HP Hewlett Packard Digital Camera ACC2 Aurora User Manual

Aurora camera control  
Version 2.1  
Last updated: 2/7/02  
Bjørn Lybekk, Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway  
TABLE OF CONTENT: .................................................................................................................................................3  
CHAPTER 1 PRECAUTIONS: ........................................................................................................................................4  
CHAPTER 2 STARTING THE CAMERA: ..........................................................................................................................5  
CHAPTER 3 STOPPING THE CAMERA: ..........................................................................................................................7  
CHAPTER 4 OVERVIEW OF THE ACC PROGRAM:...........................................................................................................8  
CHAPTER 5 THE ACC2 CONTROL FILES: ....................................................................................................................10  
CHAPTER 6 IMAGE FILE NAMES:...............................................................................................................................14  
CHAPTER 7 THE IMAGE FORMAT: .............................................................................................................................16  
CHAPTER 8 COPYING IMAGES TO A NETWORK DISK:.................................................................................................17  
CHAPTER 9 CONFIGURATION FILE:...........................................................................................................................19  
CHAPTER 10 SAVING DATA AT DAT STORAGE MEDIA:................................................................................................22  
CHAPTER 11 SAVING DATA AT PINNACLE APEX 2 X 2GB OPTICAL DISK: .....................................................................23  
CHAPTER 12 USING THE HP SURE STORE T4i STREAMER: ..........................................................................................24  
CHAPTER 13 AUTOMATIC UPDATE OF PC CLOCK:.......................................................................................................26  
CHAPTER 14 CAMERA SETUP:...................................................................................................................................28  
CHAPTER 15 FOCUSING:..........................................................................................................................................30  
CHAPTER 16 POSSIBLE ERRORS: ..............................................................................................................................32  
· The camera contains a light sensitive image intensifier and  
is easily damaged by to much light. It has to be operated in  
· When mounting / removing the camera the shorting plug must  
immediately be added to the backside of the camera, when the  
thick cable to the camera is removed.  
· The user should read the first 7 pages (i.e. until hardware  
overview) of the document : "All-Sky Imaging System for  
University of Oslo", Keo Consultants, 12/5/95.  
· The PC clock is automatically updated every 5 minutes by the  
Norwegian Polar Research Institutes Network Time Server. The  
Tardis95 program must be running in the background. The  
program starts automatically when Windows starts, and a icon  
is shown on the toolbar. The ACC2 program has also support  
for a GPS clock. If the Garmin GPS 12XL Receiver is used the  
date and time is received from this device. If not the date  
and time is captured from the PC clock. If either the Network  
Time Server or the GPS receiver is available, the PC clock  
must manually be corrected to UTC time every day.  
· The data is stored at x:\data\images directory. This  
directory must exist, (x: is d: at the Unis/UiO camera no 1.)  
Turn on the PC.  
(If the Garmin GPS 12 XL Receiver is used: Turn the receiver  
on, (the small red button with a drawing of a light bulb).) The  
Network Time Server is the preferred time source.  
Shut down all light in the camera hut.  
Remove the lens cover at the camera unit.  
Turn on the power on the backside of the camera, and on the  
camera control unit.  
On the PC, start the PMIS program. Verify the RS-232  
communication with the "User->COMOPEN 1" , (Press User in the  
menubar, and the parameter is 1) . If the camera does not  
answer with "HOME:1" restart the computer.  
Then when "User->COMOPEN 1" replies with "HOME:1" the  
communication with the camera is working.  
Close the communication with "User->COMCLOSE"  
Close the two windows: SI 512 camera and the one with 8x16 icon  
In the PMIS Window:  
Image -> NewImage  
A new black image window appears.  
Press the ACC2 icon. Now the ACC2 window appears.  
The UT time is shown in upper right corner of the ACC2 window.  
It should show UT and have the format:  
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss  
Mark: It is important that the time has exactly this format,  
not . or , instead of the - and : ‘s.  
If necessary (and the Garmin GPS 12XL receiver is not used)  
correct the time with the Windows95 Control Panel Date/Time.  
In the ACC window: Press OpenCom  
Then when the "HOME:1" shows up in the PMIS window  
press the Start button in the ACC2 window.  
Now if the run file, the timer file and the sequence file  
are correct, the camera should operate. If the current  
time is within a start and stop time in the sequence file, the  
sequence is executed.  
The default is to use dynamic scaling of the data. The operator  
can set the scaling to «fixed».  
In the Image_1 window:  
Display -> Scaling  
¤ Fixed  
Min/Max 0 1500  
(is useful settings.)  
