a refrigerant leakage, to prevent the exceeding of threshold concentration. In regards to preparing  
this countermeasure, consult with the company from which you perchased the equipment, and make the installation  
accordingly. In the rare event that a refrigerant leakage and exceeding of threshold concentration does occur, there is  
the danger of a resultant oxygen deficiency accident.  
For installation, confirm that the installation site can sufficiently support heavy weight. When strength is insufficient,  
injury can result from a falling of the unit.  
Execute the prescribed installation construction to prepare for earthquakes and the strong winds of typhoons and  
hurricanes, etc. Improper installations can result in accidents due to a violent falling over of the unit.  
For electrical work, please see that a licensed electrician executes the work while following the safety standards related  
to electrical equipment, and local regulations as well as the installation instructions, and that only exclusive use circuits  
are used.  
Insufficient power source circuit capacity and defective installation execution can be the cause of electric shocks and  
Accurately connect wiring using the proper cable, and insure that the external force of the cable is not conducted to  
the terminal connection part, through properly securing it. Improper connection or securing can result in heat generation  
or fire.  
Take care that wiring does not rise upward, and accurately install the lid/service panel. Its improper installation can  
also result in heat generation or fire.  
When setting up or moving the location of the air conditioner, do not mix air etc. or anything other than the designated  
refrigerant (R410A) within the refrigeration cycle.  
Rupture and injury caused by abnormal high pressure can result from such mixing.  
Always use accessory parts and authorized parts for installation construction. Using parts not authorized by this company  
can result in water leakage, electric shock, fire and refrigerant leakage.  
Execute proper grounding. Do not connect the ground wire to a gas pipe, water pipe, lightning rod or a telephone ground  
wire. Improper placement of ground wires can result in electric shock.  
The installation of an earth leakage breaker is necessary depending on the established location of the unit. Not installing  
an earth leakage breaker may result in electric shock.  
Do not install the unit where there is a concern about leakage of combustible gas.  
The rare event of leaked gas collecting around the unit could result in an outbreak of fire.  
For the drain pipe, follow the installation manual to insure that it allows proper drainage and thermally insulate it to prevent  
condensation. Inadequate plumbing can result in water leakage and water damage to interior items.  
Is the Unit Installed Correctly  
Confirm the following items for safe and comfortable use of air conditioner.  
The installation work is to be burden on the sales dealer, and do not conduct it by yourself.  
Installation place  
Avoid installing the air conditioner near the Install the unit at well ventilated place. Install the air conditioner firmly on the  
place where possibility of inflammable gas  
leakage exists.  
foundation that can fully support the weight  
of the unit.  
Air outlet  
Air inlet  
Air inlet  
If some obstacle exist, it may cause  
capacity reduction or noise increase.  
Explosion (Ignition) may occur.  
If not, it may cause vibration or noise.  
Select the place so as not to annoy  
neighbor with the hot air or noise.  
Snow protection work is necessary  
where outdoor unit is blocked up  
by snow.  
It is advisable not to install the air con-  
ditioner at the following special place.  
It may cause malfunction, consult the  
sales dealer when you have to install  
the unit on such a place.  
For details consult your sales dealer.  
The place where corrosive gas  
generates (Hot spring area etc.)  
The place where salt breeze blows  
(Seaside etc.)  
The place where dense soot smoke  
The place where humidity is extraordina-  
rily high  
The place where near the machine  
which radiates the electromagnetic wave  
The place where voltage variation is  
considerably large  
Electric work  
The electric work must be burden on the authorized engineer with qualification for electric work and grounding work, and  
the work must be conducted in accordance with electric equipment technical standard.  
The power source for the unit is to be of exclusive use.  
An earth leakage breaker should be installed.(This is necessary to prevent electric shock.)  
The unit must be grounded.  
When you change your address or the installation place  
Special technology is required for removal or reinstallation of air conditioner, consult the sales dealer.  