This settings do not affect the data saved to disk. The  
datarange is 12 bit. The operator can move the cursor around in  
the image. In the lower left corner of the Image_1 window is  
X .#  
Y .#  
I .#  
I is the data value [0 - 4095].  
The name of the data files are diplayed in the Aurora Camera  
Control window:  
e.g. 06:50:50 File name: C:\data\images\981215\06\98121506.33G  
The extention 33 is a hex number (starts on 00 every hour) and  
G indicates that this image is taken with a green filter (R  
indicates red filter).  
In the ACC window.  
Press the Stop button and the Exit button.  
Press the upper right cross to terminate the PMIS program.  
Answer No to save the image and No to save the Program state .  
Turn off the power at the backside of the camera unit  
and the camera control unit.  
Put the lens cover on the camera unit.  
Shut off the Garmin GPS 12XL receiver by pressing the red  
button for about 3 seconds. (If wanted the Garmin GPS 12XL  
receiver can run all the time during the observation season.)  
(If necessary do the move the recorded image files to tape or  
optical diskette, see below).  
Shut down Windows 95 and turn off the PC power.  
RUN file  
ACC 2  
TIMER file  
Visual Basic 5  
PMIS ver.. 3.5  
I/O from  
PC board  
Garmin GPS  
CCD camera  
Figure 1: Overview of the camera computer system. The Garmin  
GPS receiver is optional. By the time, a Network Time Server is  
used instead of the GPS. The Time Server communicates via the  
The filter wheel, the intensifier and the shutter is  
controlled by the SMARTMTR program. The SMARTMTR  
program in use is called Norway.prg. The CCD camera is  
controlled by the PMIS program. The PMIS program also  
cover the RS-232 communication (thin cable) to the  
SMARTMTR program. This is done via the RS-232 COM1: port.  
When inspecting the camera system the operator should also  
watch the PMIS window.  
The ACC2 program is a Visual Basic 5 program. It communicate  
with the PMIS program. The task of the ACC2 program is  
to determine the times the camera should operate and what  
it should do when it operates.  
VisualBasic(ACC2)--> PMIS(macros)--> SMARTMTR(Norway.prg)  
The information from the ACC2 program is written in the  
upper text panel in the ACC2 window. Every line starts with the  
time when the message is written. The last line written in the  
ACC2 text panel is the top line.  
The highly unstable PC clock is corrected by the Garmin GPS  
12XL receiver. This is done via a RS-232 cable on the COM2:  
port. The messages from the part of the program handling the  
GPS interface is shown in the lower text panel in the ACC2  
window. The program checks every other minute if the PC clock  
should be corrected. The communication to the GPS receiver is  
handled by Visual Basic Communication control , MSComm .  
The communication between the ACC2 program and the PMIS program  
is handled with DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) protocol. The  
middle text panel in the ACC2 window is used as a DDE  
communication buffer.  
The control files for the ACC2 program is located at the  
C:\acc\seq directory. The ACC2 program uses 3 control files:  
The run file, the timer file and the sequence file.  
The operator should write these three files. The recommended  
editor is the Windows 95 notepad program. EDIT in DOS can also  
be used. The format of the control files has to be DOS ASCII.  
(MARK: Then do not use Word, Word Pad etc. ..)  
1) The run file:  
The run file is named RUN.ACC .  
The RUN.ACC file contains 1 executable line.  
Lines starting with # in first column are comment lines.  
When the first line in the RUN.ACC line has the content:  
RUN <filename>  
The <filename> is the full path of the timer file the camera  
should run.  
RUN c:\acc\seq\timer_2.fil  
2) The TIMER file:  
The current timer file is the filename after the RUN in run  
file. In the Example above the current timer file is named  
"timer_2.fil" in c:\acc\seq\ directory. It is recommended the  
operator uses DOS compatible file names when he creates new  
timer files.  
The timer file defines the intervals when the camera  
should run.  
The timer file has the format:  
start yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss stop yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss <filename>  
The <filename> is the full path of a sequence file.  
Note: The sequence file name can be different at  
different lines in the timer file.  
start 1997-11-12 06:36:30 stop 1997-11-12 22:38:00 c:\acc\seq\test_a.seq  
start 1997-11-13 06:36:30 stop 1997-11-13 22:38:00 c:\acc\seq\test_b.seq  
start 1997-11-14 06:36:30 stop 1997-11-14 22:38:00 c:\acc\seq\test_a.seq  
The line executed in the timer file is the line where  
the current time is within the listed interval.  
The operator writing a new timer file must follow this format  
exactly. The format of the sequence file name can be different,  
i.e. it can be at another hard-disk and in another directory.  
The current version of the ACC2 program can accept  
maximum 100 lines from the timer file.  
Note: In order for the ACC2 program to read the correct date  
and time format the Windows 95 date and time format must be set  
correctly. The date and time is every second printed in the  
right upper corner of the ACC2 window. This format has to be  
(If this ever has to be changed, it is changed by using the  
Regional Settings in the Windows 95 Control Panel):  
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss  
1997-11-15 10:17:24  
If the Garmin GPS 12XL receiver is not used, the date and time  
of the computer should be set to correct UT time. This is done  
in the Windows 95 control panel, Date/Time .  
3) The sequence file:  
The current sequence file is the filename at the end of the  
line executed in the current timer file. The sequence file  
determines the type of sequence executed. The '$' below are  
numerical characters ('0', '1', .. '9').  
Lines starting with # in first column are comment lines. The  
other lines in the sequence file, must be executable lines.  
When the ACC2 program execute a sequence the sequence length is  
60 seconds.  
The executable lines have the format:  
t$$ f$ e$$$ g$ s$ u$ c$  
b$$ f$ e$$$ g$ s$ u$ c$  
t$$ is the second in the minute when program is running in  
normal mode. b$$ is the second in the minute when program is  
running in burst mode. The default is normal mode, but the  
operator can change to burst mode by pressing the Burst option  
button in the ACC2 window.  
When ACC_USE_CONTROL_SEC is 1 in the configuration file :  
When composing the sequence file the operator must allow the  
program to read the run file and the timer file or the Garmin  
GPS 12XL receiver. This is done the ACC_CONTROL_SEC second  
specified in the configuration file. The ACC2 program needs  
about 2 seconds to perform these tasks.  
When ACC_USE_CONTROL_SEC is 2 in the configuration file:  
In this case the c$ is used (see below).  
f$ is the filter number  
$ = 1 for 630.0 nm  
$ = 2 for 557.7 nm  
$ = 3 for 427.8 nm  
e$$$ is the exposure time in milliseconds  
g$ is the intensifier gain (0, 1, 2 or 3)  
s$ is save image to hard disk (1 = yes, 0 = no)  
u$ is save image to external disk (1 = yes, 0 = no)  
c$ is read the run file and the timer file or the Garmin  
GPS 12XL receiver after the image is captured (1 = yes,  
0 = no)  
# sequence file: x1.seq  
# The camaera run either in normal or burst mode  
# t* is normal mode (* is seconds in the minute)  
# b* is burst mode (* is second in the minute)  
# f* is filter number (1: 630.0nm , 2: 557.7 nm, 3: 427.8 nm)  
# g* is intensifier gain (0,1,2 or 3)  
# e* is exposure time in ms  
# s* save to harddisk, 1: yes , 0: no  
# u* save to network disk, 1: yes , 0: no  
# c* is perform control check after this image , 1: yes, 0: no  
# normal mode sequence  
t0 f1 g3 e2000 s1 u1 c1  
t30 f2 g2 e1000 s1 u0 c0  
# burst mode sequence  
b0 f1 g3 e2000 s1 u1 c1  
b10 f2 g2 e1000 s1 u0 c0  
b20 f1 g3 e2000 s1 u0 c0  
b30 f2 g2 e1000 s1 u0 c0  
b40 f1 g3 e2000 s1 u0 c0  
b50 f2 g2 e1000 s1 u0 c0  
# end of file  
This example shows the camera should take two images pr. minute  
in normal mode and six images pr. minute in burst mode. The  
filters should be 630.0 nm (f1) and 557.7 nm (f2). The gain is  
set to 3 (maximum) for the 630.0 nm filter and 2 for the 557.7  
nm filter respectively (g$). The exposure times should be 2000  
and 1000 milliseconds (e$), and all images are stored at the  
harddisk (s1). At the start of the minute the image is also  
copied to network disk (u1). If the ACC_USE_CONTROL_SEC is 2 in  
the configuration file the program read the run file and the  
timer file or the Garmin GPS 12XL receiver. This is done after  
the first image is captured in each sequence (c1).  
Note: The ACC2 program assumes the interference filters  
are inserted in this sequence:  
filter no 1, 630.0 nm  
filter no 2, 557.7 nm  
filter no 3, 427.8 nm  
Note: Because when saving to network disk the ACC2 program  
copies the image file from harddisk to network disk the line  
. . . . . s0 u1  
in the sequence file will not work.  
The ACC2 program store the sequence selections in an array with  
one element for each second. The consequence of this is: The  
burst mode settings will overwrite the normal mode settings for  
the seconds. As an example you have created a sequence file  
as this example:  
# normal mode sequence  
#. . . .  
t30 f2 g2 e1000 s1 u0 c1  
#. . . .  