Besides, construction expense is charged for removal or reinstallation.  
For inspection and maintenance  
The capacity of air conditioner will decrease by contamination of inside of unit when it is used for about three years although  
depending upon the circumstances under which it is used, and so in addition to the usual maintenance service, special  
inspection/maintenance service is necessary. It is recommended to make a maintenance contract (charged) by consulting  
your sales dealer.  
Installation Precedure  
Indoor Unit  
All Wiring of this installation must comply with NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. These instructions  
do not cover all variations for every kind of installation circumstance. Should further information be desired or should particular  
problems occur, the matter should be referred to your local distributor.  
1. Before installation (Before finishing installation, do not throw the attached parts installation needs)  
Confirm the way to move the unit to the installation place.  
Before moving the unit to the installation place, do not remove their packages. When having to remove the package, use  
a soft material or protection board with rope to lift the unit assembly to avoid unit damage or bumping a scrape.  
2. Selecting the installation place  
(1) The chosen installation place should meet the following requirements and get the user’s consent.  
Place ensures ideal airflow distribution.  
The passage of airflow has no obstacles.  
When importing outside air, it should be imported directly from outdoors. (if the pipe can not be extended, it also can not  
be imported from top)  
Place ensures enough space for maintenance.  
The pipe length between indoor and outdoor unit is in the permitted limit (referring to outdoor unit installation part).  
The indoor unit, outdoor unit, electric wire and connection wire is at least 1m away from television and radio. This is to  
avoid the image disturbance and noise caused by the above-mentioned home appliance. (Even if 1m away, if the  
electromagnetic wave is too strong, it can also cause noise.)  
(2) The height of ceiling  
The indoor unit can install on the ceiling, which height is no more than 3m.  
(3) Install and use the hoisting screw. Check if the installation place can bear the weight of unit assembly. If not  
certain, strengthen it before install the unit.  
Over 100  
Air out  
Over 900  
Checking meatus  
Air in  
Installation Precedure  
Indoor Unit  
3. Preparation before installation  
(1) The position relation among hoisting screw (unit: mm)  
Down side  
Up side  
(2) If necessary, cut the opening installation and checking needed on the ceiling. (If has ceiling)  
Before installation, finish the preparation work of all the pipes (refrigerant, drainage) and wire (wire controller connection  
wire, indoor and outdoor unit connection wire) of indoor unit, so that after installation, they can be immediately connected  
with outdoor unit.  
Cut the opening on the ceiling. Maybe it needs to strengthen the ceiling to keep the ceiling even and flat and prevent the  
ceiling from vibration. For details, please consult to the builder.  
(3) Hanger bolts installation  
Use care of the piping direction when the unit is installed.(Use M10 screw  
Hole-in anchor  
Hole-in plug  
In order to bear the weight of the unit, for existed ceiling, using foundation  
screw bolt; For new ceiling, using burying embedded screw bolt, burying  
screw bolt or spot supplied other parts.  
Before going on installation, adjust the gaps with ceiling.  
Hanging bolt M10  
4. Installing indoor unit  
Hanging bolt  
Fix the indoor unit to the hanger bolts.  
If required, it is possible to suspend the unit to the beam, etc. Directly by use  
of the bolts without using the hanger bolts.  
M10 nut  
M10 washer  
M10 spring washer  
Main unit  
When the dimensions of main unit and ceiling holes does not match, it can  
be adjusted with the slot holes of hanging bracket.  
Adjusting to the levelness  
Adjust the out-of levelness using a level or by the following method.  
Make adjustment so that the relation between the lower surface of the unit  
proper and water level in the hose becomes as given below.  
Piping side  
Supply water  
Water level  
Unless the adjustment to the levelness is made properly, malfunctioning or  
failure of the float switch may occur.  
0~5 mm  
PVC hose  
Bring the piping side slightly lower  
Installation Precedure  
Indoor Unit  
5. Drain Piping  
Drain piping should always be in a downhill grade (1/50~1/100) and avoid riding across an elevation or making traps.  
Good piping  
Improper piping  
1.5m ~ 2m  
Avoid riding across an elevation  
Keep free from traps  
Air vent  
Do not pipe under water  
A downhill grade  
of 1/100 or more  
When connecting the drain pipe to unit, pay suffcient attention  
not to apply excess force to the piping on the unit side. Also,  
fix the piping at a point as close as possible to the unit.  
Drain hose  
Drain socket  
Drain socket  
Pipe cover(large)  
[for insulation]  
VP-25 joint  
(field purchased)  
Main unit  
For drain pipe, use hard PVC general purpose pipe VP-  
25(I.D.1") which can be purchased locally. When  
connecting, insert a PVC pipe end securely into the drain  
socket before tightening securely using the attached drain  
hose and clamp. Adhesive must not be used connection of  
the drain socket and drain hose (accessory).  
(field purchased)  
Drain hose  
Adhesion Pipe cover [for insulation]  
(field purchased)  
Pipe cover(small) [for insulation]  
(d)When constructing drain piping for several units, position the  
common pipe about 100 mm below the drain outlet of each  
unit as shown in the sketch. Use VP-30(11/4") or thicker pipe  
for this purpose.  
Secure the elevation as high as possible (approx. 100 mm)  
A downhill grade of 1/100 or more  
(e)The stiff PVC pipe put indoor side should be heat insulated.  
(f) Avoid putting the outlet of drain hose in the places with irritant gas generated. Do not insert the drain hose directly into  
drainage, where the gas with sulfur may be generated.  
(g)Set a backwater bend in the middle of drain hose as figure  
Because the drain spout is at the position, which negative  
pressure may occur. So with the rise of water level in the drain  
pan, water leakage may occur. In order to prevent water  
leakage, we designed a backwater bend.  
The structure of backwater bend should be able to be cleaned.  
H1=100mm or the static pressure of  
air sending motor  
H2=1/2H1 (or between 50~100mm)  
As the right figure shown, use T type joint. The backwater  
bend is set near the air conditioner.  
Drainage Test  
(1) Conduct a drainage test after completion of the electrical work.  
During the trial, make sure that drain flows properly through the piping and that no water  
leaks from connections.  
In case of a new building, conduct the test before it is furnished with the ceiling.  
Be sure to conduct this test even when the unit is installed in the heating season.  
Supply about 1000 cc of water to the unit through the air outlet using a feed water pump.  
Check the drain while cooling operation.  
Installation Precedure  
Indoor Unit  
6. Installation of air suction and discharging duct  
Please consult the after-sales service personnel for the choosing and installation of suction inlet, suction duct, discharging  
outlet and discharging duct. Calculating the design drawing and outer static pressure, and choose the discharging duct  
with proper length and shape.  
muffler cavity (air sending)  
Enlarging chart of profile chart A  
Sacking joint  
Air volume adjuster  
Air conditioner  
main unit  
Checking meatus  
Air outlet  
Vibration resistance hook  
Air suction grille with air filter  
The length difference among every duct is limited below 2:1.  
Reduce the length of duct as possible as can.  
Bad example  
Bad example  
Good example  
Reduce the amount of bend as possible as can.  
Use heat insulation material to bind and seal the part connecting main unit  
and the flare part of air discharging duct. Perform duct installation work,  
before the fitment of ceiling.  