# burst mode sequence  
#. . . .  
b30 f1 g3 e2000 s1 u0 c1  
In this example the settings for burst mode at second 30 will  
overwrite the settings for normal mode for second 30. What then  
actually will execute at second 30 when the camera is running  
in normal mode is:  
t30 f1 g3 e2000 s1 u0 c1  
It is then recommended to have equal settings for burst and  
normal mode for the same second.  
The image ACC2 program stores images at directory:  
(Note: x: is d: for the Unis/UiO camera no 1.)  
Then after a backup the operator can remove all subdirectories  
at x:\data\images . (Or he can remove the images directory.  
Afterwards he the has to create the images directory again.)  
If the Windows95 "Recycle Bin" is used the files has to be  
emptied from the "Recycle Bin" afterwards. The DOS command  
DELTREE can be used, (e.g. in DOS deltree 971123 971124).  
The x:\data\images directory must exist.  
(x: is d: for the Unis/UiO camera no 1.)  
The ACC2 program automatically creates a subdirectory at  
x:\data\images for each day. The format of this directory name  
is 'yymmdd' . Then on this new directory it creates a new  
subdirectory for each hour. The format of this directory name  
is 'hh' . An example of this directory structure is:  
X: data -- images -- 971123 -- 05  
|- 06  
|- 21  
-- 971124 -- 05  
|- 06  
|- 07  
|- 08  
The ACC2 program can also create long file names  
(yymmddhhmmss.fs). However, the PMIS program which is  
responsible for acquiring the data from the camera and storing  
the images with the (from ACC2) selected file names can only  
accept DOS compatible file names. Then we have to select the  
short file name option in the configuration  
The (short) file names has the format :  
'yymmddhh' denotes the date and time.  
'%%' is a hexadecimal counter for this filter code.  
00 <= '%%' <= FF , i.e the counter can count 255  
The filter code '&' is:  
"r" for the filter no 1, 630.0 nm  
"g" for the filter no 2, 577.7 nm  
"b" for the filter no 3, 427.8 nm  
The explanation of this is. The ACC2 program creates a  
new directory for each hour. Each image is stored in  
one file. Normally "r" is the filter code for the 630.0 nm  
filter no 1. However, if more than 256 (00 to FF Hex) images  
for filter no 1 are stored at each directory, the code for  
filter no 1 switches to "s". If more than 512 images are stored  
for filter no 1 in this hour, the code switches to "t", etc. .  
As an example the images stored at data\images\971124\14  
directory is:  
Windows explorer can be used to show the on line occurrence of  
new data files at current directory.  
When the ACC2 program is stopped and then started again the  
image counter (%%) automatically continue after the last image  
file written to harddisk. No image files are overwritten. This  
information is stored in the rcount.dat, gcount.dat and  
bcount.dat files in each directory.  
The image format is the PMIS version 3.5 image format. It is  
described in the PMIS User's manual, Version 3.5 at page 243.  
It contains an header and then a 513x512x16 bits image. The  
ACC2 program uses the 100 character image header comment part  
for storing information about the camera system.  
The camera delivers 12 bit data, but the PMIS software stores  
16 bit data.  
An example of the start of such a comment is:  
Upper case letters "A" - "Z" are used as identifiers.  
"D" denotes date,  
"W" denotes Wavelength,  
"F" denotes filter number  
example: D1997-11-24_17:11:30  
.... : W557.7nm  
.... : F2  
"G" denotes intensifier gain .... : G0  
"E" denotes exposure time (ms).... : E230  
The rest of the comment parameters are read directly  
from the configuration file c:\acc\config\config.acc  
"X" IMAGE_X1  
"Y" IMAGE_Y1  
The ACC2 program can save the image on a network disk. Here it  
can be read by «another program» which can process and display  
the on-line image data at e.g. the World Wide Web. The «another  
program» is not a part of the ACC2 program and can not be run  
on the camera PC. (The Geomapper program written by Dagfinn  
Opsvik can be used as the «another program».)  
The settings in the configuration file (see below) must then  
ACC_NET_IMAGE_DIR y:\directory1\directory2 ..  
The y:\directory1\directory2.. must be a network disk mounted  
as y: on the camera PC. Y: can be any character. (As an example  
in Oslo the ACC_NET_IMAGE_DIR g:\tmp\pmis\images was used).  
The network disk can also be the main harddisk C:, e.g. C:\tmp  
The line in the sequence file is .. s1 u1 .. when the images  
should be stored at a network disk.  
In the ACC_NET_IMAGE_DIR directory the sub directories 427.8nm  
, 557.7nm and 630.0nm must exit. (The ACC2 program will not  
create any directories at the network disk.) The ACC2 program  
will then save the images «from» the respective filters on  
these sub directories.  
On the network disk the image names are:  
The pmis.0 is the first image saved. When the pmis.9 is saved  
the next image is pmis.0, pmis.1,, … in an endless cycle.  
It is the «another program» responsibility not to read the  
image at the network disk before the ACC2 program has finished  
saving it. The possible solution is then to check the file size  
which is 525492 bytes for each image.  
When ACC_NET_IMAGE_DUMMY is 1 in the configuration file a small  
file dummy.dat is copied to the network disk after the pmis  
image is copied. This file can be used to synchronise the  
reading. The dummy.dat file can be deleted by the «another  
The ACC2 program copies the image from the harddisk to the  
network disk. In this case the s0 u1 line in the sequence file  
will not work.  
The configuration file is named c:\acc\config\config.acc .  
This file must exist. The file contains comments which explains  
the file. When the user knows the setup of the camera he can  
fill inn the correct parameters in this file. Because the upper  
case characters "A" - "Z" are used as comment identifier, these  
characters should not be used.  
Here is an example of a configuration file:  
##### #  
##### #  
### ###  
# #  
# #  
# #  
# #  
# #  
# #  
##### #  
## #  
#### ## #  
# ####  
# config.acc  
# This file must be at c:\acc\config directory.  
# This file is read when the ACC2 program is starting.  
# This file contains the ACC2 configurations  
# Lines starting with # are omitted (i.e. these lines are comment lines).  
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
# ---------- THIS IS FOR THE CAMERA OPERATION ---------------------------  
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
# This information is for the CameraConfigStruct . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
# Location of RUN.ACC file : ACC_RUNDIR  
# The RUN.ACC file determines if the camera is run or not.  
ACC_RUNDIR c:\acc\seq  
# Location of the sequence directory : ACC_SEQDIR  
ACC_SEQDIR c:\acc\seq  
# Location of the smartmtr macros: ACC_MACROS  
# On Unis/UiO camera 1 :  
# pmis  
|__ macros  
|__ Smartmtr  
|__ Test  
# ACC_MACROS c:\pmis\macros\Smartmtr  
# On Unis/UiO camera 2 :  
# pmis  
|__ images  
|__ Macros  
|__ Norway  
ACC_MACROS c:\pmis\Macros\Norway  
# Location of the image storage media top directory: ACC_STORAGE_MEDIA_DIR  
# (when s1 is set in sequence files)  
# MARK: This directory must exist  
# The images are stored in this directory tree.  
ACC_STORAGE_MEDIA_DIR c:\data\images  
# Type image file name created: ACC_LONG_IMAGENAME  
# When LONG_IMAGENAME is 1 the long version of the file names are used  
# When LONG_IMAGENAME is 0 the short version of the file names are used  
# MARK: The version 3.5 of the PMIS software only acceps DOS  
compatible file names (8 + '.' + 3 characters).  