7. Calculation method of the dimension of the simple quadrate air duct  
Presuming the unit length friction impedance of the duct is 1Pa/m, when  
the dimension of one side of the air duct is fixed as 250mm, as shown  
Air conditioner  
Static pressure Equipped with  
Air volume  
air filter (bought)  
The calculation of duct resistance (the simple calculation is as follow table)  
Straight part  
Bend part  
Calculate as per 1m length 1Pa, 1Pa/m  
Each bend takes as a 3~4m long straight duct  
Calculate as 25Pa  
Air out part  
Static pressure box  
Calculate as 50Pa/each  
Air inlet grille (with air filter) Calculate as 40Pa/each  
The chosen chart of simple duct  
Square duct  
Shape Square duct  
Air volume  
Air volume  
250 x 60  
250 x 90  
250 x 430  
250 x 470  
250 x 560  
250 x 650  
250 x 740  
250 x 830  
250 x 920  
250 x 1000  
250 x 1090  
250 x 1180  
250 x 120  
250 x 140  
250 x 170  
250 x 190  
250 x 230  
250 x 270  
250 x 310  
250 x 350  
250 x 390  
Installation Precedure  
Indoor Unit  
8. The attentive matters in installation of air suction and discharging duct  
Special air discharging outlet  
Recommend to use anti-frost and sound-absorbing duct. (locally bought)  
The duct installation work should be finished before the fitment of ceiling.  
The duct must be heat insulated.  
Use screw bolt to fix  
The specific air-discharging outlet should be installed at the place where the  
airflow can be reasonably distributed.  
The surface should leave a checking meatus for checking and maintenance.  
9. The examples of improper installation  
Do not use air in duct and take the ceiling inner side instead. The result is  
because of the irregular outer air mass, strong wind and sunshine, the humidity  
is increased.  
There may be water drop on the outside of duct. For cement and other new  
constructions, even if not taking ceiling inner side as duct, the humidity will  
also be so high. At this time, use glass fiber to perform heat preservation to  
the whole. (use iron net to bind the glass fiber)  
Maybe exceeding the unit operation limit (for example: when indoor dry bulb  
temperature is 35 C, wet bulb temperature 24 C), it may lead to overload of  
Affected by the capacity of air discharging fan, the strong wind in the outer  
duct and wind direction, when unit air sending volume exceeds the limit, the  
discharged water of heat exchanger will overflow, leading to water leakage.  
Air discharging fan  
Improper example  
11. Refrigerant pipe  
The air side pipe, liquid side pipe must be faithfully heat insulated, if no heat insulation, it may cause water leakage.  
The outdoor unit has been charged with refrigerant.  
When connect the pipe to the unit or dismantling the pipe from the unit, please follow the figure shown, use spanner  
and torque spanner together.  
When connect cone nut, the inner side and outside of cone nut should paste with refrigerant oil. Use hand to twist 3-4  
rings, then fasten with spanner.  
Referring to Table I to confirm the fasten torque. (too tight may damage nut leading to leakage)  
Check if the connection pipe leaks, then do heat insulation treatment, as below figure shown.  
Only use seal cushion to bind the joint part of air pipe and heat insulation parts.  
Paste the refrigerant oil here  
Torque spanner  
Middle size seal cushion (accessory)  
Table I  
(Use seal cushion to  
bind the pipe joint)  
A (mm)  
Specification Tighten torque  
of pipe  
Heat insulation (accessory)  
50 N.m  
(for liquid pipe)  
Heat insulation (accessory)  
(for gas pipe)  
Pipe joint  
Cone nut  
Gas pipe  
Liquid pipe  
Liquid pipe  
Gas pipe  
Electric box  
Air inlet  
Air outlet  
Down side  
Drain hose connection mouth  
VP25 PVC pipe  
Installation Precedure  
Outdoor Unit  
1. Selecting the installation place  
It should be installed at places where it is firm enough to withstand the weight of the air conditioner to prevent falling.  
Typhoon and earthquake prevention. It should be installed according to specific requirements. Inappropriate installation  
may lead to accidents.  
Dimension of outdoor unit  
Installtion space  
Blow out  
(1)During installation, connect the outdoor unit and align the mounting surface  
(See the figure on the right). Mount the electric distribution device on the  
external side of the unit in accordance to the installation instructions for  
electric distribution device.  
Absorb in  
Absorb in  
Absorb in  
Working, repair surface  
(2)To ensure good performance of the machine and facilitate installation and  
maintenance, adequate space must be reserved (See figure on the right).  
(front side)  
>20mm >20mm  
Obstacles should be 2000mm off the top of the outdoor unit. Obstacles nearby  
should be 400mm lower than the top of the unit.  
A vertical view of the outdoor unit  
2. Delivery of outdoor unit  
Wire rope  
Protection cushion  
As there is no protective package for the outdoor unit, so the following points  
merit attention:  
(1)When forklift is used, insert the fork into the holes in the base plate.  
(2)When crane is used, lift the unit with 4 pieces of steel rope with diameter  
above 6 mm.  
(3)Put protective materials between the cable and the unit to prevent deformation  
and damage of the surface.  
Base panel  
Wire rope  
Installation Precedure  
Outdoor Unit  
3. Mounting outdoor unit  
(1)The distance between two connections must not be less than 20mm.  
Refer to the following figure for the distance between the foundation bolts.  
Through hole(15x20)  
M12 foot screw bolt  
4 screws each unit  
(2)When the refrigerant pipe is connected from the bottom of the unit, the unit  
should be raised at least 500mm(see the figure right)  
Refrigerant tube  
(3)In snowy regions, snow-proof facilities should be used (see the figure right).  
(Poor snow-proof facilities may lead to damage.To avoid inconveniences, the  
unit should be raised and snow-proof covers should be installed at the air  
inlet and outlet.)  
Air inlet snow-  
proof cover  
Air outlet snow-  
proof cover  
Air inlet snow-proof cover  
(4)During installation, anti-vibration rubber pads should be used between the  
machine and the bracket.  
Installation Precedure  
Outdoor Unit  
4. Connection of refrigerant pipe  
During installation, if refrigerant leakage occurs, ventilation measures must be taken. When refrigerant meets with fire,  
hazadous gas will be produced.  
After installation, make sure that there is no refrigerant leakage. Refrigerant, if meeting with heaters and stoves, ect. in  
the room, may produce hazardous gas.  
Connection of refrigerant pipe  
(1)The joints of the refrigerant pipe are inside the unit. Take off the access  
hole cover in front of the unit.  
(2)The pipe can be connected from the front or bottom of the outdoor unit.  
Tube fixing  
(3)Remove the L-shaped pipe from the valve by welding and connect the  
accessory pipe to the valve.  
Base plate  
Access hole cover  
(4)In the case of front connection, cut the accessory pipe at the height of the  
fixing panel. Then join the pipe with an elbow and let it go through the fixing  
panel. For the convenience of maintenance, bend the pipe down (once) and  
then connect pipe to the right or left.  
(5)In the case of bottom connection, join the pipe with accessory pipe through  
the holes in the base plate of the outdoor unit, and connect pipe the left or  
right or the back.  
ube to the back  
ube to the tight  
ube to the tight  
ube to the left  
ube to the left  
(6)During welding, the gas pipe valve must be cooled down with a wet cotton cloth.  
(7)The maximum connnection pipe is 50 meters, the maximum drop difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit is 30  
(8)It should install the liquid check-ring and accumulator according to the outdoor unit and indoor unit position.(see the  
following figures)  
Fig.1 Outdoor unit below the indoor unit.  
Fig. 2 Outdoor unit is above the indoor unit  
Liquid check-ring  
indoor unit  
outdoor unit  
Accumulator ( a set  
per 6 meters)  
outdoor unit  
indoor unit  
During welding of the distribution pipe  
(1).In case of brazing weld of joint, nitrogen must be filled in the pipe to prevent oxidization.  
(2).The refrigerant pipe should be newly-made and clean. During installation, do not let water and other substance into the pipe.  
(3).Use two spanners to tighten the connecting nut. One spanner will make loose connection.  