Therefore the ACC_LONG_IMAGENAME has to be 0  
# Location of the directory on network disk where images are stored  
# (when u1 is set in sequence files)  
# In order for the images to be stored at network disk the  
# operator must set 1 after ACC_NET_IMAGE_ALLOW  
# In order to inhibit the storage of images at the network disk the  
# operator must set 0 after ACC_NET_IMAGE_ALLOW  
# When this option is used:  
# In the ACC_NET_IMAGE_DIR directory the  
# sub directories 427.8nm , 557.7nm and 630.0nm must exist.  
# When the ACC_NET_IMAGE_DUMMY is 1 the dummy file dummy.dat is  
# copied to the network image directory after the image  
# is copied to this location.  
#ACC_NET_IMAGE_DIR g:\tmp\pmis\images  
ACC_NET_IMAGE_DIR c:\tmp\images  
# Location of the INFO.ACC file . The INFO.ACC file contains the  
# same information as the text written in the information window  
# in ACC. This file is created only if ACC_NET_INFO_ALLOW is 1  
ACC_NET_INFO_DIR g:\tmp\acc\info  
# The ACC2 program needs to check if the time intervals  
# set in the TIMER files are reached.  
# It also needs to check the GPS if the PC clock is to be changed  
# Which second in the minute the RUN and TIMER files are checked  
# is the ACC_CONTROL_SEC .  
# ACC_USE_CONTROL_SEC = 1 use the ACC_CONTROL_SEC second in minute  
# ACC_USE_CONTROL_SEC = 2 use the c# in sequence file, i.e. control after  
an image capture  
# If the GPS receiver should be used or not : ACC_USE_GPS  
# 0 : no do not use the receiver  
# 1 : yes use the receiver, program stops if receiver is not on  
# 2 : yes use the receiver, program continue if receiver is not responding  
# Usually the computer access the GPS via the COM2: port  
# This might be named with another port number.  
# For the Unis/UiO camera no 1 COM4: is used, (ACC_GPS_PORT 4).  
# For the Unis/UiO camera no 2 COM2: is used, (ACC_GPS_PORT 2).  
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
# ---------- THIS IS FOR THE IMAGE COMMENTS ------------------------------  
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
# This information is for the StationInfoStruct . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
# Camera number:  
# Unis/UiO camera no 1 (i.e. Longyearbyen) : 1  
# Unis/UiO camera no 2 (i.e. Ny Aalesund) : 2  
# station name ("lyr", "nya", "dmh") , lower case in image comments  
# the length of the station name has to be 3 characters  
# The station letter is one letter which will be added  
# at the end of the file names (when long file names are used)  
# station geographic latitude, geographic longitude and altitude  
# in meters above sea level  
# This information is for the CameraSetupStruct . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
# rows and columns in image  
# zenith location in image (origo is left lower corner)  
IMAGE_X1 256  
IMAGE_Y1 256  
# horizontal radius of the image ellipse  
IMAGE_A 300  
# vertical radius of the image ellipse  
IMAGE_B 300  
# angle in degrees from image y-axis to geographic north  
# (positive is counter clockwise)  
# end of file  
This is for the Unis/UiO camera no 1 (Longyearbyen).  
When saving data at the DAT tape the Adaptec Backup,  
abackup, program is used.  
Using the abackup program:  
1. Backup , Data_disk_d (D:)  
2. mark D: data, a 'v' tag appears, (Use «right mouse button» and Tag)  
3. NextStep>  
4. Mark the device HP 35480A  
This backup last for approximate 1 hour / GB .  
This is for the Unis/UiO camera no 1 (Longyearbyen).  
The Pinnacle Apex drive capacity is 2 GB on side A and  
2 GB on side B of the optical diskette.  
At the Micron computer the logical drive is F:  
(Removable disk (F:)).  
The files on this drive is directly accessible from Win95 and  
Fist time a new optical diskette is used ,it has to  
be formatted on both sides A and B. (It is done  
in approximate 5 minutes.) The formatting is explained  
in the EZ-SCSI 4.0L , Software User Manual, page 43-51.  
Put the new diskette in the CD-ROM. (First with A: towards  
right.) Go to Ms-DOS and type:  
1.Press enter when :  
2.HA #1 - Target 2 Pinnacle Apex 4.6 GB is printed  
3.Use Extended Bios Translation, Yes  
4.Standard Hard Disk Format  
5.The start and end cylinders should be as recommended  
(0 and 250).  
After formatting the procedure should be repeated with page B:  
of the Optical Diskette.  
The files could be copied or moved directly from the D: disk to  
the F: disk. (The Windows Explorer is a very  
powerful utility to do this with.)  
This is for the Unis/UiO camera no 2 (Ny Ålesund).  
The user should read Chapter 4 in the documentation for the  
streamer (Hewlett Packard, HP SureStore T4, T4i/e , User’s  
Guide, Caring for Your Tape Drive).  
The Colorado Backup program is used for storing images at the  
HP SureStore T4i tape drive. Press the Colorado Backup icon,  
(or start it using the Start pop up menu).  
The new tapes needs to be formatted before used. (Format will  
erase all data on already used tapes). In the Colorado Backup  
Tools->Format Tape ,… .  
The actual formatting of the tapes only last for about 10  
In the Colorado Backup window press on the (C: ) in the left  
panel. Then all directories on the harddisk C: is expanded in  
the right panel in a similar fashion as in the Microsoft  
Windows Explorer. Press on each directory to be backed up. The  
selected directories will then be marked with the n sign.  
The ACC2 program stores images at data\images directory. Then  
in our case the data directory needs to be backed up. (Mark:  
This can be changed in the configuration file,  
ACC_STORAGE_MEDIA_DIR). When the user has selected the  
directories for backup press the Next >> button.  
Then select the backup drive, HP T4000s .  
Next select a name for the backup.  
Use n Verify backup and  
n Use data compression .  
At last press Finish >> .  
The writing to tape and the verify processes uses about ½ hour  
pr. GB.  
Do not pull out the tape when the computer writes (or reads)  
data to it.  
After the backup is finished pull it straight out of the drive.  
Move the red protect tab into the locked (read only) position.  
Use the labels which is inside the tape plastic cover. Store  
the tape in the plastic cover. See in the user manual page 4-6  
for further information. (If the tapes or the tape drive has  
been exposed to low temperature, let it warm up slowly for  
several hours before using it.)  