(4).The torque moment should conform to the specified value. (Refer to the below)  
Torque moment for tightening the nut  
Torque moment for  
tightening up (N.m)  
Torque moment for  
pre-installation (N.m)  
Tube diameter (mm)  
53.9(5.5kgf m)  
49.0(5.0kgf m)  
5. Outdoor unit pipelines connection  
According to the pipeline connection method, connect the distribute pipes and inlet & outlet liquid pipes.  
Installation Precedure  
Outdoor Unit  
6. Leak Test  
Leak test must be made after connection of the refrigerant pipe according to the following diagram.  
Close all the gas and liquid valves.To prevent nitrogen gas from invading the outdoor circulating system, close the valve  
tightly before pressure increase,(Both the gas and liquid valves must be tightly closed.)  
Every cooling system must be charged slowly from the gas and liquid valves.  
It must be charged from the gas and liquid valves.  
Never use oxygen, flamable and poisonous gases for the leak test.  
Low-pressure gauge High-pressure gauge  
Three-way valve fully closed  
(gas side)  
Gauge distributor  
Solder joint  
Access hole  
Copper pipe  
Solder joint  
Relief valve  
Access hole  
Copper pipe  
Indoor unit  
Outdoor unit  
Three-way valve fully closed  
liquid side  
Detailed diagram of the three-way valve  
(Gas side )access hole  
To the gauge distributor  
(Gas side)three-way valve  
(Liquid side)access hole  
To the unit  
(Liquid side)three-way valve  
Field tube  
Field tube  
(1)Pressurize for more than 3 minutes under 0.3MPa(3.0kg/cm2g)  
(2)Pressurize for more than 3 minutes under 1.5MPa(15kg/cm2g). Serious leakage may be found.  
(3)Pressurize for more than 24 hours under 3.0MPa(3.0kg/cm2g). Small leakage may be found.  
Check if the pressure decrease  
If the pressure does not decrease, then the test passes.  
If the pressure decrease, check for leakage.  
There will be a 0.01MPa(0.1kg/cm2g) pressure change for every 1 C ambient temperature change during the 24-hour  
pressure charge. It should be corrected during the test.  
Check for leakage  
In the case of pressure decrease during steps (1) to (3), check the joints with the ear, hand or soapsuds for leakage. Repair  
it by welding or tighten the connecting nut up.  
Installation Precedure  
Outdoor Unit  
7. Pipe Vacuumizing  
Use vacuum pump to evacuate the air. Never use the refrigerant for the evacuation.  
Drain off the nitrogen gas after the leak test and then connect the vacuum pump as shown in the figure below.  
The vacuum pumping must be done from both the liquid and gas inlets.  
Low-pressure gauge High-pressure gauge  
Three-way valve fully closed  
(gas side)  
Gauge distributor  
6.4Copper pipe  
6.4Copper pipe  
Access hole  
Solder joint  
Vacuum pump  
Solder joint  
Access hole  
Indoor unit  
Outdoor unit  
Three-way valve fully closed  
liquid side  
Detailed diagram of the three-way valve  
(Gas side) access hole  
To the gauge distributor  
(Gas side) three-way valve  
(Liquid side)access hole  
To the unit  
(Liquid side)three-way valve  
Field tube  
Field tube  
installation installation  
Use a vacuum pump with high degree of vacuum(below-755mmHg) and large volume displacement (above 40L/min).  
The pumping time depends on the length of the connecting pipe. Generally, it takes about 2-3 hours. Make sure that the Y-shaped  
valves on both the gas and liquid sides are closed before pumping.  
If the vacuum can no reach-755mmHg within 2 hours, continue pumping for another 1 hour.  
If the vacuum can no reach-755mmHg after more than 2 hour's pumping, close the valves VL and VH on the gauge distributor  
and stop pumping. One hour later, check the vacuum again. If the vacuum has changed, it means there is a leakage. Repair it.  
After the above steps, replace the vacuum pump with the refrigerant pump and refill refrigerant.  