Note: The use of GPS time is optional. The preferred time  
source is the Tardis95 program which updates the PC clock via  
the LAN to a Network Time Server.  
Network Time Server  
The Tardis95 program starts automatically when the computer  
boots. A small blue icon shall be visible right besides the PC  
clock in the down-right corner of the monitor. To change the  
settings, just click on the icon. The settings should be as  
shown in the figure. The IP address to NPF time server is  
currently as shown in the figure. The program  
communicates via the computers network connection.  
The setup of the Garmin GPS 12XL receiver is shown in Figure 2.  
The Garmin GPS 12XL receiver must be mounted with open view to  
at least » ½ of the sky. Then it will «see» several of the GPS  
satellites in polar orbit.  
The mounting bracket can be unscrewed and remounted in several  
positions. The data cable from the Garmin GPS 12XL is connected  
to the connector box. This connector box is having an input  
connector for 12VC (from the AC to DC converter). It also has a  
RS-232 connection. This is connected to the PC COM2: port. Only  
the TxD, RxD and GND connector is used in the PC.  
When the Garmin GPS 12XL is operating on battery power or do  
not find any satellites it automatically shut down after 15  
The mscommtry, (c:\acc\testprog\mscommtry.exe), can be used to  
test the GPS connection. This is started with the TestGPS icon.  
When this program is used simultaneously as the ACC2 program a  
conflict on using the COM2: port will appear.  
data connector  
on PC  
(gnd is center  
This chapter gives an overview of the camera setup.  
GPS 12XL  
180 ° fish-eye lens  
Front lens:  
and f4  
Front safety  
Filter wheel  
Connector box  
to COM2:  
AC to DC  
Middle lens: f 0.95 and 19 m (at blacks)  
220 VAC  
Smartmtr ctrl, RS-232, to COM1:  
Data cable  
Bottom lens: f1.2 and 7m (at black · )  
D camera  
Data cable  
CC200 Camera  
Controller Unit  
110 VAC  
Figure 2: This figure is showing the Unis/UiO camera system. The focus settings for the middle and lower lens (19m amd  
7m) are for the Unis/UiO camera no 2 during the 97/98 winter season.  
Read the first 7 pages in the document All-Sky Imaging System  
for University of Oslo, KEO Consultants, 12/5/95.  
The camera is installed as shown in Figure 2. Three cables are  
connected from the PC to the camera system.  
· Optional! One cable from the PC COM2: to the GPS Connector  
· One cable from the PC COM1: to the Smartmtr control on the  
Camera U-channel.  
· One cable from the AT200 camera controller PC board to the  
Photometrics CC200 Camera controller unit. Mark: Do not  
connect this to the PC Centronix port. (The PC Centronix port  
has a similar connector as the AT200 board.)  
At least two persons are needed to mount the camera. Remove the  
fish-eye lens before mounting the camera. (Put on the lens cap  
both on the camera top and both sides of the fish-eye lens).  
After mounting the camera adjust it to be exactly vertically.  
Put the fish-eye lens back on. It should have maximum opening  
f4 and µ . Connect the front shutter cable to the front  
shutter , (see Fig. 2). The other cable is connected to a  
safety light detector and should be mounted at a proper place.  
Connect the 1.5m data cable from the Photometrics CC200 Camera  
Controller Unit to the Photometrics CCD camera. This has to be  
done in this sequence:  
1. Connect the cable to the Photometrics CC200 camera  
Controller Unit. It is marked which side of the cable you  
should use and what connetor on the Controller Unit to be  
2. Remove the blue shorting plug on the backside of the camera,  
and connect the cable immediately to the camera. (The camera  
should always either have the terminator on, or be connected  
to the Controller Unit).  
Both the CC200 controller Unit and the camera should be  
connected to 110 VAC power.  
Optional! The Garmin GPS receiver is connected as shown in  
Figure 2. The 12V AC to DC adapter should be connected to 220  
VAC power.  
The PC used is a standard PC running Microsoft Windows 95. The  
hardware key for the PMIS program is connected to the centronix  
port. The PC can be connected to the ethernet, but that is not  
required for the camera operation.  
One of the drawbacks of a digital camera with no analog output  
is the difficulty to focus it. The Unis/UiO cameras consist  
of three adjustable lenses for focusing.  
1) Front fisheye lens:  
This should use the UV filter setting in the lens filter  
setting. (MARK: This is not the interference filter wheel,  
630.0nm, … .) This UV filter is marked with white characters.  
The other filters are marked with yellow or red characters.  
The lens settings in the front fisheye lens should be set fully  
open (f-stop to f4) and focused to ¥ .  
2) The middle lens:  
This is the filter re-imaging optics, CANON camera lens in  
front of the image intensifier.  
As with the other lenses it should be set fully open (f-stop ,  
f0.95). The focus of this lens has to be adjusted.  
3) The bottom lens:  
This is the intensifier re-imaging optics. This is the NIKON  
camera lens in front of the CC200 camera head.  
As with the other lenses it should be set fully open (f-stop,  
f1.2). The focus of this lens has to be adjusted.  
… … … … … … ...  
Only the PMIS program is used when focusing the camera.  
The user knows from the experience with the sequence files  
the best settings for the image intensifier gain and exposure  
time for the various filters (and for the open filter). When  
focusing towards stars (or planets) the filter settings with  
open filter should be used, then a shorter exposure time must  
be selected.  
One person should watch and control the computer while the  
other person turn the lenses in the camera hut.  
The focusing can be done as:  
Be careful now, no lights in the camera hut. The intensifier  
is now continuously exposed to light and could easily be  
Then in the Image_1 window:  
Now the camera continuously catches images. The Image_1 window  
is acting like a video camera screen. It is now easiest to see  
the instantaneously effect of focusing each lens. Perhaps it  
is easiest to start with the bottom lens and then afterwards  
the adjust the middle lens.  
The continuously exposure is stopped with the <ESC> button or  
the right mouse button.  
Then remember to shut down the camera again with:  
1) If the ACC2 program do not understand your new  
timer or sequence file the reason can be that it is not a real  
ASCII file. Rewrite the sequence file with EDIT in DOS.  
Then try once more.  
2) If the image processing capabilities of the PMIS program is  
used when the ACC2 program is running, the communication  
between ACC2 and PMIS can be lost (timed out). This message  
window will appear:  
Microsoft Visual Basic  
Run time error '286'  
Timeout while waiting for DDE response  
Then the user has to stop the ACC2 program, (Stop and Exit).  
Then he can start it again. The ACC2 program remember the last  
image number stored to harddisk and will continue storing the  
images with image number after this. No files are overwritten.  
3) If the ACC2 program "runs off" the end of the timer file  
the program will stop. It is then wise to have a sequence in  
December 1999 as the last sequence. (The ACC2 program have  
not been checked for the «year 2000 problem».)  
4) After changing the timer file or the sequence file, the ACC2  
program should be restarted  
5) If the Garmin GPS 12XL receiver is running on battery power,  
or lost track of all GPS satellites for a period of 10  
minutes, it shuts itself off. It has to be restarted  
manually. (The first data after a manual start is not the  
time sequence and is ignored by the ACC2 program.)  
6) If you in the sequence file have selected different settings  
for normal mode and burst mode for the same second, the  
normal mode selection for this second is overwritten by the  
burst mode selection.  
7) The PMIS software requires the Screen is set to 256 colours.  
This is set in the Windows 95 Control Panel, Screen. This  
must be set to 256 colours even if you have a great display  
adapter with a lots of memory. This implies the computer  
can not display a lot of colours at the same time. Then in  
order to display the image the Image_1 window must be in  
focus. The user must click the left mouse button when the  
mouse cursor is in the Image_1 window in order to make the  
window in focus. Then the upper border of the Image_1 window  
is blue (not grey). (Hopefully the user has not changed the  
standard Windows 95 windows colours).  
8) If the connection between the PMIS program and the AT200  
Interface board is lost the error when starting the PMIS  
program will appear: ‘Can not find the AT200 camera  
controller’. The first step is then to power down the  
computer, wait for about 30 seconds and then start the  
computer again. The PMIS program is then likely to find the  
AT200 Interface board.  
If the problem still exists the reset button on the AT200  
camera controller might have to be pushed when the starting  
the computer. This reset button is located on the top of the  
interface board, (the computer must be opened to be able to  
press the reset button), see AT200 CCD Camera System,  
Hardware reference manual and the appropriate World Wide Web  
pages from Photometrics and GKR Computer Consulting.  
9)If the HP SureStore tape bacup drive is not responding and  
gives the following error message:  
1.Shutdown and restart computer  
2.Run ScanDisk and Defrag  
3.Close other applications  
4.Try a different tape  
5.Uninstall Colorado Backup, and reinstall  
then the most likely reason is that there is a bad electrical  
connection to the backup drive. Open the computer, deconnect  
and reconnect the power connector to the tapedrive, and do the  
same with the SCSI connector (both ends).  
Please take any precaution to prevent Electro Static Discharge,  
ESD. The air on Svalbard is very dry, so the risk of ESD when  
working inside the computer is considerable. THIS CAN DAMAGE  
THE WHOLE COMPUTER! (Espen 99/01/15)  

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