Installation Precedure  
Outdoor Unit  
8. Refrigerant charge  
After finished vacuum the system, change the vacuum to the refrigerant pump, charging the refrigerant.  
Calculation of the the refrigerant charge  
When the unit ships out of the factory, charge the refrigerant not including the construction procedure charged parts.  
The calculation of the refrigerant charging:  
When the connection pipe (L) <=5 meters, not need to add refrigerant ;  
When the connection pipe (L) >5 meters, we need recharge the 100g refrigerant per add 1 meter.  
That is, the quantity of refrigerant charging=(L-5)¡`100(g)  
Refill refrigerant  
When the outdoor valve is shut, fill the refrigerant from the access hole at the gas and liquid sides.  
If the required filling is impossible, open all the gas and liquid valves, then slightly shut the gas valve, run the compressor  
and fill the refrigerant from the access hole at the gas side. Now adjust the gas valve to control the refrigerant flow, which  
will be gasified during absorption by the system.  
If there is insufficient refrigerant in the system caused by leaks, refill it after the remaining refrigerant is recollected.  
Open all valves  
Open all the valves of the outdoor unit.  
Heat isolation of the pipes  
Separate isolation should be made for the liquid and gas pipes.  
Materials used for the pipe isolation at the gas side must withstand above 120 C temperature.  
Calculation of refrigerant density  
Calculation will be made according to the following methods:  
(1)Total refrigerant content of each system (kg) = content of 1 outdoor system + refilled refrigerant  
Content of 1 outdoor system: Factory filled refrigerant  
Refilled refrigerant: Filled content during installation according to the diameter and length of the liquid piping.  
(2)Calculation of the minimum room sapce (m3).  
(3)Calculation of refrigerant density  
Total refrigerant content  
Minimum room space  
Refrigerant density: 0.3(kg/m3)  
Preventive measures against excess of critical value  
(1) Make ventilation holes  
Ventilation holes should be built above and under the door. The area of each  
hole should not be smaller than 0.15% of the room space. Holes can be made  
directly in the wall.  
(2) Reduce the filling content of refrigerant  
Ventilation fan and gas leak alariming device  
By shortening the distance between the indoor and outdoor units, filling content  
of refrigerant can be reduced.  
By reducing the capacity of the outdoor unit.  
When outdoor unit be made up of several units, the outdoor capacity of each  
system should reduce. So the refrigerant content of system reduce.  
(3) Install ventilation fans.  
The gas leak alarming  
Users can install uninterrupted ventilation fans to keep the refrigerant density  
device should be  
under the critical value.  
installed at refrigerant  
gas stagnation areas  
If uninterrupted ventilation is impossible,a combined fanning and alarming  
device should be installed in its stead (through which immediate ventilation  
is possible when leak occurs). (See the figure Right)  
An example  
Installation Precedure  
Electrical Wiring  
Precautions for Electrical wiring  
Electrical wiring work should be conducted only by authorized personnel.  
Do not connect more than three wires to the terminal block. Always use round type crimped terminal lugs with insulated  
grip on the ends of the wires.  
Use copper conductor only.  
Selection of size of power supply and interconnecting wires.  
Select wire sizes and circuit protection from table below. (This table shows 20 m length wires with less than 2% voltage drop.)  
Power source  
wire size  
Circuit breaker  
Earth leakage breaker  
Switch Leak  
breaker(A) current(mA)  
Switch breaker  
Overcurrent protector  
rated capacity (A)  
Wiring connection  
Make wiring to supply power to the outdoor unit, so that the power for the indoor unit is supplied by terminals.  
Connecting cable and power cable are self-provided.  
Indoor unit  
terminal block  
Power supply  
380-400V, 3N~, 50Hz  
Outdoor unit  
terminal bolck  
L1 L2 L3 N  
Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Electric Co., Ltd.  
Address: Haier Garden, Qianwangang Road, Economic Development Zone,  
Qingdao, Shandong 266500, P.R.China  

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